Nadaka Nature Park & Garden Project, Improvements Coming in 2014

Nadaka Nature Park & Garden Project, Improvements Coming in 2014. Info here!

2013 was a very productive year for the Friends of Nadaka team which includes the Audubon Society of Portland (Audubon) and Columbia Slough Watershed Council (CSWC).

By Lee Dayfield, Friends of Nadaka

Audubon released a Cooper’s Hawk and brought their educational birds to the Nadaka Community Festival. Over 300 people attended the Festival last August. This year’s Festival will be held September 27th. You can view the release of the Cooper’s Hawk on YouTube by searching for Nadaka Nature Park.

The Nadaka Nature Park & Garden Project was awarded an Oregon State Parks grant in the amount of $523,480. These funds will be used to cover the large capital improvements such as the restrooms and covered picnic shelter.

Wilkes East Spring 2014 Newsletter Is Here! Find Out What's Happening In Your Neighborhood

Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community - Together we can make a difference!

Wilkes East Spring 2014 Newsletter Is Here! Find Out What's Happening In Your Neighborhood. Inside this issue: New K-12 Rockwood Charter School; Free! Earth Day Recycling, Apr 19; Fix-a-Leak Week, March 17-23; Albertina Kerr Construction Begins; Nadaka Nature Park/Garden Project ;Neighborhood Clean-Up, Jun 28th. Click here!
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"Diversity, Harmony, Community -
Together we can make a difference!”



  • New K-12 Rockwood Charter School
  • Free! Earth Day Recycling, Apr 19
  • Fix-a-Leak Week, March 17-23
  • Albertina Kerr Construction Begins
  • Nadaka Nature Park/Garden Project
  • Neighborhood Clean-Up, Jun 28th

Download the full-color edition here. Now with clickable links!

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area, timed to correspond with our regular meetings.

Looking for a past issue? Check out the newsletter archive.

Got a story to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300 words and may be subject to editing. Send articles by email to:, or by postal mail to: PO Box 536 • Fairview, OR 97024.

Laminated Root Rot and Nadaka Nature Park: Managing a Hidden Killer

Laminated Root Rot. Click to enlarge

Laminated Root Rot and Nadaka Nature Park

Abel Gebrezgi and Jim Labbe
Audubon Society of Portland

Laminated root rot (LRR) is a fungal pathogen, Phellinus weirii, also known as yellowing ring rot. (LLR gets its name from the lamination of the decayed wood (see photo above). This fungus is widespread in Southern British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, northern California and western Montana.). It is one of the most damaging root diseases amongst conifers, especially firs and cedars, in the Pacific Northwest. Douglas fir, Mountain hemlock, Western hemlock, Grand fir, and Pacific silver fir are highly susceptible to infection by this pathogen. Pine species like Western white pine and Ponderosa pine and larch are more resistant to it while hardwoods are immune. The fungus was first discovered in 1914, on Western red cedar in Idaho. The first reported case in Douglas fir was in 1940, at Cowichan Lake, British Columbia.

The mycelium of LRR doesn’t grow in the soil and the spores do not spread by wind like most fungal pathogens. Infection occurs when roots of healthy trees grow in contact with infected roots.

Click to enlarge

After initial contact with a living root, the mycelium grows on the bark, extending only a few inches into the surrounding soil. The mycelium penetrates the host through the injured bark and advances along newly infected roots. Symptoms include crown yellowing and thinning, distress of cones, red-brown staining of outer heartwood, and separation of annual rings. Less discernible is the root rot which eventually decays the roots, destabilizes the tree, and leads to death and toppling. In addition to the loss of mature trees within a stand, LRR creates potential hazards from tree fall especially in small urban parks. The number of cases of the LRR disease has increased substantially with the presence of fire suppression and resulting dominance of Douglas-fir and Grand fir.

Wilkes East Neighborhood offers Transportation Policy to improved traffic and pedestriation safety in our area

The WENA board has created a draft transportation policy for consideration by its members. The policy addresses our local transportation needs as well as regional needs that impact our neighborhood. Click to download!

The Wilkes East Neighborhood board has created a draft transportation policy for consideration by its members. The policy addresses our local transportation needs as well as regional needs that impact our neighborhood. Read more

Questions, comments or to get involved contact

Multnomah Co. Animal Shelter Overrun with Cats, Kittens. Offers Special Deal for Adoption

Multnomah Co. Animal Shelter Overrun with Cats, Kittens. Offers Special Deal for Adoption. Info here!

"Name Your Price" Cat Adoption Special!

The Multnomah County animal shelter has become overrun with cats and kittens so they’re asking the public to help out with foster care or adoptions.

