Nadaka Nature Park

Lee Dayfield to receive Columbia Slough Watershed Council 2009 Achievement Award: Jan 29, 2010

01/29/2010 - 6:30pm
01/29/2010 - 10:00pm
Lee Dayfield receives Columbia Slough Watershed Council 2009 Achievement Award for Nadaka Nature Park restoration work: Jan 29, 2010. Info here!
Lee Dayfield
Friends of Nadaka

You're invited

"Slough Celebration"
An evening of awards, raffles,
and live swing music.

Lee Dayfield to be honored
for Nadaka Nature Park
restoration work

When: Friday, Jan 29, 2010 6:30-10:00PM
Where: Acadian Ballroom
1829 NE Alberta St
Portland, OR
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Invitation to Slough Celebration

You're invited to attend the Columbia Slough Watershed Council (CSWC) "Slough Celebration" on Friday, January 29th as they present proudly present Wilkes East's own Lee Dayfield with a 2009 Achievement Award for her work improving Nadaka Nature Park. Ms. Dayfield has championed a neighborhood effort organizing volunteer work parties in partnership with SOLV and the Columbia Slough Watershed Council that brought in 188 volunteers and removed over 14,000 pounds of invasive weeds. Her work at the park has made a significant contribution to the Columbia Slough Watershed’s ecological health and community knowledge.

The Slough Celebration will be held Friday, January 29th at 6:30pm at The Acadian Ballroom located at 1829 NE Alberta St in Portland.

Cub Scouts Join October 2009 Nadaka Nature Park Clean-Up

Cub Scouts Join October 2009 Nadaka Nature Park Clean-Up
Cub Scouts Pack #740 at Nadaka
Park Cleanup. Click to enlarge

Cub Scouts remove vines and invasives as part of four Community Service projects to earn a special award.

By Lorraine Strahlmann
(Wilkes East resident. Jan 8, 2010)

If you were a young lad, where would you and your buddies be on an October Saturday morning? If you guessed Gresham Youth Football practice, this time you are wrong.

On this particular day, five (5) Cub Scouts from Gresham Pack #740 were hard at work helping clean Nadaka Nature Park of invasive plants, trees and vines.

With parental supervision the Cubs pushed wheelbarrows they filled with debris to a waiting yard waste bin provided by the City of Gresham.

UPDATE: November Nadaka Nature Park clean-up event draws large turnout

Nadaka Nature Park clean-up draws large turnout. Special event with Columbia Slough Watershed Council, Nov 14, 2009, sponsored by Friends of Nadaka and the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association, Gresham Oregon
Volunteers register for the event
Click to enlarge

Volunteers plant trees, shrubs. Fill 40-yard dumpster with invasives.

Columbia Slough Watershed Council, Concordia University baseball pitch in.

Perfect morning for the event

What started out as a small Nadaka Nature Park clean-up for Saturday, Nov. 14 soon became a large-scale event with 92 volunteers in attendance. Workers performed tasks involving the planting of 14 native trees, 65 shrubs and 170 small plants and herbs, as well as the removal of invasive species including ivy and blackberry bushes. Members of the Columbia Slough Watershed Council volunteered at this event and played a significant role in getting the Concordia University baseball team members involved in preserving this important 12-acre natural forest park located at 176th and NE Pacific just north of Glisan.

Nadaka Nature Park Expansion. Give your input to this project. Meeting: Nov 19, 2009 7PM

11/19/2009 - 7:00pm
Nadaka Nature Park Expansion. Attend this meeting and give your input: Nov 19, 2009 7PM; St Aidans Church, 174th & NE Glisan.  Info here!
Nadaka Nature Park

Be Part of the Process.
Plan to Attend this Meeting.

Nov 19, 2009 7PM
St Aidans Church

What: Wilkes East Neighborhood Association (WENA) meeting to discuss expansion of Nadaka Nature Park into 1.9 acres on south edge of Nadaka.

