
"Change your Clock - Change Your Battery"
Check Your Smoke Detectors too

Take Part in This Year's Citywide Bird Survey, Bird Monitoring Orientation: Apr 23, 2011 9:45AM-12PM

04/23/2011 - 9:45am
04/23/2011 - 12:00pm
Take Part in This Year's Citywide Bird Survey, Bird Monitoring Orientation: Apr 23, 2011 9:45AM-12PM. Info here!

When: Sat, Apr 23, 2011 9:45AM-12PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1333 Eastman Pkwy
Gresham, OR
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Become a Bird Watcher

This class is for people who are interested in participating in the City's spring citywide bird survey. Participants in the survey can adopt a site, where they will record the birds they see and hear. Experienced birders can be paired with new birders to help with identification skills.

Surveys are relatively short, should only take a couple hours each month, and can be scheduled at times best for the participants.

Pesticide Free Gardening Workshop: Apr 30, 2011 10:00AM-11:30AM

04/30/2011 - 10:00am
04/30/2011 - 11:30am
Pesticide Free Gardening Workshop: Apr 30, 2011 10:00AM-11:30AM. Info here!

When: Sat, Apr 30, 2011 10AM-11:30AM
Where: SnowCap Community Charities
17805 SE Stark St
Gresham, OR
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Gardening Naturally

Learn to garden in a way that is gentler to the environment and safer for the food we eat. This free workshop, sponsored by Metro and hosted by SnowCap, will provide practical tips on how to do this.

Register Here!

To register call Kari James, SnowCap by phone at 503-674-8785 ext.37, or e-mail

Rain Garden Workshop, $200 Grants Available: Mar 5, 2011 8:30AM

03/05/2011 - 8:30am
03/05/2011 - 3:30pm
Rain Garden Workshop, $200 Grants Available: Mar 5, 2011 8:30AM - 3:30PM. Info here!

Planning new landscape?
Add a rain graden

Landscaping that absorbs water from your roof or driveway

When: Saturday, Mar 5, 2011 8:30AM - 3:30PM
Hollydale Elementary School
505 SW Birdsdale Drive
Gresham, OR
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Free Workshop

Improve water quality and wildlife habitat at home by building your own rain garden, disconnecting your downspouts and gardening with native plants. This free rain garden workshop with City staff includes classroom discussion, hands-on activities, rain garden tour, free raffle and refreshments. Space is limited – call or email to register. The city is offering $200 rain garden grants for homeowners who build their own – to be eligible, staff must confirm safety of your site.

Visit the City's Rain Garden website for more information.

Free Workshop, Slough 101: Mar 12, 2011 8:45AM

03/12/2011 - 8:45am
Ever wonder about that slow-moving channel of water. Attend this free workshop. Slough 101. Info here!
Slough 101, free workshop

Learn about the history, water, wildlife, and current issues of the Columbia Slough

When: Saturday Mar 12, 2011 8:45AM - 1:00PM
Where: Multnomah County Drainage Districts
1880 NE Elrod Drive
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Ever wonder about that slow-moving channel of water running through Gresham, Fairview, and Northeast, and North Portland?

Free workshop

Learn about the history, water, wildlife, and current issues of the Columbia Slough at Slough 101. Slough experts will lead hands-on activities including a tour of a pump station and macroinvertebrate discovery.

Pre-registration is required for this free workshop, and light refreshments will be provided. Suitable for adults and teens 14 and up.

SOLV Volunteer Action Training workshop, two sessions offered. Sign-up now!: Nov 2, 2010

11/02/2010 - 9:00am
11/02/2010 - 3:00pm
SOLV Volunteer Action Training workshop, two sessions. Sign-up now: Nov 2, 2010 AM/PM. SOLV, It's our nature to volunteer. Info here!
It's our nature to volunteer

SOLV Volunteer Action Training
Tuesday, Nov 2, 2010

Two sessions: Watershed basics, Recruiting & fundraising
Sign-up now!

When: Tues Nov 2, 2010
      • 09:00AM - 11:15AM Morning
      • 11:45AM - 03:00PM Afternoon
Where: Metro Regional Center
Room 401
600 NE Grand Ave
Portland OR
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Apply Yourself!

SOLV is pleased to announce that a Volunteer Action Training has been scheduled in Portland on Tuesday, November 2nd. Learn how to effectively organize an environmental project with volunteers to meet needs in YOUR community. This workshop is designed for people organizing volunteer projects around SOLV’s four project types: litter and illegal dumpsite cleanup, invasive plant removal, native tree and shrub planting, and maintenance and monitoring of watershed restoration sites. If you’ve already participated in a training with SOLV or are currently coordinating volunteer projects, please feel free to join us for a refresher course or pass on this announcement to help recruit the next generation of leaders!

Two sessions offered

The workshop is being delivered in two sessions with different but complimentary material. Topics in the morning include watershed basics as well as envisioning and defining your project. The afternoon session will cover managing and recruiting volunteers, finding sponsors and fundraising for your project, working with the media, and project logistics for the day of your event. Participants may attend one or both sessions.

Click here to register!

Grow your own organic veggies. Free workshop: May 8, 2010 10AM

05/08/2010 - 10:00am
05/08/2010 - 11:30am
Bring the organic gardening experience home with time-tested tips from a Metro natural gardening expert. Free workshop May 8, 2010 10AM. Info here!

Grow a garden that's beautiful and abundant, and safe for children, pets and streams.

