City of Gresham

Neighborhood Connections: Nov 2010

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections November 2010

City of Gresham News,
Community Activities,
Workshops & More

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Rockwood in Motion Enters Next Phase of Work, 188th/187th Avenue Realignment Begins

Rockwood in Motion Enters Next Phase of Work, 188th/187th Avenue Realignment Begins.  Info here!
188/187 realignment begins

Start Street Boulevard completes.
188th/187th Ave realign begins,
open house Nov 17th 6PM.
Plaza del Sol holiday event, Dec 11.

One project completes

One major Urban Renewal-funded project is successfully wrapping up and another is about to get under way in Central Rockwood. The Stark Street Boulevard project is finishing up work to Stark between 190th and 199th, with the final round of concrete work and landscape planting to be completed any day now. The project improved sidewalks, bike lanes and crosswalks along this important arterial street, and added new street lights and landscaping.

Another project begins

At the same time, the 187th Avenue project is about to begin, with demolition of the north part of the Rockwood Community Office building leading off work that will build a new street connection from 187th and Stark to 188th and Burnside across the east end of former Fred Meyer site (the southern portion of the building used by Gresham Police will remain as is). When it’s complete, this new street will provide a much safer direct connection between the Rockwood MAX station and the neighborhood to the south of Stark, complete with a new signal at 187th and Stark, which should reduce much of the current conflict between vehicles and pedestrians on that stretch of Stark. Construction area map.

UPDATED: City of Gresham "Big Box" Retail Design and Development Standards code nears completion

City of Gresham
Suzan Wells, Pres. SWNA
outside abandoned QFC store
182nd/Powell. Gresham Outlook

City of Gresham "Big Box" Code nears completion

UPDATE: Gresham approves big-box standards, Nov. 16

Years in the making

Five years ago the Southwest Neighborhood Association (SWNA) appealed to Gresham city leaders to create a code regulating big-box stores. Susan Wells, President of SWNA says "This is not about keeping businesses out. This is about responsible development in the City of Gresham."

A few years ago the City of Gresham became mired in a three year battle when Walmart's proposed supercenter (182nd & Powell) met with fierce opposition from the local neighborhood association over issues with traffic, safety and livability. Gresham approved the 212,000 sq ft project (complete with two levels of underground parking for 900 cars) but the neighborhood, worried about traffic problems, appealed the city’s decision to the state Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) and won. A year later, Walmart proposed a store half the size; this time the city rejected the proposal, citing traffic issues. Walmart appealed to LUBA, but the application was eventually denied in part due to strong citizen opposition.

UPDATE: Gresham approves big-box standards
(Source: The Gresham Outlook, Nov 16, 2010)
Gresham city councilors unanimously approved a package of code changes, new zones and a host of design standards to a round of applause on Tuesday, Nov. 16. Read more.

An important message to our neighbors

Susan Wells, President of the Southwest Neighborhood Association has helped shape the City's new "Big Box" Retail Design and Development Standards with her continued involvement. Throughout this project Susan has emailed valuable information and insight to share with our neighbors about this important community issue.

Below is Susan's latest email:

Filing a Police Report Just Got Easier. Gresham Police offer new online reporting

Filing a Police Report Just Got Easier. Gresham Police offer new online reporting system.  Info here!
City of Gresham Police

New service saves
the City time & money

Residents can now report nonemergency crimes online

Online reporting system offered by Gresham Police

Gresham Police Department is launching a new crime reporting service that will allow residents to file police reports online beginning Oct. 11. The new service will allow people to file certain reports at their convenience. These reports include:

  • Vandalism (including graffiti)
  • Lost property (excluding firearms and prescription medications)
  • Theft from vehicles
  • Theft (excluding firearms or prescription medications)
  • Vandalism to a motor vehicle
  • Additional property Information (supplemental information to a prior report)

Click here to File a Police Report

Neighborhood Connections: Oct 2010

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections October 2010

City of Gresham News,
Community Activities,
Workshops & More

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Nadaka Nature Park Vegetation Management Plan nears completion

Nadaka Nature Park Vegetation Management Plan, Laminated Root Rot disease discovered. Info here!
Nadaka Nature Park
Click to enlarge

Nadaka Nature Park
Vegetation Management Plan nears completion, disease threatens firs

Protecting a Natual Resource

In 2009 Wilkes East Neighborhood Association (WENA) applied for and received a Metro Parks & Greenspaces Nature in Neighborhoods Capital Grant and a grant from the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) to be used towards the purchase of the adjacent 2-acre Nelson Property for use as a public park. Both Metro and EMSWCD had requirements for the master planning of the Nelson property one of which was to do a vegetation management plan.

At the WENA annual meeting in August 2010, Ric Catron, City of Gresham Parks Planner provided information about this Plan for Nadaka Nature Park. Its purpose is a balance of protection of natural areas and future park development, restoration of the site and creating diversity for native wildlife and providing passive recreation.

City of Gresham Development Code Improvement Project work session: Sep 21, 2010 3PM

09/21/2010 - 3:00pm
City of Gresham Development Code Improvement Project work session: Sep 21, 2010 3PM. Info here!

Topics: renewable energy, institutional master plan, and new use classification system

When: Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010 3PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Gresham, OR
Get Map!

The City Council is holding a Development Code Improvement Project work session on September 21 at 3:00PM to discuss the issues and opportunities. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway.

This purpose of the Development Code Improvement Project is to enhance the clarity and increase the effectiveness of the Development Code. Topics of this round include:

  • Incorporating renewable energy into the Development Code
  • Developing an institutional master plan process
  • Reconsidering how special uses are reviewed
  • Introducing a use classification system

More information on the project may be found at the project website:

Neighborhood Connections: Sep 2010

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections August 2010

City of Gresham News,
Community Activities,
Workshops & More

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Neighborhood Connections: Aug 2010

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections August 2010

City of Gresham News,
Community Activities,
Workshops & More

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

Inside this Issue

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Retail Design and Development Standards Community Forum: Aug. 4, 2010 6:30PM

08/04/2010 - 6:30pm
Community forum, Gresham Retail Development Standards: Aug 4, 2010 6:30PM. Have a voice in the 'Big Box' store code development project. Info here!

Have a voice in Gresham's
'Big Box' Retail Development Standards

Attend this Community Forum, Aug 4th 6:30PM

When: Wednesday, Aug 4, 2010 6:30PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham, OR
Get Map!

What's Your Opinion?

Join your neighbors for the second Retail Design and Development Standards Community Forum and help refine the City's retail design vision and discuss issues related to the project.

The purpose of this forum is to gather community input on a retail design vision, the tiered approach, refining large format retail locations and retail design standard concepts.

The meeting will include:

  • Open house at 6:30PM
  • Presentation and large group discussion at 6:45PM
  • Small group work sessions to conclude the evening

This Council Work Plan project is creating regulations that ensure that large format retail meets the community's vision and provides high-quality design for retail and other commercial development in the arterial corridors.

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