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Gresham's Healthly Eating Active Living Community Forum: Oct 3, 2011 5:30PM

10/03/2011 - 5:30pm
10/03/2011 - 7:30pm
Gresham's Healthly Eating Active Living Project. This will be an opportunity for community members to provide feedback on draft Comprehensive Plan langauge concerning food access and health related goals, policies, and action measures. Oct 3, 2011 5:30-7:30PM. Info here!
Healthy Eating Active Living website

You're Invited

When:Mon Oct 3, 2011 5:30-7:30PM
Where:Gresham City Hall
Barlow Trail Room
1333 Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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An upcoming event for the Healthy Eating Active Living project - come to learn more and share your thoughts!

Join us on October 3 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM in the Barlow Trail Room at City Hall for a community forum. This will be an opportunity for community members to provide feedback on draft Comprehensive Plan langauge concerning food access and health related goals, policies, and action measures. You can learn more about the project on the website.

Wilkes Community Group- Open House: Oct 4, 2011 6:30PM

10/04/2011 - 6:30pm
10/04/2011 - 8:00pm
Wilkes Community Group- Open House. A panel from Portland Parks and Recreation will answer questions about the Wilkes Creek Headwaters at this “Open House” meeting, Oct 4, 2011 6:30PM. Info here!

Wilkes Creek Headwater discussion

When :Tue Oct 4, 2011 6:30-8PM
Where: Margaret Scott Elementary School
14700 NE Sacramento
Portland OR
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Save the Date

Wilkes Community Group is hosting an open house meeting to provide information on the recent acquisition of the Wilkes Creek Headwaters property. The following panelists will share information and answer questions.

    Representing Portland Parks and Recreation:

  • Planning Manager
  • Natural Areas Supervisor with City Nature
  • Zone Four Manager
  • Park Security Manager
  • Public Involvement Manager
    Representing Bureau of Environmental Services:

  • Program Coordinator, Watershed Services
    Representing Portland Police Bureau:

  • Policeman from North Precinct

Representatives from other community organizations with interests in the future development of this new park property have expressed intent to also attend this meeting

To expedite the open microphone forum, please come 15 minutes early to sign in on the speaking list.

Gresham Neighborhood Coalition Meeting: Oct 11, 2011 7PM

10/11/2011 - 7:00pm
10/11/2011 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham Coalition of Neighborhood Associations - A unified voice for Gresham's neighborhood associations. Info here!

Coalition of Gresham
Neighborhood Associations

When: Tuesday Oct 11, 2011 7:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Springwater Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pky
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Public welcome
The Coalition of Gresham Neighborhood Associations was formed to provide structure and support for the leadership of Gresham's neighborhood associations, enabling more effective cooperation among neighborhood associations in order to achieve desired outcomes. Goals of the Coalition include providing a public forum for the review and evaluation of issues and problems, providing education and information on specific areas such as land use, and providing a unified voice for the neighborhood associations.

The Coalition meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7:00PM

Natural Resources and Sustainability Committee Meeting: Oct 11, 2011 6:30PM

10/11/2011 - 6:30pm
10/11/2011 - 8:30pm
The Natural Resources and Sustainability Committee (NRSC) advises the Gresham City Council on policy development matters and actions related to the protection, restoration and enhancement of natural resources. Tue Oct 11, 2011, 6:30-8:30PM. Info here!

Creating A Green Future

When: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:30-8:30PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham, OR
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Public Invited
Natural Resources and Sustainability Committee Oregon Trail Room
The Natural Resources and Sustainability Committee (NRSC) advises the Gresham City Council on policy development matters and actions related to the protection, restoration and enhancement of natural resources, including watershed health, water quality, urban tree canopy and the development of city parks amenities.

The NRSC meets the second Tuesday of each month. The public is encouraged to attend.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Meeting: Oct 12, 2011 7PM

10/12/2011 - 7:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Meeting: Oct 12, 2011 7PM. Info here!

When: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7-9PM
Where: Gresham city Hall
Conference Room 3A
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham, OR
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Public Welcome
The Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.

The purpose of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee (GRDCAC) is to advise the Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) on the implementation of urban renewal plans.

Public participation is welcome and encouraged.

Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in serving on this committee? Complete a volunteer application

SnowCap Offers Free Flu Shot Event: Oct 13, 2011 10AM-2PM

10/13/2011 - 10:00am
10/13/2011 - 2:00pm
SnowCap Community Charities is sponsoring a FREE flu shot event Oct 13, 2011 10AM-2PM at Rockwood United Methodist Church, 178th & SE Stark. Pneumonia, TDAP, Hepatitis (first in series), and HPV shots will also be available. Info Here!

