
One Year In; Moving From The North Side Of Chicago To West Gresham


It’s great to live in an area with families that truly look out for one another.

By Eric El Kay
Wilkes East neighbor

Eric & Robyn El Kay, Wilkes East neighbors

This past month marked my family’s first year in the neighborhood. Last May my wife and I (along with our cat Mia and dog Lupita) set out on a 3-day journey from the North side of Chicago to our new home in the Wilkes neighborhood of Gresham (or Portland?). Over the past year, we set out to explore what the neighborhood has to offer. We’ve also taken on quite a lot of projects around the house. These activities along with starting new jobs and making new friends have kept us pretty busy over the last year. They have also led to quite an eventful first year in the PNW. Here’s a peek at what the El Kay’s have been up to during Year 1.

I never saw myself being responsible for 50 full-grown goldfish but after a year of caretaking, I can honestly say I wouldn’t have it any other way. When my wife and I moved in we inherited a 2000-gallon fresh water pond in the backyard. This led to many hours of fresh pond research along with several “How to not let your fish die” books purchased. After a crash course in pond vacuum techniques, pond filter light bulb installation, and a constant battle with a certain neighborhood heron, I can honestly say that our newly expanded backyard family is thriving. This wasn’t always the case. Last year's heat wave took a toll on our community’s population but we have bounced back stronger than ever. We’ve also been able to give names to every single fish. Names include Walter Payton, Dick Butkus, Mike Ditka, and many other childhood legends that remind me of home.

My wife and I were fortunate enough to inherit a great garden setup. The owners before definitely had a green thumb. After trying our hands at gardening last summer we went into this year with a gameplan. Things grow so much faster compared to what we’re used to in the Midwest. The soil is truly magnificent here - we can grow things without much effort at all. This year we started with re-building 3 raised garden beds in the front yard along with upgrading the sprinkler system. With the amount of gardening on our property, a timer system is a must. Robyn has started the season with kale, chard, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers (hot and sweet), peas, beets, raspberries, blueberries, and a plethora of herbs. Although there is more work to be done in the future, it seems that we have settled into our harvest and watering routines early. Now we begin the endless learning of preservation, and whatever version of “living off the land” we can muster.

In between spending time out back with our Hall of Fame goldfish and greenery, we have done a fair job of exploring what the neighborhood has to offer. Outside of daily check-ins with our neighbors (which is not something you normally get in a Chicago townhouse), we’ve made it a point to find every hidden gem. I’ve made a habit out of running at the H.B. Lee track and (when I’m feeling adventurous) the Glendoveer Golf Course, which from our house to around the course and back typically results in about a 4.5 mile run. While exploring the local culture and community we’ve become very familiar with food trucks, especially our favorite, the Fairview Food Plaza and Food Cart Heaven on Glisan. I’ll also admit, as someone who grew up hiding from weather half the year, easy access to Powell Butte has turned me into an outdoorsman.

This year has brought a lot of change for the El Kay’s. The community has made this transition period a positive experience. I really can’t express how great it is to live in an area with families that stop each other on the street to chat and truly look out for one another. While change can be scary, you have all made this a positive experience with your community and sense of belonging. We know2025 will bring more home improvement projects, goldfish babies, and many many more trips to La Isla Bonita and Migration Brewing. It’ll also bring more changes. I for one can’t wait to see what else it brings.

Meet Ed Spradlin, 'Tooth Taxi' volunteer extraordinaire

Hi! My name is Ed Spradlin, I am 77yrs young, and I have lived in Portland/Gresham all my life. I grew up in North Portland across from Columbia Park. I attended grade school in Portsmouth and Highland. I then attended Jefferson Hight School, followed by Oregon State University. I was drafted to Vietnam, and after my return continued my education to graduate from Portland State University.

Ed Spradlin, 'Tooth Taxi' volunteer extraordinaire
Ed Spradlin

My family ultimately moved out to Gresham 45 years ago, and I have lived there ever since. I am now involved in volunteering for a non-profit that helps under privileged children get access to dental care. The Dental Foundation of Oregon is the non-profit organization that supports and funds the "Tooth Taxi". This is basically a large rolling dental clinic on wheels that travels across Oregon to schools and communities not only educating families but giving actual dental care to children in need.