When: Thursday, Nov 19th 7PM
St Aidan's Episcopal Church
NE 174th & NE Glisan
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WENA and the Friends of Nadaka have successfully applied for a Metro Nature in Neighborhood capital grant, received a contribution from the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) and worked with the Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the Nelson Estate to acquire this 1.9 acre parcel. The City of Gresham has not contributed money for this purchase but the property will be owned and maintained by the City of Gresham. This acquisition will become part of Nadaka.

Volunteer opportunities at Nadaka Nature Park. Join the effort to restore this urban habitat.

Friends of Nadaka invite you to join us in restoring our urban habitat at Nadaka Nature Park.  Info here!
Nadaka Nature Park.
Click to enlarge

Volunteer opportunities at
Nadaka Nature Park

Get your Green on!

Join us in restoring this
beautiful urban habitat.

Wilkes East Neighborhood has received a Metro Nature in Neighborhood grant for improvements in Nadaka Nature Park which requires matching volunteer hours so your support is needed and greatly appreciated. See you at the park!


  • When was the last time you visited Nadaka Nature Park?
  • Do you know Nadaka is located in the Wilkes East neighborhood?
  • Did you know there is a Friends of Nadaka group working to improve Nadaka?
  • Do you want to volunteer time - even 1 or 2 hours per month for Nadaka?


The entrance to Nadaka Nature Park is located at NE 175th Ave & NE Pacific St. Parking is curbside. Get Map!

Volunteer opportunities for Nadaka Nature Park include:

  • Organizing monthly cleanups
  • Removal of invasive plants
  • Planting native plants & trees
  • Removing graffiti
  • Writing a history of Nadaka Nature Park
  • Reaching out to organizations, businesses, churches, schools, etc. to become partners for improvements in Nadaka
  • Fulfilling Metro's Nature in Neighborhood grant which includes:
    • A new bench
    • Dog waste stations
    • Trash can
    • Purchase of native plants & trees, etc.
    • Expansion of Nadaka Nature Park onto the recently acquired Nelson property for a community garden, orchard, nature based play area, etc.
  • Art project on North fence
  • Handling registration at cleanups
  • Furnishing baked goods or drinks for volunteers
  • Donating funds for projects at Nadaka.

Join the effort!

Volunteers are critical for accomplishing these tasks. Volunteer time is also required for fulfilling grants. As you can see there are many tasks to choose from -- so volunteer for one, two, or more, and join our effort! Together we can make a difference!

SOLV Nadaka Nature Park "Clean & Green" Project: Oct 10, 2009 9AM

10/10/2009 - 9:00am
10/10/2009 - 2:30pm
Friends of Nadaka, and Wilkes East Neighborhood invite you the 2009 SOLV Nadaka Nature Park
Click to enlarge

Get your Green on!

Join us for Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park

SOLV Nadaka Nature Park Cleanup Project: Oct 10, 2009 9AM-2:30PM. Info here!

Help restore our urban habitat

When: Saturday, Oct 10, 2009 9AM-2:30PM
Where: Nadaka Nature Park
NE 175th Ave & NE Pacific St
Gresham, Or
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Volunteers will meet at the entry gate into Nadaka Nature Park.

Event Info

Be prepared to get a little dirty and to have fun by supporting and volunteering with Friends of Nadaka and Wilkes East Neighborhood Association in their efforts to restore this natural area by removing invasive underbrush such as ivy, holly & blackberries Saturday, October 10th,

This is a SOLV Clean & Green Project. Rain or shine! Come by and give us a hand. Spend all day or whatever time you can. Bring your own gloves if you have them.

Refreshments will be provided by Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. Cloth tote bags given to volunteers and a raffle for an original framed photograph of Nadaka.

Volunteer opportunity. Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park: Sep 6, 2009 9AM

09/06/2009 - 9:00am
09/06/2009 - 2:30pm
Friends of Nadaka invite you to Get Your Green On! Help Remove Invasives, Restore Urban Habitat.  Click here for more info!

Get your Green on!
Help restore our urban habitat.

