
Questions about College? Attend ‘College Night’ at MHCC: Nov 14, 2012 6-8PM

11/14/2012 - 6:00pm
11/14/2012 - 8:00pm
Questions about College? Attend ‘College Night’ at MHCC: Nov 14, 2012 6-8PM. Info here!

You can do this!

When: Wed, Nov 14, 2011 6PM-8PM
Where: Mt Hood Community College
Main Mall
(Downstairs past flag poles)
26000 SE Stark St
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NOW is the time!
Mt Hood Community College (MHCC) will host College Night, Wednesday Nov 14th 6-8PM, one of several such events held this time of year throughout the state.

College Night is an annual event to inform high school juniors and seniors (and their parents /guardians) about strategies for accessing, attending and paying for college. The information shared is not specific to MHCC and is open to all high school juniors and seniors, regardless of their desired college destinations.

Scholarships Drawing Tonight!
Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC), the event sponsor, will award four $500 scholarships to attend any post-secondary institution in the U.S. that participates in Title IV programs. The drawing will be held close to 8PM.

City of Gresham Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Project Open House: Nov 15, 2012 6-8PM

11/15/2012 - 6:00pm
11/15/2012 - 8:00pm
City of Gresham Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Project Open House: Nov 15, 2012 6-8PM. Info Here!

Share your ideas

When: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6-8PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Conference Room 3A
1333 Eastman Pky
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Please attend this meeting to give us your input on trail design and amenities for a bicycle and pedestrian trail between Rockwood and Gresham's Downtown through the city's civic center. The trail will provide connections between residential and commercial neighborhoods, existing trails, City Hall and Gresham High School. Construction will begin in fall 2013 with completion anticipated in winter 2014. This project is fully funded by a grant.

Rockwood Neighborhood Association Meeting: Nov 19, 2012 7PM

11/19/2012 - 7:00pm
11/19/2012 - 9:00pm
Rockwood Neighborhood Association Meeting: Nov 19, 2012 7PM. Info here!

Rockwood NA Meeting

When: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7-9PM
Where: Human Solutions
Rockwood Building
124 NE 182st Ave
Greaham OR
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More Info
Contact Catherine Nicewood, Rockwood President, at 503-285-6587 or

Gresham's Lee Dayfield found the hidden gem in Wilkes East and opened it up for all

Nadaka Nature Park a 10-acre
Lee Dayfield just inside the north gate
of Nadaka Nature Park. Click to enlarge.

Nadaka Nature Park

For years, the plot of land tucked away in Gresham's Wilkes East neighborhood was forgotten.

Source: The Oregonian, Nov 14, 2012
by Nancy Anderson

Those who noticed the forested 10 acres must have figured it was off limits. An 8-foot-tall fence topped with barbed wire enclosed the site, save for one small entrance. Few would have guessed this was public land, officially known as Nadaka Nature Park.

But in 2008, the right person with the right heart and a vision stumbled upon the park and set out to make it known and accessible.

Lee Dayfield of Gresham has since led an effort involving extensive community partnerships to give the park new life and purpose.

Food Carts in Gresham; Take The Online Survey Here Thru Oct 5th, 2012

Take A Survey About Food Carts in Gresham.

Food Carts in Gresham; Help Define This New Business Model. Take This Online Survey Now thru Oct 5, 2012

What Looks Good?

What Does Not?

The City of Gresham planners would like you to take the latest online survey regarding the Food and Beverage Carts project, which will update City rules for food carts and coffee carts.

Take the Survey Here!
Visit the City's Food and Beverage Carts project website to learn more about how you can shape Gresham's new food cart policy. Take the online survey here! Suvery ends Oct 5th. Mark your calendars for the next food cart community forum, which is scheduled for the evening of Nov 7th.

Now is the time to have your say before this round of input is closed.

