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Shamrock & Springtime
Luncheon has 99.9% turnout.
Great turnout, great entertainment
99.9% of the Capri Terrace Watch Group along with 2 new households gathered for their first quarterly meeting of 2009. 2 families had phoned indicating they were ill and couldn't make it (they missed a good time). Billy & Laurie Simmon's along with their twin daughters Alex & Andie hosted a lovely Shamrock & Springtime luncheon/dinner. 13.5 lbs of stew meat (none was left-over) was prepared for the occasion along with lots of desserts and salads. A huge display of Easter Egg cupcakes fit for an Easter Bunny King were seen brightening up a very windy, but sunny day. We also were entertained with some Irish Violin music by Laurie & Alex Simmon's.
Nadaka Park update
Kris Freiermuth gave a WENA report of activities from our Neighborhood Association and an update on the Nadaka Nature Park (175th & NE Pacific St). There is considerable interest and hope WENA can partner with enough groups to purchase the Nelson Property east of St Aidan's Episcopal Church (174th & NE Glisan) and a natural connection to Nadaka. A schedule of Clean-Up dates for Nadaka Park were made available to the group.
Near-zero crime reported
Glenn Mathews, Watch Coordinator, gave an update of the happenings in our Watch area, which were relatively ZERO. Glenn distributed some handouts and also reminded members to check out the website CrimeReports.com, to follow crimes in the Gresham area. Glenn also recapped those things we need to continue doing: porch lights on, motion lights kept fresh, locking your car doors, don't leave anything valuable in the car or around your property, a walk through the neighborhood periodically, and be alert to new people in the area. He said we must be doing something right so "let's keep it up!"
We have monies for the additional Neighborhood Watch sign at the east end of NE Oregon (westbound) at 172nd Ave, however there is some concern about the boundaries for sidewalk, street, etc., so until we can confirm where we can legally install the sign we will wait to make the purchase.
Speed Monitoring coming to Oregon St
We will have the (City of Gresham, Gresham Police Dept) speed monitor for 1-week in May. The monitor will be stationed eastbound near the intersection of NE 169th and NE Oregon. Anyone wishing to help with this project is encouraged to contact Glenn Mathews.
Annual Garage Sale, Neighborhood Cleanup scheduled
Discussion regarding our Annual Garage Sale was entertained and it was decided it should be the weekend after July 4th. Also, WENA's Annual Neighborhood Clean-Up with METRO will be in July, so start preparing.
Next Capri Terrace Watch Meeting will be in June at Mary & Bob Lundbom's the exact date to be announced.