Congressman Earl Blumenaur and Gresham Mayor Travis Stovall tour Downtown Rockwood in 2021
By Emily Bower, Executive Director, City of Gresham
In 2003, Gresham voters approved the establishment of the Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal Area authorizing the investment of $92 million into a 1,211 acre area in West Gresham. However, the urban renewal area will expire in 2023. This would leave approximately $37 million unutilized dollars due to delays from the Great Recession in 2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Gresham proposes extending the urban renewal district to 2029. The extra six years would allow the City to invest approximately $37 million in new projects and to continue funding projects in the Rockwood-West Gresham Renewal area. To date, urban renewal has brought in new development, businesses, schools, after-school youth programs, helped with storefront grants and apartment restoration. With a little more time, imagine the projects that could be tackled in the future – using money that is already set aside.
Urban renewal does not increase your property taxes.
How it works:
- It dedicates funds to an identified neighborhood so a city’s urban renewal agency can focus on improving the area.
- It is often used to provide infrastructure to help spur economic development.
- Urban renewal changes how the existing taxes paid on a property are divided out amongst different taxing districts like the City and Multnomah County.
- As public and private investment stimulates growth in the district and the value of properties improve, money becomes available to use on the projects.
- Urban renewal in Gresham can provide funding for projects sooner.
Boys and Girls Club, Rockwood ribbon cutting. Funded through Rockwood West-Gresham Renewal Plan. Photo: City of Gresham
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