"Diversity, Harmony, Community - Together WE can make a difference!”

Neighborhood social networking app Nextdoor moves into Gresham

Aug 11, 2014

Hello Gresham Neighbors!

Starting today, I am pleased to announce that the City of Gresham will be using Nextdoor to help build stronger and safer neighborhoods across the city.

City departments plan to share important news and updates, services, programs, public events, and emergency notifications that are relevant to your neighborhood on Nextdoor.

Please be assured that your website remains private. City staff will not be able to see any of the content on your Nextdoor neighborhood website except for the direct replies to our posts.

We look forward to connecting with you on Nextdoor to make Gresham an even better place to live!

Take care,
Aaron Abrams,
Office of Neighborhoods & Community Engagement
City of Gresham

City of Gresham announces it will use  Nextdoor to help build stronger and safer neighborhoods across the city. Have you signed-up? Join here!
Join here!

Nextdoor, a free social network website geared to individual neighborhoods.

It's the latest hyper-local trend: connecting with your neighbors via smartphones and laptops. Since its launch in 2011, San Francisco-based Nextdoor (is used by) 1 in 5 U.S. neighborhoods, more than 36,000 neighborhoods in all 50 states.

Members must give real first and last names as well as verified home addresses to join

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Aug 18th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Aug 18th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Aug 18th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Yes, I am a bit late again, sorry but pulling all the moving pieces together here at the end is a lot to juggle. We are moving forward with both buildings and are so close.

The residence is getting the final touches on the exterior. The rest of the trim is getting its final coat of paint, the cabinets are being installed, the equipment is ready to be tested, and we are actually working on the punch list. Subacute is following closely behind, will be installing the flooring this week.

The "green" part of the landscaping has started on both buildings and by end of week it is going to look 100%. Amazing how fast it all goes here at the end.

We are still counting on being done by end of the month and will be really close.

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Power Outage Notice:
First off, I you have not heard yet PGE is having to shut down a transformer this Sunday morning (8/24/14.) This work will begin at 9AM when power does go off they have stated it will not be off more than 4 hours.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update; Subacute facility takes shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Residence facility.
Aug 21, 2014

They have also told me that is a worst case scenario. If you received a notice on your door you will be affected, if you didn't then the outage will not include your home.

Now to construction update:
Well we didn't quite make the landscape goal this week. The machine that spreads the new top soil broke on Wednesday and set us back. But it has been fixed and we have some wonderfully pungent fertile top soil which will make a great base for the new vegetation.

We just keep plugging along and are so close to being done. I know the excitement is reaching a fevered pitch but we need just a little bit longer here. The truth be told we are so close that this is going to be my last update as we really are just working on details now.

We have the new rod iron fence up along the 165th property line and as I stated going to be getting all that new lush landscaping in. I will be putting up curtain rods, getting up draperies, putting out the new welcome mat, and be able to take my first deep breathe here in a matter of a few days. Of course we will be tweaking elements and getting punch list items done so you will continue to see some construction activity but it should really slow down to a crawl.

As we open the new area, I need to remind ALL staff that Chris Krenk has promised the neighborhood that Kerr staff will NOT be parking on 165th. That is not a request, it is mandatory. With construction ending there will be plenty of parking on campus so there is no need for staff or visitor parking along 165th. Kerr will be monitoring this and will be following up with employees that do park on the street.

Other than that I really can't think of anything worthy of printing so will attempt to sign off here. If I do think of something else I will let you know. The design and project teams would like to thank everyone for their patience, understanding, flexibility, input, suggestions, comments, and excitement. In the scheme of projects this one has gone smoothly and, yes I may be just a bit partial here, is a wonderful addition to Kerr's campus. The new buildings will help Kerr meet the challenges that the 21st century will bring and we are looking forward to finishing up the campus improvements with Phase II that will be starting here in a couple of months, so I will be back in touch then.

The project has been a success!

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jul 17th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Jul 17th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Jul 17th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


The weather has held and we are bustling with activity on the job site. The construction trailer has shifted and the finished site work has started. We have new curbs and the entry sidewalk at Subacute.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jul 17th Construction Update; Subacute facility takes shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Subacute facility.
Jul 18, 2014

Our paving contractor had a job fall through so we are taking advantage of the situation and getting paving done sooner versus later. Which means we will have the new parking area and driveway close to complete by end of next week. Of course, these will not be open or usable, they remain within the job site but you will really be able to see it all coming together.

