Seeking motivated, passionate, creative individuals to join our Board

Click here to learn about the history of the Christmas tree and how it became a holiday tradition

Join our Board. Together WE can make a difference! Info here. Wilkes East Neighborhood Association, Gresham OR Join our Board. Together WE can make a difference! Info here. Wilkes East Neighborhood Association, Gresham OR

Share your point of view and help shape our neighborhood

Join the Board
Being a Member-at-Large is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor, whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required.

New member will serve with a dynamic, enthusiastic, committed group of other volunteers who work hard on behalf of this neighborhood.

Annual Election of Officers
Elections are held during the November General Meeting.
All positions are up for election. No experience required.
Nominate yourself! Help shape our neighborhood. Become a board member!

We ask Board members to commit to about 5 hours a month of volunteer time, which includes attending a monthly Board meeting (2nd Monday of every month at 6:30-8pm) and at least one committee meeting per month (about 1.5 hour per month). Joining the board is a one year commitment where you'll gain knowledge that will be relevant even after your time on the Board.

Learn More
To learn more about joining the Board email

"Together WE can make a difference!"