When: Saturday, May 8, 2010 10:0AM - 11:30AM
Where: Snowcap Community Charities
17805 SE Stark St
Gresham, OR
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Grow your own organic veggies

Bring the organic gardening experience home with time-tested tips from a Metro natural gardening expert. Learn to grow a robust variety of tasty vegetables year-round. Get the latest on weeding effectively, watering without waste, enhancing soil fertility and controlling pests without poisons.

Complimentary coupons and publications for all participants. Free. Advanced registration encouraged; drop-ins welcome if space is available. Follow the link below to register online or call 503-234-3000.

Free "Rain Garden 101" Workshop, Gresham City Hall: Mar 27, 2010 9AM

03/27/2010 - 9:00am
03/27/2010 - 1:00pm
Free Rain Garden 101 Workshop. Learn the how-to of constructing your own rain garden. Gresham City Hall, Mar 27, 2010 9AM-1PM
Rain Garden. Click to enlarge

Free workshop

Learn the "how-to's" of constructing your own rain garden!

When: Saturday Mar 27, 2010 9AM - 1PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Pwy
Gresham, OR 97030
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Rain gardens are a great way to add beautiful landscaping to your yard and protect overloaded urban streams at the same time.

Free Workshop

Attend this free "Rain Garden 101" workshop presented by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District. (Registration required)

At this workshop you'll learn how to assess your site to determine the best location and size, calculate impervious surfaces, determine soil suitability, choose appropriate plants, and how to maintain your new rain garden. You will also receive a comprehensive manual that shows all the steps to constructing a rain garden.

Free Naturescaping Basics Workshop. Learn to garden with natives: Nov 14, 2009 9AM

11/14/2009 - 9:00am
11/14/2009 - 1:00pm

East Multnomah SWCD Naturescaping Basics Workshop. Learn to garden with natives: Nov 14, 2009 9AM. Info here!


"Learn to garden with natives"

Sat Nov 14th 9AM

East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District: We help people care for their land

When: Sat, Nov 14, 2009 9AM-1PM
Where: Leach Botanical Garden
6704 SE 122nd Avenue
Portland 97236
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Beauty and function

Naturescaping is the practice of designing (or redesigning) a landscape so that it reduces water use, stormwater runoff, and pollution without sacrificing splendor. Plus, it saves you time, money, and energy – all while providing a beautiful habitat for birds, wildlife, and you.

Native plants are best because they're adapted to our soil and climate so they need relatively little or no watering, fertilizing, or care once established. They are also less susceptible to common garden pests and diseases, and they attract a variety of native birds and butterflies by providing food and shelter.

Workshop Description

Plan to attend this free workshop, Saturday Nov 14th!

Naturescaping Basics introduces attendees to their connection with the watershed, native plants of the PNW, pollution prevention, and other core concepts of naturescaping.

Workshop participants get to view before and after naturescaping examples, take a field trip to a nearby project, get advice on landscape design and native gardening, network with neighbors, and identify native plants.

And, every participant receives a comprehensive workbook and a native plant to help them get started.

Free! Start a Neighborhood Watch Workshop: May 13, 2009 7PM

05/13/2009 - 7:00pm
05/13/2009 - 9:00pm
City of Gresham Police Department: FREE Neighborhood Watch Workshop, May 13, 2009 7PM

Free Workshop!

Start A Neighborhood Watch
Wednesday, May 13th 7PM

When: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 7PM - 9PM
Where: Gresham City Council Chambers
1333 NW Eastman Parkway

Increase awareness, reduce crime

The Gresham Police Crime Prevention Unit invites all citizens to participate in a workshop designed to increase crime awareness and identify safety methods that reduce crimes to yourself or within your neighborhood.

Download the flyer here!

City of Gresham Police Department invites you to...

  • Share neighborhood concerns
  • Learn more about crime prevention
  • Form or join an exiting Neighborhood Watch
  • Be active in developing your Watch Group “Action Plan”

At the workshop you will learn how to...

  • Reduce the opportunity for crime to occur
  • Identify suspicious behavior/activities
  • Report emergencies and non-emergencies
  • Learn about Home, Identification, Car, Personal Safety
  • tart-up or join a Neighborhood Watch Program

Who should attend?

This workshop is for established Neighborhood Watch groups as well as those who wish to initiate new Neighborhood Watch programs.

Neighborhood Watch is sponsored by the National Sheriffs Association and supported by the Gresham Police Department. For the latest information on crime in your neighborhood visit

"Free-Bee" Workshop, Attracting Native Pollinators: Apr 4, 2009

04/04/2009 - 9:00am
04/04/2009 - 1:00pm
The Xerces Society is an international, nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. Portland, Oregon 97215 USA, tel 503.232.6639

Free workshop!

Build a "bee house" for your garden.
Learn about our busy friends!

When: Saturday, April 4th 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Where: Gresham City Hall
Council Chambers
1333 NE Eastman Pkwy
Gresham OR

Catch the 'buzz'!

Join the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and the City's Watershed Division for this buzz-worthy workshop on the importance of bees.

Click here. RSVP by Friday, April 3rd.

Matthew Shepard of Xerces will give an hour-long presentation on native pollinator conservation, identification and creating habitat at home. Workshop includes hands-on bee house building. Participants leave with a free bee house to put in their yards or gardens.

Light refreshments will be provided.

For questions or more information contact Jamie Stamberger, watershed outreach coordinator, 503-618-2793 or email

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