
Wilkes East Neighborhood, 2021 Fall Meeting: Mon Nov 08, 2021 7PM-8:30PM

11/08/2021 - 7:00pm
11/08/2021 - 8:30pm
Wilkes East Neighborhood 2021 Fall Meeting: Mon Nov 08, 2021 7PM-8:30PM. Everyone's invited! Join your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference! Online meeting via Zoom. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting.

Fall Meeting Notice

When: Mon Nov 08, 2021 7PM-8:30PM
Where: Online meeting via Zoom

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Meeting ID: 864 2480 4501
Passcode: 061657

Neighborhood Meeting, Everyone's Invited

Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!

Save the date
Be sure to save Monday Nov 8th at 7PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood 2021 Fall Meeting.


  • Kevin Dahlgren, City of Gresham, Homeless Services
  • Mary Ann "Miki" Herman, New CEO of Ablertina Kerr
  • Election of Officers
  • Q & A
  • Neighborhood news and more

Seeking Board Members.   Are you motivated, passionate, creative?
Did you know you can become a Member-at-Large at any time? Being a Board Member is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor, whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required. Nominate yourself. Info here! or contact any board member. Get involved! Make a difference!

Who should attend?
Participation is open to all residents who live, own property or a business, organization, church or government agency within our boundaries

Be Part Of Your Community. Plan To Attend.

The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get map!.

Wilkes East Neighborhood Meeting Signs. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. The signs were purchased with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and with volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. Signs Now NW also made a generous contribution to this project.

Mark your calendar. See you there!

Questions or comments?
Contact Wilkes East Neighborhood by email at, or by postal mail to: Wilkes East Neighborhood, 17104 NE Oregon St, Portland Oregon 97230

It’s going to be a scorcher! Potentially historic heatwave ahead for Jun 25-28, 2021

A weather update from WENA's in-house meteorologist, Garret Hartung: It’s going to be a scorcher this weekend, potentially historic heatwave ahead for June 25-28. Info here!

A weather update from WENA's in-house meteorologist, Garret Hartung:

As you might have heard by now, or seen on your favorite weather app/source, it’s gonna get hot this weekend. For the past several days, forecast models have been painting a dire picture for the PNW. An anomalously strong ridge of high pressure is looking to park itself over the Pacific Northwest over the weekend, paving the way for temperatures to meet or exceed records for the month of June, and potentially making a run at the hottest temperatures ever recorded in our region. For reference the highest temperature recorded in June for Portland is 102F, with the all time high temperature record being 107F. After Monday, temperatures look to calm down a bit and get back into the lower 90’s, but it will remain very dry.

So how hot will it actually get?
NWS Portland (at the time I’m writing this) is going with high temperatures at PDX of 104 for Saturday, 108 for Sunday, and 103 for Monday. Temperatures at night will be warm as well providing little relief, with some places failing to dip below 75. To me, these seem like good values to make your plans off of. However there is the a fair amount of potential for it to be even hotter. Should things line up perfectly (thermal trough parked in perfect place, offshore/downslope flow, no high clouds or smoke) there is the potential for Portland to exceed 108 and possibly even 110!

“Ok it’s gonna get hot like it usually does in the summer, why should I care?”
While tornadoes, hurricanes, and other violent forms of weather often take the top news headlines, a relatively silent killed lurks under blue skies and sunshine. According to the CDC over 650 people each year die from exposure to extreme heat and the medical complications that come with it.

Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It could save a live
Click to enlarge

Here in the PNW, many are not blessed with air conditioning. This weekend will be brutal to outright dangerous for those without it. Even potentially deadly to our more vulnerable populations. On top of that, this event is happening right before the 4th of July holiday, with dry conditions persisting throughout the week leading up to it. This is setting the stage for downright scary fire conditions. There is also some concern regarding lightning in the coming week in our higher terrain. Bottom line is that this heatwave can be deadly in itself, and will likely lead to prime conditions for fires.

Some recommendations:

  • Check on friends, neighbors, family, especially those who don’t have AC and/or are particularly vulnerable to excessive heat
  • Do not leave pets, children, or really anything you really care about in your car. Temperatures inside can reach deadly levels within minutes in this kind of heat.
  • Avoid staying outside for long periods of time. If you have to, bring a lot of water and use shade frequently. Wear loose fitting lightly colored clothes.
  • Stay hydrated, drink lots of water and not too many sugary, caffeinated, and/or alcoholic beverages.
  • Even if you have AC, have a backup plan in case of power outages.
  • Know the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. It can save someone's life. See for more information.
  • Reconsider stocking up on fireworks for 4th of July. I personally don’t think it’s worth the fire risk, even in the city. The fire danger could get to the point where counties ban them due to the risk of fire.
  • If you live in a fire zone, have a plan if a fire breaks out near by.
  • Be kind to each other. Heat like this is stressful and a lot of people will be struggling to get some sleep during this period.

Stay safe and stay smart my friends!

Pollinators for Your Yard: Tue, May 11, 2021 6PM-7:30PM

05/11/2021 - 6:00pm
05/11/2021 - 7:30pm
Pollinators for Your Yard: Tue, May 11, 2021 6PM-7:30PM. Free Hands-On Event. Info here!

Free Hands-On Event

When: Tue, May 11, 2021 6PM-7:30PM
Where: Gresham Japanese Garden
Main City Park
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Join members of the Friends of the Gresham Japanese Garden for a free class in the greenhouse. Learn about native host plants for butterflies and how to create a pollinator yard.

