2011-12 Budget Survey Now Closed
District Expects to Face Budget Cuts of $6 to $8.2 Million
Survey Participation
In an effort to increase public input into its proposed 2011-12 budget, the Reynolds School district held an online survey of district residents over the past few weeks.
The survey, which closed March 9, 2011, is part of a program called “Reynolds Tomorrow: Tough Choices – Smart Decisions”, information about which can be found on the ReynoldsTomorrow.com website. Individual responses are confidential. Survey results will be combined and shared with each participant and other members of the community.
Sources say about 400 residents participated in the online survey, and that the district was pleased with the overall response.
Tough Choices Ahead
“Oregon’s financial woes mean the Reynolds School district will be faced with tough, challenging and uncomfortable decisions early next year as it decides the 2011-12 budget,” says Theresa Delaney-Davis, chairwoman of the district’s board.
Based on the latest estimates the Reynolds School district expects to face budget cuts of $6 to $8.2 million for the next school year.
Ms. Delaney-Davis will speak at the Wilkes East Neighborhood meeting on March 28th at 7PM, St Aidan's Episcopal Church (174th & NE Glisan), to discuss the district's budget situation and answer residents’ questions.