Land Use: 16701 NE Hassalo St

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Land Use Issue

Site Location: 16701 NE Hassalo St. This is a proposed 3-parcel partition on this property. There is one existing house and it is proposed to build 2 townhouses behind the existing house.

The northern most townhouse must face north because of a proposed future street plan. The future street plan would extend Multnomah Terrace from NE 166th Avenue to NE 169th Avenue.

The City's documents concerning this development can be viewed online at: Enter the project number 07-26000004 to view the documents

The Wilkes East Neighborhood Association has held two public meetings, one with the Engineer Technician and one with the owner concerning this development.

Click here to view the WENA Land Use Minutes: April 2007.

For more information, or to be contacted about future land use issues call 503-251-2776, contact WENA, or email