
Importance of Our Parks & Some Suggestions

Lee Dayfield, Neighbor & Parks Activist

It’s a fact that people who live closer to parks report better mental health even if they don’t actually exercise there. This is particularly true for parks with a lot of trees, grass and other natural features, as studies show that exposure to nature can reduce stress and promote relaxation. The Wilkes East neighborhood is fortunate to have two such wonderful parks, Nadaka and Columbia View.

For any citizens of Gresham who have followed City Council meetings, Budget Committee meetings and many other committees, you should know we are in trouble. The City of Gresham was in a budget crisis before COVID19 and it is even worse now. I was at Nadaka recently doing a walk around with a City official who indicated the parks would be in even worse shape next year and staff may have to be cut to three people.

So if you care at all about our parks I would strongly suggest you start speaking up by letting the Mayor and City Council know. You can do this by going to the City’s website and emailing your elected officials. Email addresses for Mayor and Council are on the City’s website. Or send written testimony or ask to give oral testimony at the next City Council meeting. Email and tell her you want to be notified of upcoming Council meetings so you can participate via Zoom by phone or computer. Her phone number is 503-618-2697.

Nadaka Update   We are very fortunate that Play Grow Learn youth have been working at Nadaka on Thursday mornings for about five weeks primarily removing invasives. If you see them at the park please say Thank You! Beginning in August I think that group will be joined by Rosemary Anderson Summer Works youth. If that happens the plan is to work at Nadaka two or three days a week. They are wearing masks and maintaining safe distances.

If you are someone who wants to get out and make a difference at Nadaka you are always welcome to remove invasives. You don’t need an appointment and you can spend as much time as you want. The forest is full of ivy which most people know what it looks like. If you are familiar with weeds you can work on the planted beds near the entry at NE Glisan. The mulched areas north of the play area as well as the rocks surrounding the sand pit at the south end of the play area are also full of weeds. You can’t miss the large piles of invasives at the north end of the play area on the east side of the road. All debris go there. There is also plenty of ivy in Columbia View Park that should be removed. It can be piled next to the trash can on NE 169th.

If you are on Nextdoor there is a brand new group called Our Parks, Our Future Discussion Group. It will be a group of Gresham citizens who can share ideas, learn about parks districts and get engaged with City Hall regarding parks.

Cultivating solutions for Gresham's parks

Youth volunteers tend Nadaka Nature Park as city parks funding woes take root

Cultivating solutions for Gresham's parks. Youth volunteers tend Nadaka Nature Park as city parks funding woes take root. Info here!
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Germaine Flentroy Jr. lugs a bucket of water across Nadaka Nature Park while helping maintain the greenspace.

Source: Gresham Outlook, Jun 22, 2020
By Christopher Keizur

A group of youth made a troubling discovery one afternoon while volunteering at Nadaka Nature Park.

Vandals had ripped out a young tree planted to provide shade in the Nadaka meadow for a popular bench among those seeking a quiet way to spend the afternoon. The tree, which had been planted earlier this spring, had been carelessly tossed to the side.

So the youth got to work. They re-dug a hole and got the tree back upright. Then they lugged water across the park to give the tree the best chance for survival. The work in Nadaka is just one way youth counselors with nonprofit Play Grow Learn are giving back to their community.

"I'm so grateful you all are helping maintain this park, because the city isn't able to," said Lee Dayfield, the creative force behind Nadaka.

Their support comes at a crucial time for one of the most unique parks in Gresham. Funding officially dried up at Nadaka, 17615 N.E. Glisan St., on June 1 — marking a major shift in what was once touted as the model for future parks in the city.

What made it special was the ongoing bevy of activities happening within the space.

There were cleanups, partnerships with schools, bird walks and workshops on native plants and pollinators. Nadaka hosted an annual free community festival that celebrated Rockwood's diversity, and employed a group of "Park Ambassadors," who served as the face of Nadaka — educating visitors and ensuring the park stayed safe and clean.

Cultivating solutions for Gresham's parks. Youth volunteers tend Nadaka Nature Park as city parks funding woes take root. Info here!

PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Nick Johnson, 20, lives only a few blocks away from Nadaka Nature Park.

All of it was made possible by chasing grants.

"We knew raising funds this way was not sustainable," Dayfield said. "We hoped the city of Gresham would fill in the gaps, but that didn't happen."

City staff, who are overstretched among the 56 parks with more than 300 acres of space, can only mow the grass and empty the trash cans at Nadaka. Funding is also a major issue in Gresham, leading many voices to call for innovative new ways to raise money for parks.

A new coalition has been meeting virtually and is outlining a formal plan. So far, more than a dozen organizations have joined, including Play Grow Learn. It's a diverse mix of people that are all united in seeking a better way to reinvest in the parks system.

Several short and long-term funding ideas have been earmarked, though nothing is at the stage to make a formal pitch to the city. So in the meantime, it will be groups like the Play Grow Learn youth who do the majority of the work.

"We are doing the stuff that otherwise isn't going to get done," said Anthony Bradley, executive director of Play Grow Learn. "We are showing what can be done at our parks on a small budget."

Problems at Nadaka

Cultivating solutions for Gresham's parks. Youth volunteers tend Nadaka Nature Park as city parks funding woes take root. Info here!
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Play Grow Learn youth volunteers replant a tree in Nadaka Nature Park that had been ripped out by vandals.

Nineteen-year-old Rico Garland had never been to Nadaka before he found himself removing invasive ivy from the wooded-trail system as part of Play Grow Learn's Days at Nadaka.

But soon the East Portland teen fell in love with the park.

"It's great to help out the community," Garland said. "This place is so beautiful."

Nadaka is a 10-acre property acquired from the Camp Fire Columbia organization in 1995. It was purchased thanks to Gresham voters passing an open-spaces bond measure in 1990.

In spring 2015, Nadaka celebrated an opening to the public, featuring wooden play structures, a community garden, restroom, picnic shelter, walking loop and public art.

"All of this is because of the hard work of community members," Dayfield said. "We all volunteered because we love this place."

Dayfield poured a lot of herself into supporting Nadaka. She spearheaded the charge to transform her dream park into a reality, overcoming red tape and bureaucracy to found Friends of Nadaka to secure grants and other funding.

For many years the Columbia Slough Watershed Council, a Portland-based organization, had supported the Gresham park. But with changes to the board and executive director, the watershed council decided to focus on other projects.

That caused the funding to run out at the beginning of this month, leaving a beautiful green space with nothing to do. There is some hope for the park — nonprofit Outgrowing Hunger has stepped in as the new fiscal agent for Friends of Nadaka, and was able to capture a $25,000 grant from the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District. That grant was secured thanks to a funding match from the city.

But still Dayfield, and other members of the parks coalition, are seeking more permanent answers for the entire community.

The problems began two decades ago with a pair of ballot measures passed in Gresham that hamstrung the city's ability to fund parks. The votes set a permanent property tax that was the second lowest in the state.

The fallout was immediate

In 1990, Gresham's property taxes paid for 100% of police and fire services. Now, those taxes are only able to foot 40% of those expenses. As a result the city had to get creative in filling in the gaps. With the priority being safety, police and fire get the lion's share, leaving parks to wither.

Cultivating solutions for Gresham's parks. Youth volunteers tend Nadaka Nature Park as city parks funding woes take root. Info here!
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Germain Flentroy Jr. and Jim Labbe fill a device with water that will give a replanted tree the best chance at survival.

Ideas have been bandied about by the parks coalition.

One long-term answer would be to look into forming a parks district, which has the power to construct, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, operate and maintain lakes, parks, recreation grounds and buildings; acquire necessary lands; and to call necessary elections after being formed. It isn't easy to implement a parks district, necessitating city leadership lessening its control over greenspaces, a feasibility study and public vote.

Other solutions have been a new parks utility fee; increasing the existing Police-Fire-Parks fee that was enacted in 2012; or vying for an Operations Levy/Bond Measure, that would also collect from property taxes.

Perhaps the most immediate proposal is participatory budgeting, which involves the community in choosing how to spend funds.