The bad part of this is Subacute staff is again having to take one for the team and keep the interim temporary entrance open for an additional week, so sorry about that. But staff has risen to the occasion, yet again, and are making it work. We will be shifting the Subacute entrance back to the regular entry door on the Northeast side of the building as of 8AM Friday morning the 25th, with new sidewalk and all.

We have made great internal progress on the residence. The drywall is up, taping and mudding is almost done, and interior painting is starting. We won’t be doing the external painting until the interior painting is complete. I do apologize, previous updates had stated we would be doing exterior painting now but since we are moving up the paving the contractor wanted to hold off on exterior painting.

Next week we will be making equal interior progress on Subacute. We got held up a bit with some fire sprinkler approvals and inspections (when aren’t there hiccups with the fire sprinkler) but am getting those and will be shifting to finishes. We will be able to throw the whole finish crew at the building because they will be done with the residence, so it will be busy but it is working out.

I know it is hard to believe but we will be landscaping before too long.

I am expecting to hear any minute from the City on our Louise/Phase II design review application acceptance, so that one could be moving to the next phase here very quickly. The next steps will be hearings before the Historic and Design Commissions to obtain their recommendation and approval. We remain working on construction drawings for the project and have the next round of space plans ready for review. I am currently working on setting up meetings with the staff to review and discuss but we are getting really, really close to having something that will work for everyone.

The existing parking plan remains in place for another week. If anyone has any issues, concerns, problems please let me know.

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jul 10th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Jul 10th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Jul 10th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Well (it) may seem like it has been a bit since you heard from me and it has, but we are still at it. Had several major milestones of late:

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jul 10th Construction Update; Residence facility. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Residence facility.
Jul 15, 2014
  • The large equipment has come and gone from the construction site. The last crane was here this week to hoist the new mechanical system up on the roof of Subacute and then left campus. Which means if you were still hoping to see some big equipment the time has passed. Still will have some medium sized equipment to site, especially when we pave, but the big exciting stuff is gone. Just one more shift towards getting done!
  • PGE and NW Natural have us roughed in at both buildings, so crews are now busily attempting to get all the mechanical units connected and working.
  • All the trenching around CI is complete and parking is back to normal.
  • We had a delay with some lighting fixtures but problem has been solved and lights are up.
  • All interior finishes have been selected and ordered.
  • Beginning to sheetrock and start finishes.
  • Plus getting ready to paint the exteriors.

A couple of things to look forward to:

  • Starting tomorrow (Friday 7/10/14) Subacute's temporary entrance pathway will be closed in order to pour the new sidewalk. There will be an interim temporary entrance to Subacute located on the north and west side of the building which has temporary way finding signage. It is on the North side of the gym and is a gate which has a voice activated radio attached to it for guest to announce themselves. This is just a 5 day scenario so is very temporary and then we will be back to our normal temporary construction walkway for a few more weeks until we are finished. But it will have a new sidewalk.
  • The construction trailer will be moving on Wednesday the 16th. It is shifting to the grass area along the tree line between the gravel parking lot and the CI parking lot. This move should be a quick and easy one and if we are successful in making it so you will more than likely just show up and it will be moved. So don't be surprised if that is the case. I have my fingers crossed that at least one thing will go as planned. Yes a girl can hope.
  • The team is still working on schedule. Right this minute, and yes it is changing by the minute, I would say that the best scenario is second week of August, worse case is around August 21st. Let's see just how close we can come to beating that best case scenario????
  • For now the parking plan remains in place.

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jul 10th Construction Update; Subacute facility. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Subacute facility.
Jul 15, 2014

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jul 25th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Jul 25th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Jul 25th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Another week down and things are really starting to come together quickly. The paving got done yesterday and the Subacute main entry is back up and running as scheduled. Guests using the front door now get to use the new sidewalk and see the new front entry that has gone in, not to mention the new driveway and parking lot! Insulation is all in and the drywall is delivered and ready for install.

At the residence the B/B court base is in and the new driveway and curbs are looking gorgeous. The drywall and painters got done with the interior of the Residence, they ripped through the walls in a single day. Interior doors were delivered today and are being installed as I write.

