Burnside construction, Rockwood (Click to enlarge) |
Rockwood in Motion:
When: Now thru March 2011
Where: E Burnside (Between 185th - SE Stark)
Gresham, OR
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Beginning Monday, June 21, work on the Rockwood/E 188th MAX Station improvements will begin to impact westbound traffic on E Burnside Street between SE 185th Avenue and SE Stark Street. Traffic will be reduced to one through lane in this area until the new station opens in early 2011.
Eastbound Burnside Street will be limited to one through lane in the same area until the new light rail platforms open in March 2011. Temporary MAX station platform construction will begin JUne 21st for riders at the Rockwood station while work proceeds on the new platforms for the rebuilt station.
MAX Remains on Schedule
The MAX will continue to operate on schedule with no service interruptions anticipated. Several changes to pedestrian crossings are in effect during construction. Please observe all detours and other signs and signals near the site for safety. This includes not crossing Burnside Street where crosswalks have been closed or entering the posted construction area.