Volunteers remove invasives, install new signs at July 2009 Nadaka Nature Park cleanup event
Nadaka Nature Park |
Great things are happening!
"Nadaka Nature Park" sign
Volunteers remove invasives, create new play area
Approximately 25 hearty volunteers showed-up to the July 11th cleanup to help restore Nadaka Nature Park's urban habitat. Volunteers removed and disposed of wood waste, including invasive ivy, blackberries and holly, filling a 40 cubic yard drop box provided by the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association to capacity. Volunteers pitched-in to create a small nature based play area at the south edge of the park beside the meadow (photos below).
Nadaka gets a "sign"
Volunteers also installed a beautiful new "Nadaka Nature Park" sign at the entrance to park, and added "Friends of Nadaka" and "Wilkes East Neighborhood Association" to the list of groups contributing to park improvements on the Park Supporter's sign post (photos below). The signs, purchased by WENA through a generous grant from the City of Gresham, are a great addition to our wonderful park.
About Nadaka Nature Park
Nadaka Nature Park is a lovely 10 acre natural area of second generation Douglas Fir forest with an under-story of native plants in the Wilkes East Neighborhood. Nadaka offers a quiet, woodsy escape with it's .46 mile walking trail loop and an open meadow on the south. The Wilkes East Neighborhood Association (WENA) is actively working to restore this natural area by removing invasive blackberry, ivy, and holly with volunteer work parties. Entrance to the park is near NE 175th & NE Pacific St. Get Map!
If you haven't seen the park lately, plan to visit and stroll around!
How you can help
Volunteer cleanups at Nadaka are regularly scheduled. Cleanup information is always posted on the fence at Nadaka. All you need to bring are your own work gloves, a water bottle, and a willingness to meet your neighbors and work in the park. Tools and refreshments are provided.
For more information or to volunteer with Friends of Nadaka contact Lee Dayfield phone 503-998-1044, or email leedayfield@wilkeseastna.org, or check the events calendar (top right) on the Wilkes East Neighborhood website.
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Related Photos
Click to enlarge
(After) The new play area |
New sign at entrance |
Clearing the play area |
Park Supporter's sign |
(Before) Soon-to-be play area |