Coming up:

Drywall install, taping, and mudding plus possible painting if
all goes well.

Continue interior door and window install, flooring is being installed late next week (if we pass todays moisture test,) plus I hear the B/B hoop is on its way so I wouldn't be surprised to see it up next week.

We will also be starting on landscaping too so expect to see some signs of new life starting to pop up here and there as we move through the next few weeks. The 165th sidewalk is out of commission right this minute but Andersen assures me it will get reinstalled ASAP for the neighbors continued use. The construction site and existing fencing are remaining in place until end of project.

I still don't have an exact completion date as we continue to try to get done as quickly as possible and that makes it very fluid but we are beginning to discuss furniture and moving so no matter when, it will be here before we know it.

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Waterwise Gardening: 10 Simple Ways to Save Water and Money this Summer


Landscapes add value, beauty and livability to our homes

Waterwise Gardening: 10 Simple Ways to Save Water and Money this Summer. Provided by the Portland Metro, Regional Water Providers Consortium. Info here!

With water use often doubling in the dry summer months due to outdoor watering, lawns and gardens also offer great potential to save time, money and water by making simple waterwise improvements.

In the Portland area, we receive 90 percent of our rainfall October through May. That means we use the most water during the very same months that we get the least rain. Being efficient with your water use makes sound economic and environmental sense, and helps our region meet its long-term water supply needs.

Waterwise gardening doesn’t have to look like a typical southwest cactus and rock landscape. Rather, waterwise gardening practices that incorporate efficient watering tips can create beautiful landscapes that are multi-colored, vibrant and bountiful, even during the hottest summer days.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jun 20th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Jun 20th Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Jun 16th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


It has been pretty much a mixed bag this week. Some good news, some bad but in spite of it all we just keep moving forward. The best news is the design application is in for the Louise Building! Plus I got a contingent of Subacute staff through for a tour of the new addition. They are so excited there were tears! Bad news is we are discussing a small delay in schedule on Residence and Subacute, possibly out 2 additional weeks to mid-August. But don't believe that just yet as the team is working hard to make that NOT happen. So we will see where we end up on it. More as we move forward.

This week wasn't real exciting, just finishing up a bunch of elements on the exteriors and still, yes, still pulling wire on the interior. Equipment has started to arrive and duct work is going in. Subacute' s main art install has been finished by Art from the Heart and is ready for pick up and their finishes are almost picked out, the paint can be a hard one. If your by my desk take a look.

Next week...

Gym shut down Wednesday morning for a couple of hours for NW Natural gas exploration, initial part of the equipment tie in which we all know is coming.

We made it through the last of the fire system testing, all the remaining parts of the existing system held (phew, no more floods) and the system remained pressurized for two hours for the test so we passed inspection. The only issue was the Fire Marshal didn't like the hose size we used to flush the system once we were done so we will have to flush the system one more time. A minor inconvenience on that one.

  • Finishing up the flat roofing at the exterior mechanical area
  • Continuing interior insulation and walls

Looking at PGE power install here in just a bit. This install will have some effect on parking around Multnomah CI but transport will remain flowing. More to come on this as we move forward.

  • Will begin to see painting on the exterior
  • Have the insulation in
  • Drywall install in progress

Working on Seismic Upgrade plan

Parking plan remains the same. Likely won't have an update next week with it being short and the holiday and all but will make sure I keep everyone in the loop. If you don't hear from me before, y'all have a great holiday.

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jun 16th Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Jun 1st Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Jun 16th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Well it is raining but it isn't slowing us down because we have both roofs, exteriors almost complete and working on the dry inside of the buildings.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Jun 16th Construction Update; Subacute facility takes shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Subacute facility,(foreground). Photo May 23rd

If you haven't seen the site lately is really coming along:

We have a top of line moisture control system installed Siding is almost complete Exterior Doors are being installed (don't panic some are just temporary doors) Tons (and yes I am being literal) of wiring is being pulled on the interior Mechanical is being roughed in.

The roofing is complete. Exterior brick is up and looks great. Windows are in. Another ton of wire is being pulled and the mechanical is being roughed in.

That is pretty much it, as I said earlier the WOW elements are pretty much done. But we are moving forward.

Parking remains as depicted on plan.

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

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