Free Flu Shot Event

When: Oct 13, 2011 10AM-2PM
Where: Rockwood United Methodist Church
17805 SE Stark St
Gresham, OR
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Protect Your Health
FREE flu shots available on October 13, 2011 from 10AM-2PM at the Rockwood United Methodist Church. Pneumonia, TDAP, Hepatitis (first in series), and HPV shots will also be available. Sponsored by SnowCap Community Charities.

Rockwood Alert: Major Traffic Improvements Underway 188th & Burnside, Expect Delays: Oct 26-Nov 10, 2011

Rockwood Alert: Major Traffic Improvements Underway 188th & Burnside, Expect Delays: Oct 26-Nov 10, 2011. Info Here!

SE 188/187th Street Realignment

Construction crews are entering the final phases of the street realignment project at 188th and Burnside in Rockwood. This realignment will create a safer connection between 187th and 188th Avenues for vehicles and improve pedestrian safety along East Burnside and SE Stark Streets between 185th and 190th Avenues.

To safely switch over the signals at the intersection of 188th and Burnside, beginning October 26, 2011 vehicle movements will be limited to those that do not cross the MAX light rail tracks. This work is expected to last approximately two weeks. See map (below the break) for complete details on the traffic impacts.

Bad weather may postpone or increase the time frame of these traffic improvements.

Methadone Clinic at 162nd & E Burnside Seeks Approval for Continued Operation, Public Hearing: Sep 9, 2011 9:30AM

09/09/2011 - 9:30am
Methadone Clinic at 162nd & E Burnside Seeks Approval for Continued Operation, Public Hearing: Sep 9, 2011 9:30AM. Info here!
Land use app. Click to enlarge

Public Hearing, Friday 9:30AM

When: Fri, Sep 9, 2011 9:30AM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1333 Nw Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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Methadone clinic seeks approval
A hearing is set for Friday morning Sep 9, 2011 at 9:30AM seeking approval for the continued operation of a methadone clinic located at 162nd & E Burnside operated by CRC Health Oregon, Inc dba Allied Health Services East.

Have your voice heard
Any person who would like to comment on the application may present oral or written testimony at the hearing, or a letter may be submitted to the Hearings Officier at the City's Urban Design & Planning office prior to the hearing.

Citizens wishing to object or support this out-patient clinic application for continued operation are urged to attend this hearing. This business is located in the Gresham city limits.

A Day of Activities at Nadaka Nature Park with Audubon Society of Portland and Verde: Sep 10, 2011 10AM-2PM

09/10/2011 - 10:00am
09/10/2011 - 2:00pm
A Day of Activities at Nadaka Nature Park with Audubon Society of Portland and Verde: Sep 10, 2011 10AM-2PM. Info here!
Nadaka Nature Park, Gresham OR

A Day Of Fun
For The Whole Family!

When: Sun, Sep 10, 2011 10AM-2PM
Where: Nadaka Nature Park
175th & NE Pacific St
Gresham OR
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Join The Fun!
Come explore and learn more about Nadaka Nature Park and Garden Project which brings together diverse community organizations to develop and maintain a community garden, orchard, rain garden, natural meadow, restrooms, and nature-based play area at Nadaka Nature Park.

  • 10:00AM- Come get to know Nadaka with a scavenger hunt and other family fun activities
  • 10:45AM- Learn about Nadaka Nature Park and Garden Project/li>
  • 11:00AM- Audubon of Society Education Birds/li>
  • 12:00PM- Explore Nadaka and other family activities

Sign the Petition
Please support Nadaka Nature Park and Garden Project by signing the online petition here:

SUN Green House and Garden Party at H.B. Lee Middel School, Everyone's Invited: Sep 21, 2011 2PM-5:30PM

09/21/2011 - 2:15pm
09/21/2011 - 5:30pm
SUN Green House and Garden Party at H.B. Lee Middel School, Everyone's Invited: Sep 21, 2011 2PM-5:30PM. Bring your shovel and gloves and help us assemble our new greeehouse, raised bed kits, and do some basic garden maintenance. Snacks provided. Info here!

Bring your shovel and gloves!

When: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 2PM-5:30PM
Where: H.B. Lee Middle School
School Garden Area
1121 NE 172nd Av
Gresham OR
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Let's get dirty
Join us as we prepare the garden for fall. Bring your shovel and gloves and help us assemble our new greeehouse, raised bed kits, and do some basic garden maintenance such as pruning, weeding, watering --- and maybe even a bit of harvesting.

H.B. Lee Middle School’s SUN Community School is celebrating the addition of its new greenhouse by hosting an Autumn Greenhouse and Garden Event in the school garden September 21st.

Snacks will be provided, so grab your favorite shovel and come down!

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