Register for Pollinators for Your Yard

All classes and workshops follow COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines. Masks are required.

Learn more about the Gresham Japanese Garden or email

Free Workshop! Urban Weeds: Sun, May 16, 2021 1PM-3:30PM

05/16/2021 - 1:00pm
05/16/2021 - 3:30pm
Free Workshop! Urban Weeds: Sun, May 16, 2021 1PM-3:30PM. Seeking Volunteers. Info here!

Seeking Volunteers

When: Sun, May 16, 2021 1PM-3:30PM
Where: Online workshop<

Learn how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat from the safety and comfort of home.

In this workshop, get to know the most common garden and landscape weeds, plus some notorious plant invaders in our area. We'll teach you some simple tips to try without turning to synthetic herbicides.

Learn more and register.

These free online classes are offered by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. For more information, contact the EMSWCD office at 503-222-7645.

Free Workshop! Naturescaping Basics: Sat, May 15, 2021 9AM-1PM

05/15/2021 - 9:00am
05/15/2021 - 1:00pm
Free Workshop! Naturescaping Basics: Sat, May 15, 2021 9AM-1PM. Saving Our Streams. Info here!

Saving Our Streams

When: Sat, May 15, 2021 9AM-1PM
Where: Online workshop

Learn how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat from the safety and comfort of home.

In this workshop, get to know the practice of designing your landscape so it reduces water use and decreases stormwater runoff . while saving you time, money and energy.

Learn more and register.

These free online classes are offered by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. For more information, contact the EMSWCD office at 503-222-7645.

Free, Family-friendly! Portland Columbia Symphony Summer Concert: Sat, May 22, 2021 2PM

05/22/2021 - 2:00pm
05/22/2021 - 3:00pm
Free, Family-friendly! Portland Columbia Symphony Summer Concert: Sat, May 22, 2021 2PM. Live, Outdoors. Info here!

Family-friendly Fun!

When: Sat, May 22, 2021 2PM-
Where: Rockwood's Migration Brewing
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Portland Columbia Symphony is bringing its popular family concerts to Rockwood at Migration Brewing.

Experience the arts with live music outside in a casual, family-friendly atmosphere

The tickets are free, but will be required. Come enjoy live music in person at one of three all-ages summer concerts:

  • Saturday, May 22
  • Saturday, June 12
  • Saturday, July 10

Learn more at Portland Columbia Symphony. Contact the box office at 503-234-4077 or

This program is sponsored by the City's Arts and Cultural Grants.

Free Workshop! Creating an Edible Landscape: Sat, May 22, 2021 9AM-11:30AM

05/22/2021 - 9:00am
05/22/2021 - 11:30am
Free Workshop! Creating an Edible Landscape: Sat, May 22, 2021 9AM-11:30AM. Beautiful & Delicious. Info here!

Beautiful & Delicious

When: Sat, May 22, 2021 9AM-11:30AM
Where: Online workshop
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Learn how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat from the safety and comfort of home.

In this workshop, get the insight and tools to add edible plants into your landscape, from annual veggies and herbs to perennial berries and fruit trees. With design tips, soil and water conservation in mind.

Learn more and register.

These free online classes are offered by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. For more information, contact the EMSWCD office at 503-222-7645.

Free Workshop! Beneficial Insects: Wed, May 26, 2021 9AM-11:30AM

05/26/2021 - 9:00pm
Free Workshop! Beneficial Insects: Wed, May 26, 2021 9AM-11:30 am. Learn, Share, Grow. Info here!

Learn, Share, Grow

When: Wed, May 26, 2021 9AM-11:30 am
Where: Online workshop

Learn how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat from the safety and comfort of home.

In this workshop, meet the beetles, bugs, flies, lacewings and other invertebrates (spiders!) that work around the clock to provide free pest control, aka the good guys.

Learn more and register.

These free online classes are offered by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. For more information, contact the EMSWCD office at 503-222-7645.

Creating an Edible Landscape: Sun, Apr 04, 2021 1PM-3:30PM

04/04/2021 - 1:00pm
04/04/2021 - 3:30pm
Creating an Edible Landscape: Sun, Apr 04, 2021 1PM-3:30PM. Online workshop. Info here!

Let's Grow Together!

When: Sun, Apr 04, 2021 1PM-3:30PM
Where: Online workshop

Learn how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat from the safety and comfort of home.

In this workshop, get advice for how to include edible plants in your landscape, from annual veggies and herbs to berries and fruit trees.

Learn more and register

These free online classes are offered by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.

For more information, contact the EMSWCD office at 503-222-7645.

First Monday Music & More: Mon, Apr 05, 2021 7PM-8PM

04/05/2021 - 7:00pm
04/05/2021 - 8:00pm
First Monday Music& More: Mon, Apr 05, 2021 7PM-8PM. Online Event. Info here!

Join the Fun!

When: Mon, Apr 05, 2021 7PM-8PM
Where: Online Virtual Event

Get ready for Cello Jam with the Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra.

First Monday Music and More virtual concerts are free and feature local artists and performances. Learn more about Cello Jam and watch it live on Facebook or MetroEast Community Media channels.

Music Mondays is presented by the Gresham Center for the Arts Foundation and community sponsors. For more information, call 503-489-1157.

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