Columbia View Park
City of Gresham: Input on Columbia View Neighborhood Park’s Concept Plan
Tina Osterink, City of Gresham
Natural Resource Planner
In the spring of 2019, the City of Gresham began a process initiated by the City Council to identify potential recreation improvements for six undeveloped parks throughout the city. The parks identified for future improvements were two community parks and four neighborhood parks, including Columbia View Neighborhood Park.
This exploration of future improvements was initiated by the city to understand community desires for each park, capital costs for potential improvements, and maintenance needs if developed. Community feedback will help prioritize which park improvements will be implemented as funding becomes available.
Staff and a consultant team conducted on-site meetings, surveys and an open house throughout 2019. Community feedback was used to develop high level concept plans for all six undeveloped parks. The plans include a range of design and facility options for each park, including Columbia View Neighborhood Park.
Based on analysis of Columbia View’s unique existing conditions and feedback during public engagement meetings, the following concept plan was developed.
Columbia View Park's Concept Plan
Community feedback throughout 2019 noted opportunities for the park may include play structures for kids, designated off-leash dog areas, improved accessibility for all ages and abilities, education displays, and picnic areas. Constraints include maintenance, safety concerns, a lack of trash receptacles, and concerns with attracting too many people to neighborhood park. Additional feedback from nearby neighbors during a virtual meeting held in June 2020 is as follows:
- Keep this neighborhood park in a natural state with limited upgrades.
- Supportive of trails to improve access and a community garden but wanted staff to consider either eliminating the shelter and courts or at least move those items towards the school.
- Consider natural long-lasting materials for an ADA perimeter path around the park.
- Dog park located under chestnut trees hurt dog paws and in what is now informally known as “the fetch it zone”.
- Some would prefer an off-leash area vs. fenced dog leash area.
- Consider placing amenities closer to H.B. Lee Middle School but engage the school first.
- Concern with picnic shelter location on upslope portion of park that interferes with backyard privacy and could contribute to real or perceived safety concerns.
- Lack of police access into the SE portion of the park near potential amenity placement.
- Further explore feasibility of providing secondary access off NE Pacific St.
During the June 2020 meeting, staff stressed the importance of balancing input from nearby neighbors with meeting the equity, opportunity and access needs for community members who live within the quarter-mile walking and biking service area.
Next steps in the outreach process include meeting with Community Based Organizations to gain their input on the concept plan for Columbia View Neighborhood Park, online review of the concept plan report from July 13 – August 31 and then convene on August 10 at the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association Meeting (online via Zoom).
Additional information can be found at the Parks Planning website and you can reach out to Tina Osterink at Tina.Osterink@GreshamOregon.Gov or by phone at (503) 618-2392.
Project website where the concept plans and draft report can be viewed:
Nature-Deficit Disorder
Heather Newcomb, Neighbor
I visit Columbia View Park every day. I walk the four blocks with my two toddlers and large dog to the park for our daily dose of nature. Every few months, we visit the closer Pat Pfeifer for the playground or go to Nadaka to play in the sand, but Columbia View offers a unique setting that I choose over the others. This park is more special because it provides an immersive nature experience. With Columbia View’s expansive sight lines, my neighbors and I are able to enjoy the park simultaneously whilst keeping quietly to ourselves as we wish. Here we calm our minds, explore the trees that look like forts to my children, listen to the birds, and pick flowers. We walk large loops and rest under the trees. The thick canopy provides shade from the sun in the summer and a dry area from the rain in the winter. This park is our third place — our second home.
(Read more below the break)
Two hours a week — In a 2019 study of 20,000 people, the European Centre for Environment & Human Health at the University of Exeter found that those who spent two hours a week in nature were substantially more likely to report good health and psychological well being. Those two hours could come in one dose or over several, but there were no benefits to the participants who did not meet the minimum of two hours.
Spending time in untampered green space has also proven to decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other conditions. I myself use the park each day to ease anxiety symptoms. With our filled schedules, it is critical to have this advantage of untouched green space nearby our homes. People do not have time to drive out to the Gorge regularly, which is also becoming increasingly crowded on weekends. As a mom, I find it is prohibitive to load the kids into the car every time we want to venture out.
