City of Gresham

Become a Neighborhood Wildlife Watcher, Volunteer training: Oct 21, 2010 6PM

10/21/2010 - 6:00pm
10/21/2010 - 8:00pm
Become a Neighborhood Wildlife Watcher, Volunteer training: Oct 16 & 21, 2010. Info here!

Listen to songbirds,
Enjoy the great outdoors

Learn surveying & monitoring techniques, Meet your non-human neighbors

When: Thursday Oct 21, 2010 6PM-8PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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RSVP: or phone 503-618-2246 to reserve your spot today!

Neighborhood Wildlife Watchers October Training

We’re looking for Neighborhood Wildlife Watchers to monitor habitat structures in your neighborhood or around the community. Volunteers may find flying squirrels, wood ducks, songbirds, swallows, and bats. Opportunities exist for individuals and groups of all ages and skill levels.

Two October trainings with City staff will teach monitoring techniques and match volunteers with sites convenient for you:

  • Saturday, Octover 16 10AM-12PM
  • Thursday, October 21 6PM-8PM

Neighborhood Wildlife Watchers brochure

Safely Dispose of Prescription Drugs, Gresham City Hall: Sep 25, 2010 1-5PM

09/25/2010 - 1:00pm
09/25/2010 - 5:00pm

Safely Dispose of Prescription Drugs, Take Advantage of Fall Prescription Drug Collections: Gresham City Hall, Saturday Sep 25, 2010 1-5PM.  Info here!

Take Advantage of this
Fall Rx Drug Collection

Sat Sep 25th 1-5PM,
Gresham City Hall

When: Saturday, Sep 25, 1PM-5PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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Safely Dispose of Prescription Drugs

Take Advantage of Fall Prescription Drug Collections and Empty Your Medicine Cabinets. If you have unused or expired prescription medicines in your home, you can dispose of them safely on Saturday, Sept. 25 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Gresham City Hall. Participants will empty their pill bottles into containers at the drop-off site. Liquid medication must stay in the prescription bottle. No intra-venous solutions, injectables, syringes or medical waste will be accept.

Keep Drugs Out of the Water Supply

Sometimes we forget the toilet is not a trash can. The City's Wastewater Services asks residents to help keep water sources clean by not flushing unused medications and personal care products down the toilet or sink. In one national study of 139 streams in 30 states, drugs were found in 80% of the samples. In the Potomac River, male fish were discovered producing eggs. While there is no evidence of risk to human health, these products contain compounds detected in trace amounts in aquatic systems even past the wastewater treatment plant. Read more...

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Meeting, Executive Session: Sep 16, 2010 4PM

09/16/2010 - 4:00pm
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Meeting, Executive Session: Sep 16, 2010 4PM. Info here!

Grant Applications: Apartment Rehabilitation (12), Storefront Improvement (2), New Industries Grant Refinements, Catalyst Site- Phase II Use, Temporary Use Policy, GRDC Work Plan: Public Safety Facility and Services in Rockwood

When: Thursday, Sep 16, 2010 4PM
Where: Council Chambers
Gresham Civic Center
Public Safety & Schools Building
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Gresham, OR
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The Gresham Redevelopment will meet on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 4:00PM. in the Council Chambers, Gresham Civic Center, Public Safety and Schools Building, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon.

The meeting agenda can be found here The agenda materials have been posted to the web and are accessible here


Immediately following adjournment of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission September 16, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. open session., the Gresham Redevelopment Commission will hold an Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(e) Real Property Transactions, ORS 192.660(2)(f) – Exempt Public Records, and ORS 192.660(2)(h) – Legal Counsel. Executive sessions are CLOSED to the public. Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes, no information from this session shall be disclosed by the news media.

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meeting agenda: Sep 8, 2010 7PM

09/08/2010 - 7:00pm
09/08/2010 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham, Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meeting agenda: Sep 8, 2010 7PM. Info here!

GRDC Advisory Committee agenda:

Meeting Minutes: May & June, New Industries Grant Program Refinements, Public Safety Facility, Plaza del Sol Work Group Update

When: Wednesday Sep 8, 2010 7PM-9PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Conference Center
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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On the agenda

Click here for Wednesday night's Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) Advisory Committee meeting agenda. This link takes you to the City of Gresham webpage that has the attachments and further meeting information.

