Parks & Recreation

Click here to learn about the history of the Christmas tree and how it became a holiday tradition

Naturescaping Workshop: Dec 2

12/02/2007 - 12:00pm
12/02/2007 - 4:00pm

The City of Gresham Parks and Recreation will be hosting a Naturescaping Workshop provided by Naturescaping for Clean Rivers!

Site Planning I Workshop

When: Sunday, December 2, 2007
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Where: Council Chambers at City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Gresham, OR

Description: The Site Planning workshop teaches how to evaluate a property with hands on measuring exercises and team exercises solving challenges using scenario yards. You must complete the Basic workshop before attending the Site Planning I workshop.

SOLV "Green and Clean": Oct 20

10/20/2007 - 8:00am
10/20/2007 - 12:00pm

City of Gresham Parks and Recreation Volunteers Needed: Sat Oct 20, 2007

As part of the SOLV Green and Clean Project, the City of Gresham Parks and Recreation is coordinating a clean up event in North Gresham Park! Bring along the family, friends, or group/organization.

2007 WENA Annual Meeting Highlights

Wilkes Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 27, 2007

I. Call to order

  • Brian Heerwagen called to order the annual meeting of the Wilkes neighborhoods Association meeting at 7:05 pm on Monday, August 27 at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 17405 NE Glisan Street, Portland, Oregon.

Johnson Creek Clean Up: Aug 18th

08/18/2007 - 8:00am
08/18/2007 - 11:00am

Johnson Creek
Johnson Creek

Johnson Creek
Watershed Council's

Watershed Wide
Summer Event

Saturday, August 18th!

WHEN: Saturday, August 18th 2007 9am - 12pm

WHERE: 6 Sites. Click here for a map of locations!

PROVIDED: Gloves, Snacks, Water, and a celebration Barbeque w/live music!!!

Summer is here and that means another summer Clean Up for Johnson Creek. The Watershed Council and partners will be hosting six different sites throughout the watershed

Hogan Cedar Petition

Petition to Nominate the Hogan Cedar
as Gresham's Offical Tree

Circulate this petition to protect and preserve these magnificient trees!

Gresham's Hogan Cedar Trees

Hogan Cedar Trees


  • It is a unique form of Thuja plicata, the western red cedar, which grows naturally only in the Gresham area.

  • It has been recognized nationally as an important plant in horticulture.

  • The Oregon Association of Nurserymen's publication, 1999-2000 Directory and Buyer's Guide listed 13 commercial nursery producers of the Hogan Cedar. These are sold nationally. All of these trees trace their origin to a small pocket of trees in Gresham.

Columbia View Keepers

WENA and the City of Gresham Parks & Recreation Dept believe volunteer participation is an essential part of community development. Through volunteer involvement you can help cultivate and preserve parks, trails, and natural areas in our neighborhoods. With this in mind the Parks Dept is organizing community groups to take ownership in their neighborhood parks.


07/07/2007 - 8:00am
07/07/2007 - 12:00pm

GRESHAM Parks & Recreation’s BIG SERVICE DAY
Volunteerism to Strengthen Community

Saturday July 7, 2007
9:00am - 1:00pm

Join Gresham Parks & Recreation for a morning of invasive plant removal at Kelly Creek Park and Nadaka Park. Light refreshment will be provided. See the flyer here!

Nadaka Park

Nadaka Park

Nadaka Park is a lovely 10-acre parcel of land formerly known as the "Campfire property." It is located in the Wilkes East neighborhood north of NE Glisan Street. The entrance to the park is at NE 176th Ave and NE Pacific St. It is a natural area with a walking/hiking loop trail.

Columbia View Park

Columbia View Park

Columbia View Park is a 7.48 acre undeveloped park located at 1050 NE 169th Ave (click here for map). This park may not have the amenities that other parks have, but it is definitely a beautiful park!

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