Gresham Mayor Shane Bemis has continued his pledge to get into the neighborhoods, meet the people, and share ideas for making Gresham a better place to live.
Land Use: 16701 NE Hassalo St
Land Use Issue
Site Location: 16701 NE Hassalo St. This is a proposed 3-parcel partition on this property. There is one existing house and it is proposed to build 2 townhouses behind the existing house.
The northern most townhouse must face north because of a proposed future street plan. The future street plan would extend Multnomah Terrace from NE 166th Avenue to NE 169th Avenue.
July 2007 WENA Board Meeting
July 2007 Board Meeting
Monday July 30, 2007
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Board meetings are scheduled for the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30pm
For more information please contact:
June 2007 WENA Board Meeting
June 2007 Board Meeting
Monday June 25, 2007
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Board meetings are scheduled for the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30pm.
For more information please contact:
WENA Annual Meeting / Neighborhood Faire: Aug 27
Monday, August 27, 2007
7:00pm - 8:30pm
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church
17405 NE Glisan Street
Be sure to save Monday, August 27th at 7:00 PM for WENA’s Annual Meeting & Neighborhood Faire. This meeting will be held at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 17405 NE Glisan Street, Portland, Oregon.
The agenda will include election of officers, By-law changes to add the Land-Use Committee and Communication Committee, plus some lively discussion.
Start Your Own Neighborhood Watch
Start your own Neighborhood Watch!
Neighborhood Watch Needs You! The program embraces and strengthens many things we're already doing, such as watching out for each other's homes or working together to solve problems. A Neighborhood Watch brings the power of organization and the ability to focus energy and resources. Start yours today!
May 2007 WENA Board Meeting
May 2007 Board Meeting
Monday 4, 2007
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Board meetings are scheduled for the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30pm, however because of the Memorial Day Weekend the May meeting has been moved to Monday, June 4th.
For more information please contact:
2007 Neighborhood Cleanup July 14th
2007 Annual Neighborhood Cleanup July 14th!
Clean-up your home, garage, or yard at a bargain price and in the process support your neighborhood.
"Spring Clean Up" usually means you discover a lot of things you wish you could take to the dump! Well, now you don't have to take your junk anywhere! The dumpster is coming to you! Cost: $10.00 per household
A Walk with the Mayor
A Walk with the Mayor
In March Wilkes East Neighborhood members shared a Walk with Mayor Shane Bemis, 2007 Council President Shirley Craddick, and City Staffer Eric Chambers.