Join us for Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park

When: Sunday Sep 06, 2009 9:00AM - 2:30PM
Where: Nadaka Nature Park
NE 175th Ave and NE Pacific St
Gresham, OR
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Event Info

Be prepared to get a little dirty and to have fun by supporting and volunteering with Friends of Nadaka and Wilkes East Neighborhood Association in their efforts to restore this natural area by removing invasive underbrush and ivy.

Rain or Shine! Come on by, and give us a hand! Spend all day, or whatever time you can. Dressed for weather. Bring your gloves, waterbottle, clippers, and yard tools.

Coffee, juice, water & refreshments provided by Wilkes East Neighborhood Assn.

Volunteers remove invasives, install new signs at July 2009 Nadaka Nature Park cleanup event

Volunteers remove invasives, install new signs at 2009 Nadaka Nature Park cleanup event sponsored by Friends of Nadaka and the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association, Gresham Oregon
Nadaka Nature Park

Great things are happening!

"Nadaka Nature Park" sign
and a new nature-based play area enhance the park

Volunteers remove invasives, create new play area

Approximately 25 hearty volunteers showed-up to the July 11th cleanup to help restore Nadaka Nature Park's urban habitat. Volunteers removed and disposed of wood waste, including invasive ivy, blackberries and holly, filling a 40 cubic yard drop box provided by the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association to capacity. Volunteers pitched-in to create a small nature based play area at the south edge of the park beside the meadow (photos below).

Nadaka gets a "sign"

Volunteers also installed a beautiful new "Nadaka Nature Park" sign at the entrance to park, and added "Friends of Nadaka" and "Wilkes East Neighborhood Association" to the list of groups contributing to park improvements on the Park Supporter's sign post (photos below). The signs, purchased by WENA through a generous grant from the City of Gresham, are a great addition to our wonderful park.

Volunteer opportunity. Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park: Jul 25, 2009 9AM

07/25/2009 - 9:00am
07/25/2009 - 2:00pm
Friends of Nadaka invite you to Get A Little Dirty! Help Remove Invasives, Restore Urban Habitat.  Click here for more info!

Let's get dirty and have fun too!

Help restore our urban habitat.
Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park

When: Saturday Jul 25, 2009 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Where: Nadaka Nature Park
NE 175th Ave and NE Pacific St
Gresham, OR
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Event Info

Be prepared to get a little dirty and to have fun by supporting and volunteering with Friends of Nadaka and Wilkes East Neighborhood Association in their efforts to restore this natural area by removing invasive underbrush and ivy.

Come on by, and give us a hand! Spend all day, or whatever time you can. Dressed for weather. Bring your gloves, waterbottle, clippers, and yard tools.

Coffee, juice, water & refreshments provided by Wilkes East Neighborhood Assn.

No pre-registration required. Volunteers younger than 18 will need a signed waiver (available at the event).

See website calendar for more Nadaka Nature Park events and activities!

Volunteer opportunity. Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park: Jul 11, 2009 9AM

07/11/2009 - 9:00am
07/11/2009 - 2:00pm
Friends of Nadaka invite you to Get A Little Dirty! Help Remove Invasives, Restore Urban Habitat.  Click here for more info!

Let's get dirty and have fun too!

Help restore our urban habitat.
Invasives removal at Nadaka Nature Park

When: Saturday Jul 11, 2009 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Where: Nadaka Nature Park
NE 175th Ave and NE Pacific St
Gresham, OR
Get Map!

Event Info

Be prepared to get a little dirty and to have fun by supporting and volunteering with Friends of Nadaka and Wilkes East Neighborhood Association in their efforts to restore this natural area by removing invasive underbrush and ivy.

Come on by, and give us a hand! Spend all day, or whatever time you can. Dressed for weather. Bring your gloves, waterbottle, clippers, and yard tools.

Coffee, juice, water & refreshments provided by Wilkes East Neighborhood Assn.

No pre-registration required. Volunteers younger than 18 will need a signed waiver (available at the event).

See website calendar for more Nadaka Nature Park events and activities!

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