City of Gresham

Neighborhood Coalition Meeting: Apr 14, 2009

04/14/2009 - 7:00pm
City of Gresham Coalition of Neighborhood Associations

Coalition of Neighborhood Associations
Board Meeting
Tuesday Apr 14, 2009 7:00PM

When: Tuesday Apr 14, 2009 7:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall, Springwater Trail Room

The Coalition of Gresham Neighborhood Associations next meeting will be Tuesday Apr 14, 2009 at 7:00PM in the Springwater Trail Room, Gresham City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030.

Meeting is open to the public

181st Corridor Signal Improvements Coming Spring 2009

181st Corridor Signal Improvements: Spring 2009.

181st Corridor Signal Improvements Coming Spring 2009

Smart signals, wider turns to relieve traffic congestion

The 181st Avenue Corridor project is intended to increase existing street capacity and support new industrial businesses within the Urban Renewal Area, and is supported by the Wilkes East Neighborhood and the Rockwood Business Coalition.

Reason for the project

181st Avenue provides the only connection to Interstate-84 within Gresham city limits. As the areas to the south develop, including Pleasant Valley and Damascus, this corridor will grow more congested because it provides the nearest freeway access. The redevelopment potential of the Wilkes East and North Gresham neighborhoods, including the industrial portion of the Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal Area, will be hampered (without improvement) as intersections on 181st near the freeway reach capacity.

Smart signals, wider turns, and a crosswalk closure are expected to relieve traffic congestion through this busy area.

Neighborhood Connections: Jan 2009

City of Gresham: Neighborhood Connections Nov 2008

City of Gresham News, Community Activities, Workshops & More

Neighborhood Connections is a publication from the City of Gresham Communications & Community Outreach offering City of Gresham news, Public Safety information, Community Activities & Events, Training & Workshops, Volunteer Opportunities, and more.

Inside this Issue...

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Associations page at or contact Cathy Harrington at 503-618-2482, or email

Free! Neighborhood Watch Workshop: Mar 10, 2009

03/10/2009 - 7:00pm
03/10/2009 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham Police Department: Neighborhood Watch Workshop, March 10, 2009 7PM

Free Workshop!

Learn How-To Start Your
Neighborhood Watch
Tuesday, March 10th 7PM

When: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 7PM - 9PM
Where: Gresham City Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Parkway

The Gresham Police Crime Prevention Unit invites all citizens to participate in a workshop designed to increase crime awareness and identify safety methods that reduce crimes to yourself or within your neighborhood.

Download the flyer here!

City of Gresham Police Department invites you to...

  • Share neighborhood concerns
  • Learn more about crime prevention
  • Form or join an exiting Neighborhood Watch
  • Be active in developing your Watch Group “Action Plan”

At the workshop you will learn how to...

  • Reduce the opportunity for crime to occur
  • Identify suspicious behavior/activities
  • Report emergencies and non-emergencies
  • Learn about Home, Identification, Car, Personal Safety
  • tart-up or join a Neighborhood Watch Program

This workshop is for established Neighborhood Watch groups as well as those who wish to initiate new Neighborhood Watch programs.

Neighborhood Watch is sponsored by the National Sheriffs Association and supported by the Gresham Police Department. For the latest information on crime in your neighborhood visit

Neighborhood Coalition Meeting: Mar 10, 2009

03/10/2009 - 7:00pm
City of Gresham Coalition of Neighborhood Associations

Coalition of Gresham
Neighborhood Associations

Board Meeting
Tuesday Mar 10, 2009 7:00PM

When: Tuesday Mar 10, 2009 7:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall, Springwater Trail Room

The Coalition of Gresham Neighborhood Associations next meeting will be Tuesday Mar 10, 2009 at 7:00PM in the Springwater Trail Room, Gresham City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030.

Meeting is open to the public

Rockwood Business Coalition Meeting: Dec 3, 2008

12/03/2008 - 7:30am
12/03/2008 - 9:00am
Rockwood Business Coalition, 18709 SE Stark St, Gresham OR 97233, (503) 618-2899. Creating a unified voice for political, economic, and social issues for Rockwood businesses

Wed 7:30AM ---
Stark Street project,
Centennial Transition, updates and more!

When: Wednesday, Dec 3, 2008 7:30AM - 9:00AM
Where: Rockwood Community Office
18709 SE Stark St
Gresham OR

The next Rockwood Business Coalition meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd from 7:30AM to 9:00AM. See you at the Rockwood Community Office, 18709 SE Stark.


  • Call to Order, Introductions
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Stark Street Phase II 190th - 197th Boulevard project
  • Centennial Transitions - Business Apprentice Program
  • Updates and Community News

If you haven't done the business survey, show your support for this community effort and please see if you can complete it prior to our meeting.

You can go and click on the homepage link on the right. You can also download a copy of the survey here, or print and fax the completed survey

Residential Districts Review to discuss draft changes: Dec 8, 2008

12/08/2008 - 6:30pm
City of Gresham Planning Commission Residential Districts Review to discuss draft changes: Dec 8, 2008

Proposed map and draft codes change discussion

When: Tuesday, Dec 8, 2008 6:30PM
Where: Springwater Trail Room
Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Parkway

Proposed draft change discussion

The Planning Commission meets for a work session to discuss draft changes on the Development Code Improvement Project (DCIP) on December 8, 2008. Materials for the meeting area available on the Planning Commission webpage.

Residential Districts Review proposed map and code changes. Public hearing: Dec 16, 2008

12/16/2008 - 3:00pm
City of Gresham Planning Commission Residential Districts Review proposed map and code changes. Public hearing: Dec 16, 2008

Proposed map and codes changes available for review

When: Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008 3:00PM
Where: Council Chambers
Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Parkway

Proposed changes close to approval

The Planning Commission on November 10, 2008 recommended that the City Council approve the map and code changes proposed as part of the Residential Districts Review project.

The proposed changes are described at

Planning Commission suggests staff take another look

The City Council is scheduled to conduct a public hearing at 3:00PM Dec 16, 2008. The Planning Commission suggested staff take another look at the proposed map changes for a few locations. Staff will describe those suggestions and its recommendation to the City Council in the materials for the Dec 16, 2008 meeting.

Gresham Police "How to contact and report incidents" round table: Nov 19, 2008

11/19/2008 - 7:00pm
11/19/2008 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham Crime Prevention round table. Learning how to contact police and report incidents: Nov 19, 2008

Improve community safety.
Learning how to contact the police and report incidents

When: Wednesday Nov 19, 2008 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Where: City of Gresham Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Gresham OR

The public is invited to join in an evening of learning more about how to contact and to report incidents.

Round Table Topics

  • Listen to a rape victim recall how she assisted the Gresham Police by providing accurate and clear information
  • Learn from a 911 dispatch training officer how to successfully report a crime and know when to call 911 versus the non-emergency number
  • Find out what information detectives need to follow-up on cases

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