The city could start small, setting aside $100,000 in the first year. Different groups would pitch proposals on how to spend that pot, eventually leading to a community vote on what to fund. The city could set up guidelines that would shape what sort of proposals could be considered, but otherwise it places the onus in the hands of the community to grow and develop parks.

If participatory budgeting proved to be successful, it could be expanded.

"We could scale up and better fund all of our parks," said Jim Labbe, a former urban conservationist with the Audubon Society of Portland.

Lending a hand

Cultivating solutions for Gresham's parks. Youth volunteers tend Nadaka Nature Park as city parks funding woes take root. Info here!
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - A group of volunteers spent an afternoon replanting a tree that had been ripped out of the ground.

Germaine Flentroy loves to visit Nadaka Nature Park with his youngest children, ages 4, 6 and 9.

They fondly refer to it as "the water park" because one of their favorite activities is playing with a water spigot by the climbing structure. When the weather is nice the Flentroys will enjoy a picnic in the grass, scratching that camping itch put on hold due to restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic.

So for Flentroy, program coordinator with Play Grow Learn, setting up a program to maintain the greenspace was a no-brainer.

"We want to be involved in our parks beyond having conversations," he said. "We have to do our part to represent and teach kids of color."

Normally this time of the year, the youth involved with Play Grow Learn would be helming camps for homeless and foster children as counselors. With the pandemic, the nonprofit organization based in Rockwood pivoted to food boxes for underserved families and the park cleanups. It is the youth who would have been camp counselors that have dived into their new roles.

Every week, 8-10 volunteers spend a couple of hours weeding, picking up trash, and undoing damage done by vandals. They also water plants in need of attention. The youth are paid by Play Grow Learn for their time in the park, and it is being used as an opportunity to teach them and hopefully foster a love for horticulture.

Eventually, when COVID-19 restrictions loosen, Play Grow Learn will have a field trip day where it brings the younger campers to Nadaka for an afternoon of fun.

And soon another group of teens will begin helping at Nadaka. Rosemary Anderson High School's Summer Works Group will be doing forest restoration at the park.

"These types of programs send a message to the city that people care about our parks," Labbe said.

Until Gresham is able to figure out funding, it will be up to volunteers to continue caring for their parks.

"Nature is for all," Flentroy said. "It's a safe place where you can get healed."

This story first appeared in The Outlook. Support community newspapers. Subscribe at

Help Your Community: Work for the U.S. Census Bureau!


The U.S. Census Bureau is currently hiring for the 2020 Census

Help Your Community: Work for the U.S. Census Bureau! Positions are temporary and flexible. Census Takers in Multnomah and Clackamas counties start at $18.00/hour. Info Here!

The positions are temporary and flexible with varying pay ranges. Census Takers in Multnomah and Clackamas counties start at $18.00/hour.

By working for the Census Bureau, our community has a special opportunity to help make the 2020 Census an accurate and complete count. There are so many reasons our nation needs to be counted completely and accurately. The count happens every 10 years with the decennial census, which influences how more than $675 billion from more than 100 federal programs are distributed to states and localities each year. Here’s some of what the census numbers effect:

  • Medicaid
  • School lunch programs
  • Community development grants
  • Road and school construction
  • Medical services
  • Business locations
  • If you’re interested in a job, please visit the Census Bureau job site to apply. You’ll also be able to see descriptions and frequently asked questions at

    We’re also encouraging everyone to self-respond to the 2020 Census Questionnaire at, by phone at 844-330-2020, or by mailing in the paper questionnaire they received in the mail.

Gresham Farmers' Market 2020: Sat, Jun 06, 2020 8:30AM-2PM

06/06/2020 - 8:30am
Gresham Farmers Market' 2020: Sat, Jun 06, 2020 8:30AM-2PM. Saturday's thru October. Info here!

Saturday's thru October

When: Sat, Jun 06, 2020 8:30AM-2PM
Where: Arts Plaza
NE 3rd Street and NE Hood Avenue
Get Map!

Oregon's Stay Home, Save Lives order allows farmers markets to operate. The Gresham Farmers' Market will open for the season with a limited number of vendors and strict COVID-19 physical distancing and safety measures in place.