Currently, the city of Gresham seeks to develop more amenities within Columbia View Park. They have reached out four times to seek feedback from the community. At each instance, I personally have heard an outcry from our neighborhood. Many ask to let this unique and special landscape remain an untouched green space. At each subsequent step, however unfortunately, more and more elements have been added to the city's plan.
The current proposed design includes a cement walkway, a fenced dog park, cement courts, picnic shelters, and a community garden. This is far too many things for such a small space and apparently a cookie cutter design reiterated for several parks in the city. The plan did not take into consideration police sight lines to the picnic shelter, unrealistic secondary access points through neighbors’ property, the grade of the land, or the expanse of ground people would have to traverse carrying gardening tools. Further, it will destroy Columbia View’s unique natural landscape and green feeling, and raise the risk of overnight trespassing, drug use, and drinking directly next to HB Lee Middle School.
Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, who have been studying the effects of nature on the brain since the 1970s, say that in city environments, neighborhood streets, the classroom, and at work, people strain to use more of the brain. In nature, people relax their minds, pay attention more broadly, and exert less mental effort. This leads to an overall healthier body and mind. The amenities the city plans will diminish the unique restorative qualities of our neighborhood green space at Columbia View Park. It will make the neighborhood less desirable. It will make the park a destination for those who live outside the neighborhood, increasing vehicular traffic and congestion.
If you value the irreplaceable dose of restorative nature in our neighborhood park, I urge you to reach out to Tina Osterink from the City of Gresham (, our city council members (, and attend our August 10th Wilkes East Neighborhood Association meeting to insist our feedback is heard!
The neighborhood association is interested in your feedback and your continued support on the Columbia View Park development plan. Please follow this link to provide us with an email to receive updates and let us know your own thoughts on what the park might look like.
Importance of Our Parks & Some Suggestions
Lee Dayfield, Neighbor & Parks Activist
It’s a fact that people who live closer to parks report better mental health even if they don’t actually exercise there. This is particularly true for parks with a lot of trees, grass and other natural features, as studies show that exposure to nature can reduce stress and promote relaxation. The Wilkes East neighborhood is fortunate to have two such wonderful parks, Nadaka and Columbia View.
For any citizens of Gresham who have followed City Council meetings, Budget Committee meetings and many other committees, you should know we are in trouble. The City of Gresham was in a budget crisis before COVID19 and it is even worse now. I was at Nadaka recently doing a walk around with a City official who indicated the parks would be in even worse shape next year and staff may have to be cut to three people.
So if you care at all about our parks I would strongly suggest you start speaking up by letting the Mayor and City Council know. You can do this by going to the City’s website and emailing your elected officials. Email addresses for Mayor and Council are on the City’s website. Or send written testimony or ask to give oral testimony at the next City Council meeting. Email and tell her you want to be notified of upcoming Council meetings so you can participate via Zoom by phone or computer. Her phone number is 503-618-2697.
Nadaka Update We are very fortunate that Play Grow Learn youth have been working at Nadaka on Thursday mornings for about five weeks primarily removing invasives. If you see them at the park please say Thank You! Beginning in August I think that group will be joined by Rosemary Anderson Summer Works youth. If that happens the plan is to work at Nadaka two or three days a week. They are wearing masks and maintaining safe distances.
If you are someone who wants to get out and make a difference at Nadaka you are always welcome to remove invasives. You don’t need an appointment and you can spend as much time as you want. The forest is full of ivy which most people know what it looks like. If you are familiar with weeds you can work on the planted beds near the entry at NE Glisan. The mulched areas north of the play area as well as the rocks surrounding the sand pit at the south end of the play area are also full of weeds. You can’t miss the large piles of invasives at the north end of the play area on the east side of the road. All debris go there. There is also plenty of ivy in Columbia View Park that should be removed. It can be piled next to the trash can on NE 169th.
If you are on Nextdoor there is a brand new group called Our Parks, Our Future Discussion Group. It will be a group of Gresham citizens who can share ideas, learn about parks districts and get engaged with City Hall regarding parks.
