188/187 realignment begins |
Start Street Boulevard completes.
One project completes
One major Urban Renewal-funded project is successfully wrapping up and another is about to get under way in Central Rockwood. The Stark Street Boulevard project is finishing up work to Stark between 190th and 199th, with the final round of concrete work and landscape planting to be completed any day now. The project improved sidewalks, bike lanes and crosswalks along this important arterial street, and added new street lights and landscaping.
Another project begins
At the same time, the 187th Avenue project is about to begin, with demolition of the north part of the Rockwood Community Office building leading off work that will build a new street connection from 187th and Stark to 188th and Burnside across the east end of former Fred Meyer site (the southern portion of the building used by Gresham Police will remain as is). When it’s complete, this new street will provide a much safer direct connection between the Rockwood MAX station and the neighborhood to the south of Stark, complete with a new signal at 187th and Stark, which should reduce much of the current conflict between vehicles and pedestrians on that stretch of Stark. Construction area map.