At the market safety measures

  • Do not visit the market if you you are feeling unwell.
  • Only one person per household should visit the market.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Bring a shopping list.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone not in your household.
  • No socializing in the market for now.
  • Do not touch items before buying.
  • Shop quickly.
  • No dogs; service animals only.

Visit the Gresham Farmers' Market website for more information.

Downtown Rockwood market hall gets redesign

Downtown Rockwood market hall gets redesign. Gresham Mayor voices concerns about completing long-brewing development. Info here!
COURTESY RENDERING: CITY OF GRESHAM - The Downtown Rockwood market hall, middle, has been redesigned to lower construction costs. Click to enlarge.

Source: The Gresham Outlook
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Gresham Mayor Shane Bemis voices concerns about completing long-brewing development

By Christopher Keizur

A Rockwood development project that has been brewing for more than two decades is getting a redesign to keep construction costs in line with budget constraints.

The second phase of Downtown Rockwood — originally called Rockwood Rising — was for a market hall with an international grocery marketplace, public commissary kitchen, and small business and pop-up stand opportunities.

The Gresham Redevelopment Commission heard the proposed design changes for the building that had bloated past its cost estimates during a meeting Tuesday afternoon, May 19. The new market hall looks different, and adds 3,000 square feet of restaurant/grocery/retail space; 10,000 square feet of office space; and four additional micro-restaurants.

But officials said it maintains the original intent of uplifting the diverse community of food entrepreneurs who call Rockwood home.

"The new design offers more variety of spaces," said Emily Bower, interim executive director of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission.

Downtown Rockwood market hall gets redesign. Gresham Mayor voices concerns about completing long-brewing development. Info here!
COURTESY RENDERING: CITY OF GRESHAM - The new market hall has more space for businesses. Click to enlarge.

The new market hall has more space for businesses.The idea behind Downtown Rockwood is to bring new construction and needed services into the heart of the neighborhood. The Catalyst Site, located between Southeast Stark Street, Southeast 185th Avenue and East Burnside Street, will be a central square with a public plaza and play structures for kids, an innovation hub with services for locals, retail stores, apartments, and the market hall.

The 5.5-acre plot of land was initially purchased by the Gresham Development Commission in 2005 with funds from the city's urban renewal district. The city spent three years, from 2014-2016, soliciting ideas and feedback from residents in the neighborhood.

The project finally broke ground last summer, marking a shift from planning to actually seeing Downtown Rockwood come to fruition. Since then the former Rockwood Community Office Building was renovated and construction of the innovation hub should be complete by July.

Bower said the market hall should be completed by Summer 2021 — a timeline Gresham Mayor Shane Bemis voiced concerns about.

"I feel like we are constantly changing the program and have had the property tied up for years with little steps being made," Bemis said during the virtual meeting. "I want to get this project done and do these things we have been talking about for the last 20-plus years. I am really concerned about hitting timelines and delivering for our community."

Bower said complications the last two years led to the redesign. Developers said the Portland area has experienced historic increases in the costs of construction. That, coupled with new federal tariffs on construction material, led to the need for a redesign. The new building has been simplified to maximize the leasable area within the building to improve finances.

"I am confident we will finish this project in the 2021-22 timeline," Bower said.

This story first appeared in The Outlook. Support community newspapers. Subscribe at

Now, more than ever, wisely enjoy and invest in Gresham's parks

Metro-approved parks funding should not be used as an excuse by the city of Gresham to reduce parks funding. Info here!
Lee Dayfield

Lee Dayfield says Metro-approved parks funding should not be used as an excuse by the city of Gresham to reduce parks funding.

Meanwhile, stay-at-home orders ask that you only venture out for essential needs. Notably, access to public parks for exercise and fresh air while still practicing social distancing is among those allowed needs, and for good reasons.

Source: Pamplin Media Group
Thursday, April 16, 2020

If you have been out and about in our local parks and trails this past week you might have noticed how many of your neighbors are doing the same. It is not just the improving weather.

