Phase I; Jul 17th Construction Update
A message to our neighbors from Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr:
The weather has held and we are bustling with activity on the job site. The construction trailer has shifted and the finished site work has started. We have new curbs and the entry sidewalk at Subacute.
 Albertina Kerr, Subacute facility. Jul 18, 2014
Our paving contractor had a job fall through so we are taking advantage of the situation and getting paving done sooner versus later. Which means we will have the new parking area and driveway close to complete by end of next week. Of course, these will not be open or usable, they remain within the job site but you will really be able to see it all coming together.
The bad part of this is Subacute staff is again having to take one for the team and keep the interim temporary entrance open for an additional week, so sorry about that. But staff has risen to the occasion, yet again, and are making it work. We will be shifting the Subacute entrance back to the regular entry door on the Northeast side of the building as of 8AM Friday morning the 25th, with new sidewalk and all.
We have made great internal progress on the residence. The drywall is up, taping and mudding is almost done, and interior painting is starting. We won’t be doing the external painting until the interior painting is complete. I do apologize, previous updates had stated we would be doing exterior painting now but since we are moving up the paving the contractor wanted to hold off on exterior painting.
Next week we will be making equal interior progress on Subacute. We got held up a bit with some fire sprinkler approvals and inspections (when aren’t there hiccups with the fire sprinkler) but am getting those and will be shifting to finishes. We will be able to throw the whole finish crew at the building because they will be done with the residence, so it will be busy but it is working out.
I know it is hard to believe but we will be landscaping before too long.
I am expecting to hear any minute from the City on our Louise/Phase II design review application acceptance, so that one could be moving to the next phase here very quickly. The next steps will be hearings before the Historic and Design Commissions to obtain their recommendation and approval. We remain working on construction drawings for the project and have the next round of space plans ready for review. I am currently working on setting up meetings with the staff to review and discuss but we are getting really, really close to having something that will work for everyone.
The existing parking plan remains in place for another week. If anyone has any issues, concerns, problems please let me know.
Any questions, issues, concerns please just let me know.
Pam Krecklow
Albertina Kerr
More Info
For more info contact Pam Krecklow, Real Estate & Construction Manager, Albertina Kerr, at 503-869-2596.
Construction on a new sub-acute care addition, and a new residential facility, began in March at Albertina Kerr Centers Gresham Campus, 722 NE 162nd Ave. Work on the project is expected to be completed in July.
The 6,000 square feet of new space, a new exercise area and parking lot improvements will allow the facility to serve approximately 25% more children and families.
Since 1997, Albertina Kerr Centers has operated a youth crisis psychiatric facility on its Gresham Campus.
The 24-bed facility has benefited over 4,000 children experiencing severe mental health challenges and their families over the past 15 years and is the only facility of its type in the State of Oregon.
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