Land Use Minutes: April 2007
Wilkes East Neighborhood Association
Land Use Committee
April 19, 2007
Re: Proposed 3-Parcel partition located at 16701 NE Hassalo St., Portland
A meeting was held at Park Place Coffee, 1288 SE 182nd Ave., Portland at 6:30 pm on the above date.
Lance Forney, Engineer Technician, All County Surveyors & Planners, Inc. was there on behalf of the developer, Scott Dennis, to discuss plans for the development of the above property. A list of the individuals from the neighborhood is attached and provided to those in attendance, City of Gresham, Scott Dennis and Lance Forney.
Lance gave a presentation to the neighbors in attendance and showed engineering plans with regard to the proposed development. He answered numerous questions but was not able to provide a description or plan for what type of housing would be built. Specifically Lance was unable to answer questions concerning the character of the homes, height, whether they would be rentals and what type of privacy fencing would be provided between adjacent houses.
The neighbors also had questions about the schedule for construction, noise, destruction of property (especially trees) on adjacent property, lights down the proposed driveway which would interfere with neighbors, parking of vehicles on street because of inadequate parking near homes to be built.
Additionally there was concern about the drainage from the long driveway to the back of the property. Lance indicated a dry well would be installed to prevent such problems. One of the neighbors on Wasco complained that Wasco already has drainage problems as a result of the installation of the new water main and there was concern for increased drainage problems from this construction.
The future street plan was discussed which a number of the homeowners objected to because of the placement of their homes at this time, how the FTS would take part of their property, the last house would face the neighbor on Wasco, etc.
The neighbors expressed a strong desire to have the new owner/developer, Scott Dennis, meet with them to discuss in more detail the above items.
Wilkes East Neighborhood Assn. Land Use Meeting
Re: Pre-Application Number: PAM 07-26000004
Site Location: 16701 NE Hassalo Street
Parcel Description: R160402040/1S3E31BA4100
Hosted at the home of Leo & Kris Freiermuth on 5/14/07
Facilitated by Lee Dayfield
Attended by neighboring residents:
Gerry Brooks, neighbor on Hassalo
Maria Buenrostro, neighbor on Wasco
Russell Bunch, behind proposed development on Wasco Street
Vicorica Cojocariu, immediately behind proposed dev. on Wasco
Lee Dayfield, neighbor on Hassalo
Ceasar Gomez, neighbor on Hassalo
Leslie Hodges & Brian Grubb, neighbor on Hassalo
Barbara & James Lund, immediately adjacent to proposed development
Bruce Rodabaugh, neighbor on Wasco
Gail Young, behind on Wasco
Also attended by developer, Scott Dennis.
-Mr. Bunch expressed concerns about soil testing.
-Jim Lund, a Civil Engineer, emphatically expressed concerns about construction requirements that must be met and that are not in the plans, i.e. hook-up to Gresham sewer. Mr. Dennis stated that would not be necessary.
-Mr. Dennis did not bring the requested architectural drawings of the two proposed houses.
He said it was not financially feasible to build just one custom home on the property. His plan was to build homes just like those built two doors away.
-Developer asked why no one objected to that development. Group replied, they were not informed upfront or they certainly would have. Also Neighborhood Association not active at the time those houses were built.
-Group questioned how a "temporary" driveway could be permitted pending proposed Multnomah Terrace finalization.
-Barb Lund stated she very recently spoke to Chris Chambers at the City of Gresham Planning Division who stated there are no existing plans in the foreseeable future for Multnomah Terrace to be extended. Mr. Chambers said the "City does not have the funds to purchase the land required from the residents."
-Scott Dennis stated legal lot size is 5,000 sq. ft. and he also did not want to lose property for that street to be extended. Group noted it would not be his property at that point.
-Bruce Rodabaugh asked if developer knew the definition of "common easement", who would own the deed to the "common easement" of the proposed development, who would be responsible for it and is the common easement part of the property or not.
-Developer stated legal drive is 18' wide with 3' surface.
-Barb Lund asked if a fire truck could reach the proposed new homes. Developer stated that wouldn't be necessary because he was installing sprinklers in the homes. Group asked if developer actually believed sprinklers were 100% guaranteed - developer said "yes".
-Barb Lund expressed serious concern about the devaluation of their property and that of the surrounding neighbors, about complete loss of privacy, particularly affecting the Lunds, about
the impact on the wildlife living in the area, and about the trees on her mother-in-law's property at 16715 Hassalo - immediately adjacent to the proposed new driveway must be protected. Barb Lund stated if in 3 years (the amount of time it could take for those trees to die) the trees show signs of harm, she will hold him personally responsible. Owls and a host of birds live in those trees.
-Brian Hodges asked developer if he plans to rent new houses - developer said he does not plan to rent the proposed new homes.
-Developer is currently renting the existing home on Hassalo. Each proposed home will have 1800 sq. ft. w/ 2 garages 66' wide by 88' deep.
-Group expressed concerns about environment during construction.
-Mr. Rodabaugh expressed ground water concerns and stated developer needed a rain drain plan - oil, gas, etc. Oil/Water Separator Without it, all drainage would contaminate ground water. He referred to Code 9.0522 - Storm Water Treatment.
-Developer said he would not have to pay City of Gresham for storm water because there is no storm water being provided by City of Gresham.
-Developer said it would cost him an additional $50,000 to install new sidewalk and curbing along Hassalo. His plan is that all 3 driveways would go into drywell by 36" pipe, 30' or 40' long.
-Vicorica Cojocariu would also lose all privacy being directly behind proposed development on Wasco Street.
-Gail Young asked to see water drainage plan as her property and that of her neighbor, Vicorica Cojocariu on Wasco would suffer greatly, particularly in the winter months.
-Group stated they would report any and all building violations immediately.
-Group stated they would like to call a meeting with the City of Gresham Head Planner, Ann Pytymia, 503-618-2859. Barb Lund volunteered to initiate and schedule that meeting.
Group agreed to sign a petition to voice formal objection to this proposed development.
Meeting adjourned.
For more information, or to be contacted about future land use issues call 503-251-2776, contact WENA, or email