My family and friends have also joined me in my efforts to help raise money for this cause. What started as me walking the streets in search of cans and bottles to raise money, has now blossomed into an ever growing team of individuals sharing in this effort. Team "Can Do".

Ed Spradlin, 'Tooth Taxi' volunteer extraordinaire
Some of the many bottles & cans Ed has collected for the the 'Tooth Taxi'

Every day I am overwhelmed by the beauty of all these individuals who have eagerly stepped up to be a part of something that is growing in support. People want to help. They just, often, don't know how. I have realized something in this process, and it is validated everyday by all the people who have joined this cause. We can do amazing things alone, but even more amazing things together. Together we are team "Can Do".

Outstanding job Ed!

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2024 Newsletter here!

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2024 Newsletter here! Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community- Together 'WE' can make a difference.

Spring 2024 Newsletter

"Diversity, Harmony, Community -
Together 'WE' can make a difference!”

alt=Read it now!

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Inside This Issue:

  • Outdoor School for 6th Grade Students
  • Wilkes East Land Use Update
  • Rockwood Greenspace Now
  • Try The MyGresham App
  • Street Sweeping, 4th Wed, Mar-Nov

Download your copy here. (includes active web links)

¡Descargue nuestro boletín en español aquí!. (incluye enlaces web activos)

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our general meetings.

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Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-400 words and may be subject to editing. Include a related photo. Send by email to, or by postal mail to: 17104 NE Oregon St • Portland OR 97230.

Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are always routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help.
To volunteer contact

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Fall 2023 Newsletter here!

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Fall 2023 Newsletter here! Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community- Together 'WE' can make a difference.

Fall 2023 Newsletter

"Diversity, Harmony, Community -
Together 'WE' can make a difference!”

alt=Read it now!

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Inside This Issue:

  • WENA Board Election November 13th
  • Aging Levees, Will They Protect Us
  • Wilkes East Land Use Update
  • Climate Action Meeting, All Things Trees
  • How We Saved the CCACs

Download your copy here. (includes active web links)

¡Descargue nuestro boletín en español aquí!. (incluye enlaces web activos)

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our general meetings.

View archive   |   Policy & Ad Rates

Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-400 words and may be subject to editing. Include a related photo. Send by email to, or by postal mail to: 17104 NE Oregon St • Portland OR 97230.

Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are always routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help.
To volunteer contact

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Summer 2023 Newsletter here!

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Summer 2023 Newsletter here! Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community- Together 'WE' can make a difference.

Summer 2023 Newsletter

"Diversity, Harmony, Community -
Together 'WE' can make a difference!”

alt=Read it now!

Summer 2023 Newsletter

Inside This Issue:

  • Rockwood Urban Renewal B188
  • Wilkes East Land Use Update
  • Climate Action Plan workshop
  • Reynolds Schools Start & End Times
  • WENA Summer Meeting August 14th

Download your copy here. (includes active web links)

¡Descargue nuestro boletín en español aquí!. (incluye enlaces web activos)

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our general meetings.

View archive   |   Policy & Ad Rates

Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-400 words and may be subject to editing. Include a related photo. Send by email to, or by postal mail to: 17104 NE Oregon St • Portland OR 97230.

Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are always routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help.
To volunteer contact

Wilkes East Neighborhood, 2023 Spring Meeting: Mon Mar 13, 2023 7PM-9PM

03/13/2023 - 7:00pm
03/13/2023 - 9:00pm
Wilkes East Neighborhood 2023 Spring Meeting: Mon Mar 13, 2023 7PM-9PM. Everyone's invited! Join your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference! Moose Lodge, 16411 NE Halsey. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting.

Spring Meeting Notice

When: Mon Mar 13, 2023 7PM-9PM
Where: Moose Lodge
16411 NE Halsey St
Get Map!

Everyone's Invited

Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!

Save the date
Be sure to save Monday Mar 13th at 7PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood 2023 Spring Meeting being held at the Moose Lodge, 16411 NE Halsey St


  • Election of 2023 WENA Board
  • Jessica Harper, Community Services Manager, City of Gresham
    Homeless Services
  • Michael Gonzales, Neighborhood &
    Community Engagement Manager, City of Gresham
  • Lucy Harden
    WeShine Village Update
  • Janet Unruh
    , Urban Forestery in Gresham
  • Neighborhood news and more!

Download the Fall 2023 meeting minutes here!