The pandemic has put a renewed premium on proximity to parks and nature. For those of us fortunate enough to have high quality public greenspace nearby, the value is especially self-evident. But long before this pandemic, research has demonstrated what people know intuitively: access to parks and nature is no simple frill or amenity, but an essential determinant of individual and community health.

Unfortunately, Gresham's City budget has made parks a low priority in recent years. Park investments made by Gresham voters a generation ago have not kept pace. To be sure, our community has many volunteers and private donors who make some parks shine.

Friends of Nadaka and the Gresham Japanese Garden are effectively harnessing volunteers and private donations; Ricki Ruiz continues to secure grants to develop futsal courts; and North Gresham Neighborhood Association is poised to build a playground at Kirk Park funded primarily through private donations.

However significant, these isolated projects belie systemic divestment. In recent years, fewer and fewer general fund dollars have gone to parks and recreation. Gresham's almost non-existent recreation programming leaves vital services to underfunded nonprofit organization like Gresham-based Play Grow Learn, which mentors at-risk adolescents using nature-play, urban gardening and athletics in our parks. Relying on nonprofits, grants, private donations, and the generosity of volunteers is not a sustainable path to a vibrant thriving parks and recreation system that bolsters our health and prosperity.

We can do a lot better.
Today, as the fourth largest city in Oregon, Gresham has the lowest per-capita investment in local parks and recreation in the Metro region.

In a hopeful turn, the majority of Gresham voters passed Metro's regional parks and nature funding measure in November 2019. The measure will infuse some additional capital funds into Gresham's local parks system. Public officials should not use that as an excuse to backfill further cuts to parks. Now is the time to launch a parks feasibility study of new local investment options and to give the community greater voice and vote in decisions with innovative tools like participatory budgeting.

As federal stimulus funds become available, Gresham would be wise to creatively invest in the city's backlog in park stewardship and deficient parks programming while putting people to work. The Nadaka Ambassador Program, which employs Rockwood residents to steward the park and garden, is a great model.

In these difficult and uneasy times, we must not lose sight of the value of stewarding our parks and nature which, now more than ever, are helping keep us healthy and connected.

Lee Dayfield is a parks advocate. In 2009, Friends of Nadaka, with Dayfield at the helm, organized the purchase and development of Nadaka Nature Park.

2020 Portland Eastside Farmer's Markets. Garden Fresh Produce Available Year-round

2020 Portland Eastside Farmer's Markets. Garden Fresh Produce Available Year-round. Find a farmer's markets here!

S-t-r-e-t-c-h  your grocery dollar!

Enjoy the freshest produce, flowers, and plant starts direct from the garden.

Healthy and fresh
Farmer’s markets are a fantastic source for fresh, seasonal, locally produced foods and artisan products. Plus, you'll find great activities and fun for the whole family. Come experience the markets. Meet the vendors. Meet local cooks. Enjoy the freshest produce and products. Make your own statement in support of local food.

Want to grow your own vegetables?
Check out Portland Nursery's 12-month "Veggie Calendar" planting guide here.

2020 Portland's Eastside Farmer's Markets

(Complete details on these area markets below)

You'll find plenty of root vegetables, braising greens and lettuces, and of course plant starts for your own vegetable garden.

Bring your reusable shopping bags and plenty of small bills, though some of the markets will trade you a credit/debit card for wooden tokens that all vendors accept, which can be easier to handle than cash. We've indicated those markets that accept EBT or other food assistant coupons.

MHCC Planetarium Show: Unusual Facts About Galaxies: Tue, Mar 03, 2020 6PM-8:15PM

03/03/2020 - 6:00pm
03/03/2020 - 8:15pm
MHCC Planetarium Show: Unusual Facts About Galaxies: Tue, Mar 03, 2020 6PM-8:15PM. Info here!

Unusual Facts About Galaxies

When: Tue, Mar 03, 2020 6PM-8:15PM
Where: MHCC Planetarium Sky Theater
26000 SE Stark Street
Get Map!

Tuesday shows are at 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.

Admission is only $5.
MHCC students (with valid ID) and children 17 and under are $2.

All shows are presented under a realistic representation of the night sky, featuring the latest galactic, stellar and planetary images.

