Open House! You're invited to review & comment on the new changes
Two dates to choose, Nov 10th & 18th
When: Wednesday Nov 10, 2010 4:30PM - 7:00PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Barlow Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham OR Get Map!
Event Details
Participants will have the chance to review and comment on the latest proposals regarding residential compatibility. Each event will address different topics within the same project. Those who would like to attend can drop in any time between 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
There's also another opportunity to attend on Nov 18th.
When: Tuesday, Nov 16, 2010 3:00PM Where: City Hall
Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR Get Map!
Meeting Notice
The public hearing for City Council will be on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 3:00 pm. The November 16, 2010 meeting will include the approval of the amendments, the enactment and an effective date in one reading at the same City Council hearing date.
A message from Susan Wells, President, SWNA:
For some reason the Large Retail Development Standards (Big Box Code) has been moved to emergency status, which means meeting dates have been moved up. It appears as though things are on track to get the new code approved and in place very quickly. This all seems good but, we still need to be active, take part and make sure it happens. We need the Planning Commission and the City Council to both approve the new code. Usually when the City Council has a hearing and approves items they are then enacted a few weeks later and then the date for effectiveness (or start) is set after that. For some reason the hearing, enactment and an effective date are all to be done in one reading at one meeting.
If you can attend both or either of these meetings please make an appearance. We need folks to show support and we need folks to speak and suggest that this code be approved.
Moving the date of the City Council meeting does change the time from a 6:30 pm meeting to a 3:00 pm meeting. I know this is difficult for a lot of folks to make but let's see if we can get some good attendance and convince the Council to approve this code.
These will be the last meeting regarding this issue.
Open House, Wednesday Nov 17th 6PM Rockwood Community Office
When: Wednesday Nov 17, 2010 6PM Where: Rockwood Community Office
18709 SE Stark St
Gresham, OR Get Map!
Another project begins
The 187th Avenue project is about to begin, with demolition of the north part of the Rockwood Community Office building leading off work that will build a new street connection from 187th and Stark to 188th and Burnside across the east end of former Fred Meyer site (the southern portion of the building used by Gresham Police will remain as is). When it’s complete, this new street will provide a much safer direct connection between the Rockwood MAX station and the neighborhood to the south of Stark, complete with a new signal at 187th and Stark, which should reduce much of the current conflict between vehicles and pedestrians on that stretch of Stark. Construction area map here.
Project Open House, Nov 17th 6PM
While much of the work will take place entirely on the former Fred Meyer site, there will be intermittent traffic impacts on Stark Street near 187th. Staff are working closely with nearby businesses and residents regarding project schedule and scheduled lane closures, etc. A Project Open House is scheduled for 6:00 pm on November 17 at the Rockwood Community Office.
You're invited to review & comment on the new changes
When: Thursday Nov 10, 2010 4:30PM - 7:00PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Barlow Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham OR Get Map!
Event Details
Participants will have the chance to review and comment on the latest proposals regarding residential compatibility. Each event will address different topics within the same project. Those who would like to attend can drop in any time between 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
A Big Box in Wilkes East? 181/Halsey, 1 of 4 possible sites
City of Gresham "Big Box" Code nears completion
Last chance to express your concerns Oct 11th, 12th & 14th
Planning Commission Meeting, Monday Oct 11th 6:30PM
When: Monday, October 11, 2010 6:30PM Where: Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, Oregon 97030 Get Map!
Planning Commission Meeting
"This will be the last real opportunity for the public to make comments to the Commission prior to approval. At the beginning of this meeting people can sign up to make comments of up to 3 minutes, or you can just attend to listen to how things are progressing."
"The Planning Commission meeting after this one (Nov. 8, 2010) will be the Hearing to approve or not approve the code as written."
Susan Wells, President, Southwest Neighborhood. (See 'Related Content' below)
Last chance to express your concerns Oct 11th, 12th & 14th
When: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:00PM Where: Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, Oregon 97030 Get Map!
City Council Meeting
At this Council meeting the staff will be presenting their latest proposals on the design part of the code. Once again people can sign up to make a 3 minute comment at the beginning of the meeting, or they can just attend to hear how things are progressing.
December 7 and December 21 will be the Council meetings where the voting on the 'Big Box' code will occur.
A Big Box in Wilkes East? 181/Halsey, 1 of 4 possible sites
City of Gresham "Big Box" Code nears completion.
Everyone's Invited! Community Forum, Thursday Oct 14th 6:30PM
When: Thursday, October 14, 2010 6:30PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Rooms 2A and 2B
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, Oregon 97030 Get Map!
Community Forum
"This is a meeting for anyone and everyone to come and listen to and participate in the latest proposed version of the 'Big Box' code. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.", Susan Wells, President Southwest Neighborhood. (See 'Related Content', and 'More info from Susan Wells' below)
The purpose of the ("Big Box") project is to create regulations that ensure commercial development meets the community's vision and to ensure high-quality design for retail and other commercial development along arterial streets in the corridor district. The Code regulations will result in commercial developments that:
Are attractive with high quality design and materials
Promote a sense of community and livability
Support the City's sustainability goals
Address safety concerns
The purpose of this forum is to present information on:
The proposed land use district location changes for Community Commercial and Moderate Commercial
The Draft Commercial Design Guidelines and Standards Code
The meeting will include an open house at 6:30PM followed by a presentation/discussion session starting at 6:45PM.
Thank You!
Wilkes East Neighborhood would like express our gratitude to the following for their generous contributions & continued support:
• Jazzy Bagels, Main St & Powell
• Parkrose Hardware, 106th & Sandy
• Growers Outlet, 162nd & Glisan
• SOLV, Bringing Oregon together
• Albertsons, 181st & Glisan
• And, all the many volunteers!