Urban Renewal
City of Gresham invites you to discuss the Central Rockwood Plan: Jan 22, 2013 6PM
Rockwood Fred Meyer (demolished), 185th & SE Stark. Click to enlarge. |
Share your ideasWhen: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6PM |
Ten years ago voters approved a 20-year urban renewal district bond measure to rebuild the Rockwood Town Center after Fred Meyer closed. Now, with just ten years remaining, millions spent and no viable plan, what will become of Rockwood?
Community Forum
You're invited to attend a community forum for the Central Rockwood Plan Update. This project is intended to ensure the community’s vision for Rockwood can be achieved, and that the rules in place are not a barrier to the desired urban form. The forum will introduce the project, share identified issues, and ask for input on additional issues to study.
Your input is invaluable since you have unique expertise in how the community operates, where improvements may be made, and what is currently working well.
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Meeting: Oct 12, 2011 7PM
When: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7-9PM |
Public Welcome
The Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.
The purpose of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee (GRDCAC) is to advise the Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) on the implementation of urban renewal plans.
Public participation is welcome and encouraged.
Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in serving on this committee? Complete a volunteer application
Rockwood Design Standards, Fourth Community Forum: Jul 28, 2011 6:30PM
When: Thu, Jul 28, 2011 6:30PM-8PM |
Come Review and Discuss the Draft Design Guidelines and
Standards Code
Property owners, stakeholders and interested parties are invited to attend our fourth community forum for the Rockwood Design Standards project. This forum is intended to review and discuss the draft Design Guidelines and Standards Code.
This project is intended to implement the vision for Rockwood by establishing an urban design framework and creating Standards and Guidelines to ensure that the physical environment of Rockwood - its buildings, streetscapes and pedestrian environments - match that vision for a quality place.
Gresham Plannng Commission, Residential Districts Review Proposed Code Changes Hearing: Apr 11, 2011 6:30PM
When: Mon, Apr 11, 2011 6:30AM |
Proposed Code Changes Hearing
The Planning Commission will conduct a hearing April 11 regarding proposed changes to the Development Code related to residential compatibility.
The proposed Development Code amendments, a staff report and a Planning Commission memo are available on the Planning Commission page of the City’s website.
Additional information also is available on the project page.
The Code changes address the following issues:
- Height and bulk of new homes
- Height transitions (between single-family homes and more intense uses such as commercial uses, apartments or condominiums)
- Flag lots (homes built behind other homes)
- Buffering and screening between developments
- How small-lot subdivisions are reviewed
- Quality/appearance of fences along streets
Rockwood Design Standards Community Forum: Apr 18, 2011 6:30-8PM
Rockwood Designs Standard website |
Come and Help Refine the City's Vision for Rockwood
Take part in the small work group sessions
Monday Apr 18th 6:30PM |
When: Monday, Apr 18, 2011 6:30PM-8:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Conference Room 2A and 2B
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
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Share Your Ideas for Rockwood
Property owners, stakeholders and interested parties are invited to attend our second community forum for the Rockwood Design Standards project. This forum is intended to gather community input on the preferred approach to the Design Guidelines and Standards. The evening will include an open house at 6:30, a presentation starting at 6:45 and small group work sessions to conclude the evening.
This project is intended to implement the vision for Rockwood by establishing an urban design framework and creating regulations to ensure that the physical environment of Rockwood - its buildings, streetscapes and pedestrian environments - match that vision for a quality place.
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Budget Committee Meeting: Apr 20, 2011 6PM
When: wed, Apr 20, 2011 6PM |
The Gresham Redevelopment Commission Budget Committee (GRDCBC) meets once yearly in April to review and recommend a budget to the Gresham Redevelopment Commission.
The GRDCBC will meet on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. to consider the Gresham Redevelopment Commission’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2011/12 Budget for the Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal Area. The meeting will be held in the Gresham City Hall Conference Center, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR. This is a public meeting. Citizens will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed budget during the citizen comment period.
The complete agenda packet is available on the web, accessible from the following link: GRDCBC Agendas and Minutes.
- Approval of April 2010 minutes
- Election of Officers
- Proposed 2011/12 Fiscal Budget
- Citizen Comments
- Motion to Approve 2011/12 Fiscal Budget
Hard copies of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2011/12 Budget document are available in the lobby at Gresham City Hall.
More information on the yearly budget process is available on the web.
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee Meeting: Mar 9, 2011 7PM
GRDC Advisory Committee Agenda:
Introduction of new Members, 2011 GRDC Work Plan, Rockwood in Motion Update, Small Business Assistance/Incentives, Plaza del Sol Programming Update
When: Wednesday Mar 9, 2011 7PM-9PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Conference Center
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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On the agenda
Click here for Wednesday night's Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) Advisory Committee meeting agenda. This link takes you to the City of Gresham webpage that has the attachments and further meeting information.
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Meeting, Executive Session: Mar 15, 2011 3PM
greshamoregon.gov |
Agenda: Grant Applications, (2) Apartment Rehabilitation; (1) Storefront Improvement; Extend Small Business Incentive Program - Rockwood/West Gresham |
When: Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 3PM
Where: Council Chambers
Gresham Civic Center
Public Safety & Schools Building
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Gresham, OR
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The Gresham Redevelopment Commission will meet on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 immediately following adjournment of the 3:00 p.m. Gresham City Council business meeting in the Council Chambers, Gresham Civic Center, Public Safety and Schools Building, 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR. An Executive Session, if necessary, will immediately follow adjournment of the meeting
The meeting agenda can be found here http://greshamoregon.gov/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=23764.
The agenda materials have been posted to the web and are accessible here http://greshamoregon.gov/city/city-departments/urban-renewal/meeting-minutes-and-agendas/minutes-agendas.aspx
Executive Session
If necessary, it will immediately follow adjournment of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission Open Session in the Council Chamber Gresham Civic Center, Public Safety & Schools Building
Gresham Development Code Improvement Project, Community Forum: Jan 18, 2011 6:30PM
Second community forum Tuesday Jan 18th 6:30PM
Public is invited to examine and comment on the project |
When: Tuesday Jan 18, 2011 6:30PM-8:30PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Room
1333 NW Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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Plan to Attend
The second community forum on the Development Code Improvement Project is coming up next week. This is an opportunity to examine and comment on the work to create a Land Use Classification system and to integrate Community Service Uses into this system.
The Community Forum will be on January 18, 6:30-8:30 PM, in the Oregon Trail Room of Gresham City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway. The meeting will begin with a presentation and will follow-up with discussion groups. The materials that will be used at the forum may be found on the project webpage. Copies will be provided at the meeting.
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee meeting agenda: Nov 10, 2010 7PM
GRDC Advisory Committee agenda:
2011 GRDC Work Plan, Key Industrial Sites, Proposed Predevelopment Services Grant, Rockwood in Motion, Plaza del Sol Work Group Update |
When: Wednesday Nov 10, 2010 7PM-9PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Oregon Trail Conference Center
1333 NW Eastman Pky
Gresham OR
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On the agenda
Click here for Wednesday night's Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) Advisory Committee meeting agenda. This link takes you to the City of Gresham webpage that has the attachments and further meeting information.