The Sky Theater is wheelchair accessible.

2019-20 MHCC Planetarium Sky Theater Schedule:

Date Topic
Sept 24, 27 Exploring the Autumn Sky (Note early dates for this season opener)
Oct (Shown on September 24, 27)
Nov 5, 8 Amateur Astronomers Photograph The Night Sky With Amazing Results
Dec 3, 6 A Travel Guide to our Moon
Jan 7, 10 Latest Pictures Explore Jupiter and its Moons
Feb 4, 7 Radio Astronomy Discoveries and Their Immense Instruments
Mar 3, 6 Unusual Facts About Galaxies
Apr 7, 10 TBD
May 5, 8 TBD
Jun 2, 5 TBD

Planetarium shows are generally on the first Tuesday and on the second Friday of each month (with exceptions during November and January).

More Info
For more info visit:

MHCC Planetarium Show: Unusual Facts About Galaxies: Fri, Mar 06, 2020 6PM-8:15PM

03/06/2020 - 6:00pm
03/06/2020 - 8:15pm
MHCC Planetarium Show: Unusual Facts About Galaxies: Fri, Mar 06, 2020 6PM-8:15PM. Info here!

Unusual Facts About Galaxies

When: Fri, Mar 06, 2020 6PM-8:15PM
Where: MHCC Planetarium Sky Theater
26000 SE Stark Street
Get Map!

Tuesday shows are at 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.

Admission is only $5.
MHCC students (with valid ID) and children 17 and under are $2.

All shows are presented under a realistic representation of the night sky, featuring the latest galactic, stellar and planetary images.

The Sky Theater is wheelchair accessible.

2019-20 MHCC Planetarium Sky Theater Schedule:

Date Topic
Sept 24, 27 Exploring the Autumn Sky (Note early dates for this season opener)
Oct (Shown on September 24, 27)
Nov 5, 8 Amateur Astronomers Photograph The Night Sky With Amazing Results
Dec 3, 6 A Travel Guide to our Moon
Jan 7, 10 Latest Pictures Explore Jupiter and its Moons
Feb 4, 7 Radio Astronomy Discoveries and Their Immense Instruments
Mar 3, 6 Unusual Facts About Galaxies
Apr 7, 10 TBD
May 5, 8 TBD
Jun 2, 5 TBD

Planetarium shows are generally on the first Tuesday and on the second Friday of each month (with exceptions during November and January).

More Info
For more info visit:

City of Gresham Repair Cafe, Mar 2020: Sat, Mar 07, 2020 10AM-12:30PM

03/07/2020 - 10:00am
03/07/2020 - 12:30pm
City of Gresham Repair Cafe, Mar 2020: Sat, Mar 07, 2020 10AM-12:30PM. Don't Toss It! Let's Fix It! Info here!

Don't Toss It. Let's Fix It!

When: Sat, Mar 07, 2020 10AM-12:30PM
Where: Habitat for Humanity ReStore
610 NE 181 Ave.
Get Map!

Get your broken items fixed by community volunteers for free. The City of Gresham and Coalition of Neighborhood Associations are teaming up to bring people with repair skills together to help neighbors fix their broken items.

Types of household items repaired

  • Broken bicycles, chains and tires
  • Torn clothing, missing buttons and other fabric repairs
  • Broken lamps, clocks, fans and small kitchen appliances
  • Broken laptops, VCRs, DVD or CD players, printers, calculators, Gameboys and remote controls

Please note: Televisions, microwaves, sewing machines and small engines are not repairable at this event.

What to expect

  • Try to bring anything that may be needed to repair your item; Parts, buttons, matching thread, power cords, batteries, connecting cables, remote controls, instructions manuals, etc.
  • We try to help everyone who brings an item. If participants bring multiple items (allowed), we can only work on one item at a time and may not be able to fix more than one item per person.
  • Our volunteer fixers will do their best to repair your item, but some repairs may be too complicated or require resources that aren't available at the event.
  • The event is free. There may be a wait depending on the number of repairs.


For more information contact us at or 503-618-2694.

Repair PDX

Gresham Repair Cafe

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