It includes: Meeting Minutes: May & June, New Industries Grant Program Refinements, Public Safety Facility, Plaza del Sol Work Group Update, and more. You will find all of this under "Agenda" for the meeting on 9/8.

Neighborhood Coalition Meeting: Sep 14, 2010 7PM

09/14/2010 - 7:00pm
City of Gresham Coalition of Neighborhood Associations - A unified voice for Gresham's neighborhood associations. Info here!

Coalition of Gresham
Neighborhood Associations

Board Meeting
Tuesday Sep 14, 2010 7:00PM

When: Tuesday Sep 14, 2010 7:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall, Springwater Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pky
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Public welcome

The Coalition of Gresham Neighborhood Associations was formed to provide structure and support for the leadership of Gresham's neighborhood associations, enabling more effective cooperation among neighborhood associations in order to achieve desired outcomes. Goals of the Coalition include providing a public forum for the review and evaluation of issues and problems, providing education and information on specific areas such as land use, and providing a unified voice for the neighborhood associations.

The Coalition meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7:00PM

Volunteers needed for Gresham's 2010 Regional Trail & Sidewalk User Survey: Sep 14-15, 18-19

Volunteers wanted for Gresham's 2010 RegionalTrail & Sidewalk User Survey: Sep 14-15, 18-19. Sign-up info here!

How many people bike, walk, and skateboard on Gresham streets & trails?

Help conduct counts or surveys on trail & sidewalk use in Gresham as part of a nationwide effort

Be counted!
Even if you don't volunteer, please show-up and be counted at one of the locations below if you bike, walk, skateboard, or rollerblade on the trails or streets in the Gresham area. Ed.

Volunteers needed

Gresham is participating in a nationwide effort to document the number of people biking, walking, skateboarding, and rollerblading on trails and local streets. As part of that effort, City staff is asking for volunteers to help conduct counts and surveys.

The counts will be conducted September 14th, 15th, and 16th from 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m., and September 18th and 19th from 9 to 11 a.m. The City has identified 18 locations where counts will be taken:

  • Marine Dr & I85th Ave
  • 181st Ave & Halsey St
  • Halsey St & 201st Ave
  • Gresham Fairview Trail & Burnside Ave
  • 181st Ave & Division St
  • 181st Ave & Powell Blvd
  • Springwater Trail & Pleasant View Dr
  • Burnside Ave & 223rd Ave
  • Powell Blvd & 223rd Ave
  • Springwater Trail @ Main City Park
  • Cleveland Ave & 5th St
  • Springwater Trail & 242nd/ Hogan Rd
  • Stark St & Kane Dr
  • Kane Dr & Division
  • Kane & Powell Valley
  • 282nd Ave & Lusted Rd
  • 181st & Glisan St
  • 181st & Stark St

Click here for a map of these locations.

Count or Survey?

Volunteers can choose to conduct counts or conduct a short survey. The surveys well help provide information on trip distance, why people use trails, and what types of trials they prefer.

Your participation in this effort will help the City gain valuable information on walking and bicycling:

  • Baseline data: How many people are biking? Walking? Where? What are the volume trends from year to year?
  • What is the return on investment in bike lanes, trails and sidewalks: How many people use bike/pedestrian facilities after they are built?
  • How can safety be improved: Certain locations have high numbers of bike/pedestrian crashes, but what is the risk exposure rate? Is it high or low relative to bike/pedestrian volumes? How should safety improvements be prioritized?

Click here to volunteer!

Gresham Development Code Improvements project begins, Community Forum: Tues Aug 17, 2010 6:30PM

08/17/2010 - 6:30pm
08/17/2010 - 8:30pm
City of Gresham Development Code Improvements project begins, Community Forum: Tues Aug 17, 2010 6:30PM.  Info Here!