The shelter has the capacity to hold 90 cats but they currently have 115. Shelter officials are pleading with the public to step up, bring a cat into your home.

The shelter also continues to offer its “Name Your Own Price” special discount for cat adoptions. Multnomah County Animal Services is located at 1700 W. Columbia River Highway (Get Map) in Troutdale.

State grant makes Nadaka Nature Park dreams a reality

Nadaka Nature Park, through a partnership with Gresham, is awarded a $523,000 grant for park improvements

State grant makes Nadaka Nature Park dreams a reality; awards $523,000 grant. Neighborhood park to be completed with community gardens, a nature-based play area, picnic shelter and improved walking trail. Info here!
Nadaka Park. Click to enlarge

Source: Gresham Outlook, August 2, 2013

The state has awarded a $523,000 grant to fund improvements at Nadaka Nature Park in Gresham’s Wilkes East neighborhood.

"It is unbelievable," said Lee Dayfieid, who cried, laughed and screamed when she heard the news last week that the park, through its partnership with the city of Gresham, won the $523,480 grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

The money means that the little-known and once-neglected forested area in the middle of the city can become a full-blown neighborhood park complete with community gardens, a nature-based play area, picnic shelter and improved walking trail.

Wilkes East Neighborhood, Summer 2013 newsletter. Download It Here!

Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon USA. Diversity, Harmony, Community - Together we can make a difference!

Wilkes East Summer 2013 newsletter has arrived. Find out what's happening in your neighborhood. Inside this issue: Albertina Kerr to expand facility; Draft Transportation Policy; Boys & Girls Club assumes PAL; Nadaka Community Festival Aug 3; National Night Out Aug 6; Nadaka Nature Park/Garden Project; WENA General Meeting, Aug 26, 7PM. Click here!
Click to download

Find out what's happening
    in your neighborhood



  • Albertina Kerr to expand facility
  • Draft Transportation Policy
  • Boys & Girls Club assumes PAL
  • Nadaka Community Festival Aug 3
  • National Night Out Aug 6
  • Nadaka Nature Park/Garden Project
  • WENA General Meeting, Aug 26, 7PM

Download your full-color newsletter here. Now with clickable links!

Newsletters are a regular publication of the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association. They are hand-delivered to over 1,500 residences and businesses in our area, timed to correspond with our regular meetings.

Looking for a past issue? Check out our newsletter archive here.

Got a story to share?
Wilkes East residents are encouraged to submit articles for the newsletter. Articles should be limited to 300 words and may be subject to editing. Send articles by email to:, or by postal mail to: PO Box 536 • Fairview, OR 97024.

Garden Fresh Produce Returns! Local Farmer's Markets Reopen for 2013

Local Farmer's Markets reopen. Enjoy the freshest produce and products. Find farmer's markets here!

Stretch your grocery dollars at the farmer's market

Enjoy the best produce, flowers, and plants starts direct from the garden.

Healthy and fresh
Farmer’s markets are a fantastic source for fresh, seasonal, locally produced foods and artisan products. Plus, you'll find great activities and fun for the whole family. Come experience the markets. Meet the vendors. Meet local cooks. Enjoy the freshest produce and products. Make your own statement in support of local food.

Want to grow your own vegetables?
Check out Portland Nursery's 12-month "Veggie Calendar" planting guide here.

Portland's east side Farmer's Markets

(Complete details on these area markets below)

You'll find plenty of root vegetables, braising greens and lettuces, and of course plant starts for your own vegetable garden.

Bring your reusable shopping bags and plenty of small bills, though some of the markets will trade you a credit/debit card for wooden tokens that all vendors accept, which can be easier to handle than cash. We've indicated those markets that accept EBT or other food assistant coupons.

Aircraft traffic to increase over Wilkes East during summer airport construction

Aircraft traffic to increase over Wilkes East during summer airport construction. Info here!

Get ready for another summer of increased air traffic as PDX airport runway construction resumes, again

Work is planned to reconstruct Taxiway C and repair the south runway this spring through fall 2013 at Portland International Airport (PDX).

Planned is the full reconstruction of the eastern portion of Taxiway C, which provides aircraft access to and from the south runway. The south runway repair will replace concrete that was damaged after a military jet’s tire failed, causing its landing gear to scrape the runway. Temporary repairs are already in place.

Taxiway C reconstruction work will run from April 1 through mid-October. Repairs are planned for the south runway from approximately April 15 to May 31, and again from August 16 to September 29. The runway will be open between June 1 and August 15 to help accommodate peak summer traffic.

While no major flight schedule delays are expected, airport neighbors should expect increased flights over some airport neighborhoods during the south runway closure.

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