When: Tue Nov 24, 2015 6PM-8PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Rm
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham, OR Get Map!
The Public Safety Committee advises Council on matters related to public safety, including police, fire and life safety, with a goal for Gresham to become one of the safest cities in the state.
Deadline: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5PM Position: Citizen Volunteer in Policing
City of Gresham
Citizens making a positive difference in our community
The Police Department is accepting applications for the Citizen Volunteers in Policing(CVIP) program until 5PM Sep 18, 2015.
Interested citizens can download a volunteer application or pick up an application at the Police Department. Completed applications should be submitted to the Police Department.
Gresham’s Citizen Volunteers in Policing are the eyes and ears of the Police Department and create a visible presence in our parks, trails, residential areas and commerce centers. Volunteers do not carry weapons, confront suspects, or participate in altercations; they observe and report.
Volunteer criteria
Must be 21 years of age and older.
Must live or own a business within the city limits of Gresham.
When: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:30AM-2:30PM Where: Gresham Arts Plaza
401 NE Second St
Gresham, OR Get Map!
To promote bicycle safety and a healthy lifestyle and educate the community about bikes on public transit, the City is partnering with the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) to hold the annual Transportation Safety Fair and Bike Rodeo.
Helmet Giveaway
The ONA Constituent Association 1 has purchased hundreds of bicycle helmets to give away to children and adults who are not able to purchase new helmets.
Children must check in with a parent or guardian to pick out color and style of the helmet they want. A trained volunteer will fit the helmet, demonstrating proper fitting.
The ONA has first-hand knowledge of the importance of teaching safe biking skills to children in order to prevent severe injuries from accidents, and has fitted more than 1,500 free bicycle helmets in the Portland metro area since 2007 to promote injury prevention.
Bike Rodeo
Bring Your Bike and Helmet!
Bring your bike and have it checked by a trained mechanic from Bikes for Humanity PDX.
Learn the rules of the road from Gresham bike patrol officers, and practice riding on a safety course.
The Bike Rodeo is presented by the City's Transportation Planning Division staff, volunteers, and Boy and Girl Scouts, with help from the Gresham Police.
Group Bike Ride
A group bike ride will begin at the safety information booth on the Arts Plaza, traveling through downtown Gresham to Main City Park, making a loop on the Springwater and Gresham-Fairview Trails, and returning to the Arts Plaza around 2:30 p.m.
When: "Wed Apr 22, 2015 7PM-9PM Where: Gresham City Hall
Conference Rooms 2A & 2B
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham OR Get Map!
The Powell-Division Transit and Development Project is planning for more reliable, frequent bus transit service that moves more people more quickly between important destinations in Portland and Gresham. It also is looking at opportunities for making even more vibrant, healthy neighborhoods along the route.
Gresham is working with partners including Metro, TriMet, City of Portland, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and Multnomah County to ensure that land-use and transit alternatives consider and meet the needs of Gresham and bring key investments to improve Gresham’s quality of life.
Gresham also is studying station opportunity areas to identify community interests and develop strategies the City can use to encourage those desired changes. These strategies will be documented in the action plan.
When: Mon Mon Mar 24, 2014 7PM-9PM Where: St Aidan's Episcopal Church
17405 NE Glisan St
Gresham, OR Get Map!
Neighborhood Meeting, Everyone's Invited
Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!
Save the date
Be sure to save Monday, March 24th at 7:00 PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood Spring General Meeting. The meeting will be held at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 17405 NE Glisan St, Portland, Oregon. Get map!
Topics & Guests
Highlights will include: Travis Stovall, Tri-Met Board Liaison and Vanessa Vissar, Tri-Met Project Manager; Ken Anderton, Port of Portland; Sunny Simkins, Multnomah County Drainage District; Neighborhood news.
Who should attend?
This meeting is open to all residents and businesses in the Wilkes East Neighborhood!
When: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:30PM Where: Albertina-Kerr Chapel
876 NE 162nd Av
Gresham OR Get Map!
Albertina-Kerr is in the process of making changes and additions to their subacute care facility located in the Wilkes East neighborhood.
The changes include the addition of a new building along the east boundary of the campus facing NE 165th St, opening two driveways along NE 165th St, and the future removal of an older building along NE 162nd.
The Wilkes East Neighborhood Association has several unanswered concerns about this project including security (patients and neighbors) as well as the traffic impact to NE 165th and the surrounding areas.
Albertina-Kerr was suppose to discuss this project and answer neighbor concerns at the Wilkes East Summer General Meeting, August 26th but, they failed to show-up or cancel their appearance. Ed.
We encourage you to attend this meeting with Albertina-Kerr’s CEO Chris Krenk, Wednesday, October 9th 6:30PM at the Albertina-Kerr chapel.
If you are unable to attend & have concerns about this project, please send them to krisfreiermuth@wilkeseastna.org prior to the meeting date.
Land-Use Hearing: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:30PM
The City of Gresham will be holding a land-use hearing for the Albertina-Kerr expansion on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 6:30PM at City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Pky, Gresham. Get Map! The public is invited to attend.
When: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9AM-12PM Where: Contact for location
Are You Prepared?
Would you know what to do in a cardiac, breathing or first aid emergency? The right answer could help you save a life.
Register here for the Community CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external defibrillator) training. Class size is limited. Don't put this off another day.
When: Tue Aug 06th, 2013 7-10PM Where: Your Neighborhood!
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of National Night Out by hosting an event in your neighborhood on August 6th.
Last year millions of people, from every state, across 15,000 communities participated in events to help make communities safe and raise awareness about anticrime programs.
National Night Out is a time when individuals and groups are encourgaged to gather together after dark in parks and other public places for wholesome activities. The idea is to symbolically reclaim our public spaces by using them, encouraging other people to use them and making the space feel safe, and discouraging illegal and anti-social activity.
Go ahead -- invite your neighbors -- gather on someone's lawn or porch and turn-on the lights! Celebrate National Night Out 2013. Take a stand.
The difference between art and graffiti is --- permission
When: Sat Apr 27, 2013 9AM-11:30AM Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Pky Get Map!
Come learn about graffiti, what some of it means and why we need to clean it up so quickly. Gresham Police Officer Matt Fagan is our local expert on the subject and is a great presenter. We will also have a representative from Code Compliance to talk about why folks may get violation notices around graffiti and again, how important it is to clean it up. Cathy Harrington, Office of Neighborhoods and Community Engagement, will talk about our need for volunteers to help clean it up.
Getting rid of graffiti is everyone’s goal (well, except for the taggers). We hope this community discussion on the topic will not only help educate, but also motivate.
When: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:30-7PM Where: Rockwood Human Solutions
123 NE 181st Av Get Map!
You're Invited
Join City Councilors Lori Stegmann, Mario Palmero and Josh Fuhrer at a Council Community Forum from 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 30. Connect with Councilors in an informal setting and learn about public safety, urban renewal and other City services.
Thank You!
Wilkes East Neighborhood would like express our gratitude to the following for their generous contributions & continued support:
• Jazzy Bagels, Main St & Powell
• Parkrose Hardware, 106th & Sandy
• Growers Outlet, 162nd & Glisan
• SOLV, Bringing Oregon together
• Albertsons, 181st & Glisan
• And, all the many volunteers!