City of Gresham Fall Open House for Westside Parks: Thu, Nov 07, 2019 6PM-8PM
Open House
When: Thu, Nov 07, 2019 6PM-8PM |
Join us to review and comment on site diagrams and activities for each park. These include the Southwest Community Park, Jenne Butte Neighborhood Park, and Columbia View Neighborhood Park.
For more information about this event, visit the Planning for Parks page or contact Tina Osterink at 503-618-2392 or
Meeting! Columbia View Neighborhood Park: Mon, Aug 12, 2019 6:30PM-8PM
Share Your Improvement Ideas!
When: Mon, Aug 12, 2019 6:30PM-8PM |
Columbia View Neighborhood Park is a 7.5-acre site located next to H.B. Lee Middle School in the Wilkes East Neighborhood. The natural area features a large, sloping, grassy field.
For more information about this event, visit the Planning for Parks page or contact Tina Osterink at 503-618-2392 or
City of Gresham Community Conservation and Repair Fair: Sat, Jun 08, 2019 12PM-3PM
Let's Us Help Fix it!
When: Sat, Jun 08, 2019 12PM-3PM |
Mt. Hood Community College and the City of Gresham are teaming up with the Coalition of Gresham Neighborhood Associations, to bring you the second annual Mt. Hood Community Conservation Fair and Repair Cafe!
Join us for a free day of money saving workshops, information, resources, giveaways, raffle prizes, snacks and a Repair Café.
- Bring your broken stuff to have our volunteers fix. Accepted items include small appliances, electronics, clothing and bikes. Bike repairs provided by Bikes for Humanity PDX.
- Learn how making simple changes related to water conservation, energy conservation, backyard habitat, recycling and food waste prevention can save you money and resources.
- Kids activities, snacks, prizes and more.
For more information contact Shaunna Sutcliffe at 503-618-2694 or
Download the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring 2017 Newsletter here!
2017 Spring Newsletter"Diversity, Harmony, Community - |
Inside This Issue:
Download your copy here. (includes active web links)
Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area 3 times per year, timed to correspond with our regular meetings.
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Volunteers Needed |
HB Lee Middle School student accosted in Columbia View Park while walking home.
Stranger Danger AlertA message from HB Lee Middle School: |
Early Tuesday afternoon January 17, 2012 an HB Lee Middle School student reported being accosted by an unknown person while walking home from school through Columbia View Park. Get Map.
Fortunately, the student was able to return to the school and report the incident to school personnel. The City of Gresham Police Department is investigating the matter. If you have any information about the incident please contact Gresham Police at (503) 823-3333. |
Click to enlarge |
New Scarlet Oaks added to Columbia View Park by Friends of Trees volunteers
Volunteers plant Scarlet Oaks at Columbia View Park. Click to view |
Oaks will add a nice touch of red fall color to Columbia View Park |
Scarlet Oaks added to park
By Kate Farrington, (Friends of Trees)
Friends of Trees, along with volunteers from the Nadaka Nature Park work party, planted three Scarlet Oaks in Columbia View Park (in the SE area of the park) Jan. 9th. They were planted to replace four mature cottonwoods that were recently removed.
The oaks will add a nice touch of red fall color to the park, which is currently dominated by evergreen trees.
Thanks to Lee Dayfield, who put in a lot of work to make this planting happen! Friends of Trees is excited be involved in more planting projects out in Gresham.
Everything Columbia View Park. Neighbors pitch-in to help City care for the park.
Columbia View Park. Click to enlarge |
Gresham parks languish
Gresham $32 million behind in park maintenance
Because of lack of funds the City's Parks Department has only been able to mow the perimeter of Columbia View Park (See 'Related Content' below. Editor). Columbia View Park is located at NE 169th & NE Pacific Dr. Get Map!
Neighbors pitch-in
Neighbors who frequent the park have been picking up litter, mowing areas the City isn't, mulching around new trees, hauling debris to disposal stations and watering young trees that have been planted in the last couple of years. A big THANK YOU to these many volunteers.
How you can help
Some ivy is beginning to appear under the tree canopy areas and this needs to be removed before it spreads to the trees. This is something anyone can do anytime on their own. It is a good project to take your children to the park, teach them to identify ivy and remove it. This activity can be as simple as taking one grocery bag, filling it with ivy, taking it home and disposing of it.