MHCC Planetarium Sky Theater, Exploring the Autumn Sky: Oct 01, 2012 7PM & 8PM

10/01/2012 - 7:00pm
10/01/2012 - 9:00pm
MHCC Planetarium, Exploring the Autumn Sky: Oct 1, 2012 7PM & 8PM. First show of the season! Info here!
The Pleiades
MHCC Planetarium website

Exploring the Autumn Sky

When: Mon Oct 01, 2012
Show Times: 7:00PM and 8:15PM
Where: Mt Hood Community College
Planetarium Sky Theater
26000 SE Stark St
Gresham, OR
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Admission $2. MHCC students are admitted free.
The Sky Theater is wheelchair accessible.

Exploring the Autumn Sky
Join planetarium director Pat Hanrahan as he shows visitors how to locate the planets and prominent constellations, star clusters, galaxies and nebulae. You don't want to miss this exciting monthly star adventure into our universe.

All shows are presented under a realistic representation of the night sky, featuring the latest galactic, stellar and planetary images.

Visitors are encouraged to ask questions during each 45-minute program. Children are welcome to attend.

Parking Change
Parking permits are required and may be purchased for $3 at ticket kiosks located by the flagpoles (north parking) and gym (south parking). (Violators will be ticketed)

Invest in Gresham, Attend a Town Hall on the Proposed Utility Fee: Oct 02, 2012 6PM

10/02/2012 - 6:00pm
10/02/2012 - 7:30pm
City of Gresham logo

Public Invited
Town Hall Meeting

When: Tue Oct 2, 2012 6:00-7:30PM
Where: City Hall, Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Pky
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We invite you to join us at Mayor Shane Bemis' upcoming public town halls for a community conversation about the proposed Police, Fire & Parks Fee of $7.50 per month and why it’s critical to keeping the community safe and livable.

Share Your Opinion
The public can provide input and ask questions at the Town Hall meetings on Oct. 2, 3 and 10. at 6:00-7:30PM

Gresham is a great community, with one of the most efficient local governments in Oregon.

But additional revenue is needed now to keep the community safe and vibrant and the City’s financial foundation stable. That’s why this fall your City Council will consider a monthly Police, Fire & Parks Fee of $7.50 – assessed to households

Invest in Gresham, Attend a Town Hall on the Proposed Utility Fee: Oct 03, 2012 6PM

10/03/2012 - 6:00pm
10/03/2012 - 7:30pm
City of Gresham logo

Public Invited
Town Hall Meeting

When: Wed Oct 3, 2012 6:00-7:30PM
Where: Rockwood Public Library
17917 SE Stark St
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We invite you to join us at Mayor Shane Bemis' upcoming public town halls for a community conversation about the proposed Police, Fire & Parks Fee of $7.50 per month and why it’s critical to keeping the community safe and livable.

Share Your Opinion
The public can provide input and ask questions at the Town Hall meetings on Oct. 2, 3 and 10. at 6:00-7:30PM

Gresham is a great community, with one of the most efficient local governments in Oregon.

But additional revenue is needed now to keep the community safe and vibrant and the City’s financial foundation stable. That’s why this fall your City Council will consider a monthly Police, Fire & Parks Fee of $7.50 – assessed to households

Metro Proposes Five-Year Option Levy to Manage Public Lands. Take The Survey Here!

Columbia Slough, Portland Oregon

Our community is known for its natural beauty and commitment to protecting farms, forests and natural areas. Since 1995, our region’s voters have approved two bond measures to allow Metro to acquire natural areas to protect water quality, wildlife and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Today, Metro manages more than 16,000 acres of land – more than a third of all the public parks and natural areas in our region. By law, Metro is prohibited from using the existing voter-approved bonds for ongoing preservation and maintenance.

Metro wants your input on their recommendation.
This summer, a 15-member independent advisory panel recommended that the Metro Council take the first step in a long-term plan to protect and maintain these areas purchased with the bonds by referring a five-year local option levy to voters.

Take the survey below to learn more about the advisory panel’s recommendation and tell the Metro Council about your priorities.

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