City of Gresham

Neighborhood Connections: Apr 2011

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections, April 2011

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham
Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

Inside this Issue

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Make Your Opinions Count for the Community, E-mail Survey Participants Wanted

Make Your Opinions Count for the Community, E-mail Survey Participants Wanted. Info here!

The City invites you to share your thoughts via a series of short e-mail surveys

Make Your Opinions Count

The Department of Environmental Services is looking for residents to share opinions via a series of short e-mail surveys over the next few years. Participation in the periodic surveys will help staff design and deliver cost-effective programs that enhance the health of local streams and the community

Please share your opinions with us!

Your participation will help us design and deliver cost-effective programs that enhance our community and the health of our local streams. Participation is voluntary and you may opt out at any time. The surveys will be short, 10-15 minutes in length

Neighborhood Connections: Mar 2011

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections, March 2011

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham
Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

Inside this Issue

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Neighborhood Connections: Feb 2011

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections February 2011

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham
Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

Inside this Issue

Keep up with what’s Happening in your City!

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Meeting: Feb 9, 2011: CANCELLED

02/09/2011 - 7:00pm
02/09/2011 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham, Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meeting CANCELLED: Feb 9, 2011 7PM. Info here!

Gresham Redevelopment Commission
Advisory Committee
February 9, 2011
Meeting Cancellation Notice

When: Wednesday Feb 9, 2011 7PM-9PM CANCELLED
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Conference Center
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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Please be advised that the February 9, 2011 Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee (GRDCAC) meeting is canceled due to the lack of a full agenda.

The next regular meeting is Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 7:00PM.

City of Gresham Residential Districts-Preferred Approaches: Feb 8, 2011 3PM

02/08/2011 - 3:00pm
City of Gresham Residential Districts-Preferred Approaches: Feb 8, 2011 3PM. Info here!
Step-down design. Compatible?

Compatibility project’s preferred approaches

Public comment is welcome

When: Tuesday Feb 8, 2011 3PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Conference Center
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham OR
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Event Details

The City Council will discuss the Residential Districts Review-Compatibility project’s preferred approaches at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8, in the City Hall Conference Center. Public comment is welcome.

Neighborhood Coalition Meeting: Feb 8, 2011 7PM

02/08/2011 - 7:00pm
City of Gresham Coalition of Neighborhood Associations - A unified voice for Gresham's neighborhood associations. Info here!

Coalition of Gresham
Neighborhood Associations

Board Meeting
Tuesday Feb 8, 2011 7:00PM

When: Tuesday Feb 8, 2011 7:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall, Springwater Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pky
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Public welcome

The Coalition of Gresham Neighborhood Associations was formed to provide structure and support for the leadership of Gresham's neighborhood associations, enabling more effective cooperation among neighborhood associations in order to achieve desired outcomes. Goals of the Coalition include providing a public forum for the review and evaluation of issues and problems, providing education and information on specific areas such as land use, and providing a unified voice for the neighborhood associations.

The Coalition meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7:00PM

Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meeting agenda: Jan 12, 2011 7PM

01/12/2011 - 7:00pm
01/12/2011 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham, Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meeting agenda: Jan 12, 2011 7PM. Info here!

GRDC Advisory Committee agenda:

Election of Officers, Rockwood Code Compliance Staff Report, 2011 Revenue Projections, Rockwood in Motion Update, Annual Report to GRDC, Plaza del Sol Programming Work Group Update

When: Wednesday Jan 12, 2011 7PM-9PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Conference Center
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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On the agenda

Click here for Wednesday night's Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) Advisory Committee meeting agenda. This link takes you to the City of Gresham webpage that has the attachments and further meeting information.

Neighborhood Connections: Dec 2010

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections December 2010

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

Inside this Issue

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Gresham Neighborhoods listing

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

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