Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update

Albertina Kerr Begins Construction on $1.5M Project in West Gresham. Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update. Info here!

Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:


Power Outage Notice:
First off, I you have not heard yet PGE is having to shut down a transformer this Sunday morning (8/24/14.) This work will begin at 9AM when power does go off they have stated it will not be off more than 4 hours.

Albertina Kerr Project Phase I; Aug 23rd Construction Update; Subacute facility takes shape. Click to enlarge.
Albertina Kerr, Residence facility.
Aug 21, 2014

They have also told me that is a worst case scenario. If you received a notice on your door you will be affected, if you didn't then the outage will not include your home.

Now to construction update:
Well we didn't quite make the landscape goal this week. The machine that spreads the new top soil broke on Wednesday and set us back. But it has been fixed and we have some wonderfully pungent fertile top soil which will make a great base for the new vegetation.

We just keep plugging along and are so close to being done. I know the excitement is reaching a fevered pitch but we need just a little bit longer here. The truth be told we are so close that this is going to be my last update as we really are just working on details now.

We have the new rod iron fence up along the 165th property line and as I stated going to be getting all that new lush landscaping in. I will be putting up curtain rods, getting up draperies, putting out the new welcome mat, and be able to take my first deep breathe here in a matter of a few days. Of course we will be tweaking elements and getting punch list items done so you will continue to see some construction activity but it should really slow down to a crawl.

As we open the new area, I need to remind ALL staff that Chris Krenk has promised the neighborhood that Kerr staff will NOT be parking on 165th. That is not a request, it is mandatory. With construction ending there will be plenty of parking on campus so there is no need for staff or visitor parking along 165th. Kerr will be monitoring this and will be following up with employees that do park on the street.

Other than that I really can't think of anything worthy of printing so will attempt to sign off here. If I do think of something else I will let you know. The design and project teams would like to thank everyone for their patience, understanding, flexibility, input, suggestions, comments, and excitement. In the scheme of projects this one has gone smoothly and, yes I may be just a bit partial here, is a wonderful addition to Kerr's campus. The new buildings will help Kerr meet the challenges that the 21st century will bring and we are looking forward to finishing up the campus improvements with Phase II that will be starting here in a couple of months, so I will be back in touch then.

The project has been a success!

Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.

Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr

More Info
For more info contact Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr, at 503-869-2596.


Construction on a new sub-acute care addition, and a new residential facility, began in March at Albertina Kerr Centers Gresham Campus, 722 NE 162nd Ave. Work on the project is expected to be completed in July.

The 6,000 square feet of new space, a new exercise area and parking lot improvements will allow the facility to serve approximately 25% more children and families.

Since 1997, Albertina Kerr Centers has operated a youth crisis psychiatric facility on its Gresham Campus.

The 24-bed facility has benefited over 4,000 children experiencing severe mental health challenges and their families over the past 15 years and is the only facility of its type in the State of Oregon.

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