Become a Board Member!   Are you motivated, passionate, creative?
You can become a Member-at-Large at any time? Being a Board Member is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required. Contact any board member. Get involved! Make a difference!

Who should attend?
Participation is open to all residents who live, own property or a business, organization, church or government agency within our boundaries

Be Part Of Your Community. Plan To Attend.

The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get map!.

Wilkes East Neighborhood Meeting Signs. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. The signs were purchased with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and with volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. Signs Now NW also made a generous contribution to this project.

Mark your calendar. See you there!

Questions or comments?
Contact Wilkes East Neighborhood by email at, or by postal mail to: Wilkes East Neighborhood, 17104 NE Oregon St, Portland Oregon 97230

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2023 Newsletter here!

Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2023 Newsletter here! Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community- Together 'WE' can make a difference.

Spring 2023 Newsletter

"Diversity, Harmony, Community -
Together 'WE' can make a difference!”

alt=Read it now!

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Inside This Issue:

  • New Play Structure Nadaka Park
  • City Replaces LED Streetlights
  • Urban Forestry in Gresham
  • Caught on Camera
  • WENA Board Elections March 13th

Download your copy here. (includes active web links)

¡Descargue nuestro boletín en español aquí!. (incluye enlaces web activos)

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our general meetings.

View archive   |   Policy & Ad Rates

Got a story or tip to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles and tips for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300-400 words and may be subject to editing. Include a related photo. Send by email to, or by postal mail to: 17104 NE Oregon St • Portland OR 97230.

Volunteers Needed
Newsletters are hand-delivered to Wilkes East residents and businesses by neighborhood volunteers. There are always routes that need delivery people. Routes are small and many. We can always use your help.
To volunteer contact

Oregon E-Cycles® Offers FREE And Convenient Electronics Recycling

Wondering what to do with those broken or unwanted TV's and computers? Oregon E-Cycles® Offers FREE And Convenient Electronics Recycling. Info Here!

Wondering what to do with those broken or unwanted TV's and computers?

Here's Your Answer!
Take them to your nearest Goodwill or Salvation Army store and they'll gladly take them off your hands for free!

Oregon E-Cycles® is a free, easy recycling program for computers, monitors and TVs. Just bring seven or fewer computers (desktops and laptops), monitors and TVs at a time to a participating collection site.

Computer peripherals (keyboards, mice, etc.) and other types of electronics are not included. Dispose of these items in your weekly recycling pick-up.

Wilkes East Neighborhood, 2022 Fall Meeting: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7PM-9PM

11/14/2022 - 7:00pm
11/14/2022 - 9:00pm
Wilkes East Neighborhood 2022 Fall Meeting: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7PM-9PM. Everyone's invited! Join your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference! Columbia View Park, 1000 NE 169th Ave. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting.

Fall Meeting Notice

When: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7PM-9PM
Where: Columbia View Wesleyan Church
16700 NE Halsey St
Get Map!

Everyone's Invited

Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!

Save the date
Be sure to save Monday Nov 14th at 7PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood 2022 Fall Meeting being held at Columbia View Wesleyan Church, 16700 NE Halsey St


  • Jay Higgins, Gresham Transportation
    "Rumble Bumps" for NE 172nd Avenue
  • Member of Gresham Planning Commission, Gresham Transportation
    New Apartments/Other Housing Parking Availability
  • Joan Ablertson & Linda Parashos
    Gresham CVIPs
  • Greg Hartung
    Land Use Co-Chair of Wilkes East NA
  • Election of 2023 WENA Board
  • Neighborhood news and more!

Download the August 2022 meeting minutes here!

Become a Board Member!   Are you motivated, passionate, creative?
You can become a Member-at-Large at any time? Being a Board Member is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required. Contact any board member. Get involved! Make a difference!

Who should attend?
Participation is open to all residents who live, own property or a business, organization, church or government agency within our boundaries

Be Part Of Your Community. Plan To Attend.

The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get map!.

Wilkes East Neighborhood Meeting Signs. Info here!

Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. The signs were purchased with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and with volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. Signs Now NW also made a generous contribution to this project.

Mark your calendar. See you there!

Questions or comments?
Contact Wilkes East Neighborhood by email at, or by postal mail to: Wilkes East Neighborhood, 17104 NE Oregon St, Portland Oregon 97230

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