Resident Info

Click here to learn about the history of the Christmas tree and how it became a holiday tradition

Wilkes East neighborhood residents info

Wilkes East Neighborhood residents info

Wilkes East Neighborhood boundaries

Wilkes East neighborhood boundaries and statistics

Neighborhood Boundaries

The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the Northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham Oregon's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood's borders are roughly NE Sandy Boulevard to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan Street to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get Map!

Regional Equity Atlas; Wilkes East statistics

The Equity Atlas is an attempt to stimulate discussion regarding the distribution of elements seen as critical to the livability of a neighborhood. These include such things as income, single-family home price, poverty, education/teacher quality, access to usable transit, access to grocery, and more.

Click here to view the Regional Equity Atlas; Wilkes East statistics

TriMet MAX Blue Line schedules and information
Click for MAX Blue Line info

Getting Around.
Transportation solutions

Wilkes East Neighborhood is conveniently located just a few blocks north of the TriMet MAX Light Rail Blue Line. Stations are located on East Burnside Street at NE 162nd Ave, NE 172nd Ave, and NE 181st Ave. Trains arrive at least every 15 minutes going East to Gresham and West to Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro, with connections to Portland International Airport, and the Expo Center. Check TriMet's MAX schedule here for time.

To plan your trip, use this handy TriMet Trip Planner

Multnomah County Public Libraries; Rockwood Library
Click for Rockwood Library info

Public libraries in our region

The closest library is the Rockword Library located at 17917 SE Stark Street (503) 988-5396. The main branch of the Multnomah County Library is in downtown Portland at 801 SW 10th Ave (503) 988-5123, just a MAX light rail train ride away.

Parks & recreation in the Wilkes East Neighborhhood

Parks & Recreation in the
Wilkes East neighborhood

Wilkes East is home to two beautiful nature parks, and a historic turn-of-the-century farm.

Parks include Columbia View Park (undeveloped, 7.48 acres) located at 1050 NE 169th Ave and NE Hassalo St; and the The Nadaka Loop Trail inside the 10 acre Nadaka Nature Park located at NE 176th Ave and NE Pacific St. Both parks are open daily, dawn to dusk.

The Zimmerman Heritage Farm located at 17111 NE Sandy Blvd is a lasting vestige of East Multnomah County's agricultural roots. The park is open the third Saturday each month from 10AM-3PM, holidays and special occasions. Check ther website calendar for upcoming events.

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Useful links for Wilkes East Neighborhhood residents

Useful links for neighborhhood residents

Click here for Links to local Newspapers, Public Services, Schools, Transportation, and Utilities.