5th Round of Development Code Improvements Begin

Community Forum, Public Invited
Tues Aug 17th 6:30PM

When: Tuesday Aug 17, 2010 6:30PM-8:30PM
Where: Room 2A
City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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Plan to Attend

The fifth round of Code improvements are being initiated with the purpose of enhancing the clarity of the Code and increasing its effectiveness. Topics of this round include:

  • Assessment of Community Services Uses and consideration of a Conditional Use process
  • Developing a master plan process for institutional use
  • Examining alternative energy systems
  • Introducing a protocol for classifying permitted uses

A community forum is tentatively scheduled for August 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 in Room 2A at Gresham City Hall. Information on the topics will be shared at this meeting. Staff will also solicit input from the public on the topics and issues associated with them.

The Planning Commission will hold its first work session on DCIP-5 on August 23. This meeting is scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 in the Springwater Trail Room at City Hall. The purpose of the meeting will be to share the topics, share public comments on the topics, and gain additional feedback.

Gresham Preservation. Historic Certified Local Government Community Forum: Aug 19, 2010 6:30PM

08/19/2010 - 6:30pm
Gresham Preservation. Historic Certified Local Government Community Forum: Aug 19, 2010 6:30PM.  Info Here!Carnegie Library Bldg 1913
Main St, Downtown Gresham

Supports Gresham's efforts to preserve its sites, buildings and objects of historical significance

When: Thursday, August 19, 2010 6:30PM-8:00PM
Where: Room 2A
City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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You are invited!

Property owners, stakeholders and interested parties are invited to attend a community forum about the Historic Certified Local Government project, which supports Gresham's efforts to preserve its sites, buildings and objects that have historical significance. The project will enable the city to be designated by the State as a Certified Local Government (CLG).

The meeting will include:

  • An open house from 6:30-7:00PM
  • A presentation at 7:00PM
  • A question and answer period

Join Us for the Parks Picnic on the Plaza, Downtown Gresham: Aug 21, 2010 11AM-2PM

08/21/2010 - 11:00am
08/21/2010 - 2:00pm
Join Us for the Parks Picnic on the Plaza, Downtown Gresham: Aug 21, 2010 11AM-2PM Info here!

Take a closer look at the future of Gresham parks

Bring a picnic lunch!
Live music, field games, prizes, photo contest winners, more!

When: Saturday, Aug 21, 2010 11AM-2PM
Where: Center for the Arts Plaza
401 NE Second St
Gresham, OR
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You're Invited!

You bring a picnic basket, or pick up something delicious to eat from a Downtown restaurant or the Gresham Farmers' Market, and we'll provide the fun with an opportunity to take a closer look at the future of Gresham parks.

Parks Picnic on the Plaza, a first-year event produced by the City in partnership with the Center for the Arts Foundation, Gresham Downtown Development Association, and the Historic Downtown Gresham Business Association, features:

  • Lively music by the Federal Cigar Jug Band
  • Old-fashioned field games – including baby races to crown the fastest future parks user!
  • Prizes
  • Photo gallery of winners from the Aug. 1 "Picture Your Parks" community photo contest
  • Information vendors representing a variety of community organizations and programs including People for Parks; EastSide United FC; El Programa Hispano; and the City's Our Parks, Our Future outreach program. Sign up to stay involved.

Our Parks, Our Future, which launched this spring, asks a simple question: What can the community do to keep Gresham parks going today, and growing to meet the needs of tomorrow?

Gresham Development Code Changes Unanimously Approved. Enactment Reading: July 6, 2010 6PM

07/06/2010 - 6:00pm
07/06/2010 - 8:00pm
City of Gresham Development Code Changes Unanimously Approved. Enactment Reading: July 6, 2010 6PM.  Info Here!

Corridor Districts Review
Development Code Improvement Project

City Council unanimously approves amending Development Code

When: Tuesday July 6, 2010 6PM-8PM
Where: Council Chambers
City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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The City Council unanimously approved amending the Development Code regarding issues from the 2009 Development Code Improvement Project and the 2009 Corridor Districts Review project at its hearing on June 15, 2010. The enactment reading will occur on July 6, 2010, with an effective date of August 5, 2010. The approved language may be found here under “June 15 Public Hearing.”

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