
Organic Vegetable Gardening: Tue, Apr 06, 2021 6:30PM-8PM

04/06/2021 - 6:30pm
04/06/2021 - 8:00pm
Organic Vegetable Gardening: Tue, Apr 06, 2021 6:30PM-8PM. Gardening Workshop. Info here!

Gardening Workshop

When: Tue, Apr 06, 2021 6:30PM-8PM
Where: Online via Zoom

Learn how to improve your garden's health and our environment by growing organically.

Gresham Japanese Garden volunteer Jim Buck will offer instruction about soil preparation, planting succession tips, companion planting, avoiding diseases, different types of composting, and elements of permaculture.

This is a free class hosted on Zoom.

Register to attend the class. The Zoom link will be sent to you before the class.

Learn more about the Gresham Japanese Garden or email info@GreshamJapaneseGarden.com.

Youth gardeners cultivate Gresham park

Nonprofit Play Grow Learn celebrates youth-oriented efforts at Nadaka Nature Park. Info here!
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Gresham Mayor Travis Stovall celebrated the youths maintaining Nadaka Nature Park during a visit Thursday morning, March 11.

Source: Gresham Outlook, March 16 2021
By Christopher Keizur

Nonprofit Play Grow Learn celebrates youth-oriented efforts at Nadaka Nature Park

When the winter ice storm hit East Multnomah County earlier this year, it wreaked havoc on a popular Rockwood greenspace.

Nadaka Nature Park had been buffeted by rain, sleet, snow and high-winds. Branches fell across the 10-acre property, young trees had been uprooted, pathways destroyed, and the community garden was a mess.

But for the youths who have been working at Nadaka for the past year, the damage was not daunting. Instead they rolled up their sleeves, grabbed their shovels, and got to work.

"This park is beautiful," said 19-year-old Rico Garland. "We all care about it and helping our community."

Twice a week, 20 youths have been working at Nadaka Nature Park, 17615 N.E. Glisan St., through the nonprofit Play Grow Learn. They plant, weed, and clean the park to ensure it remains a safe and fun place for local families to visit.

The Play Grow Learn youths, ages 15-24, all receive a stipend for their work, and are helping fill the gaps in Gresham when it comes to funding and maintaining parks. For those kids, Play Grow Learn led to the first time they had ever visited Nadaka, despite it being in their community.

"They want to work and take ownership of the park," said Germaine Flentroy, program coordinator with Play Grow Learn. "All it takes is one opportunity."

Now, if not for the youths, the state of Nadaka would be in a much more dire place.

"I'm so grateful (they) are helping maintain this park, because the city isn't able to," said Lee Dayfield, the creative force behind Nadaka.

The youths led Gresham leaders on a tour of everything they have accomplished at Nadaka in the past year. Click to enlarge.
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - The youths led Gresham leaders on a tour of everything they have accomplished at Nadaka in the past year.

On Thursday, March 11, those kids were able to showcase their hard work to Gresham Mayor Travis Stovall, who visited Nadaka to learn more about Play Grow Learn's efforts.

The mayor walked along a newly constructed path through the wooded area, toured the gardens where community members are learning to grow their own healthy produce, and admired the dozens of trees that have been planted. He even got a lesson on how to propagate new plants from cuttings.

"What Play Grow Learn is accomplishing here is incredibly important and impressive," Stovall said. "The best part was listening to their passion about planting trees."

The tour was also a chance for the youths to connect with the new leader of their city. Many were excited to meet "someone famous," and used the opportunity to speak with Stovall about what their communities need.

And of course, they were proud to show Stovall all that has been accomplished at Nadaka.

"Do you see that — we planted those trees," Garland said.

Fund-amental problem

For many years it has been the same song, different tune in Gresham — the city does not have the funding to support parks.

The problems began two decades ago with a pair of ballot measures passed in Gresham that hamstrung the city's ability to fund greenspaces.

Mayor Travis Stovall spoke about the need to find funding mechanisms for Greshams parks. Click to enlarge.
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Mayor Travis Stovall spoke about the need to find funding mechanisms for Greshams parks.

The votes set a permanent property tax that was the second lowest in the state.

In 1990, Gresham's property taxes paid for 100% of police and fire services. Now, those taxes are only able to foot 40% of those expenses. And the lion's share goes to public safety, leaving parks to wither.

"It's about funding mechanisms to get our parks to a new level," Stovall said.

One solution would be to form a parks district, which the city is investigating with a feasibility study. The district would have the power to construct, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, operate and maintain lakes, parks, recreation grounds and buildings; acquire necessary lands; and to call necessary elections after being formed.

But it is difficult to implement, and necessitates city leadership lessening control over greenspaces and a successful public vote. Other solutions include a new parks utility fee; increasing the existing Police-Fire-Parks fee; or vying for an Operations Levy/Bond Measure, which would collect from property taxes.

A group within the community, including Dayfield and other leaders at Nadaka, have also requested participatory budgeting when it comes to parks, which allows for community input in how to spend funds.

"Years ago the city had to cut parks and recreation programs, which was really hard on the community," said Keri Handaly, who works with the Nadaka kids through Gresham's water resources division. "Programs like Play Grow Learn help bring back those needed services."

While there are no easy answers, the work being done by youths at Nadaka highlight a potential future for the city's parks.

"We are doing the stuff that otherwise isn't going to get done, and showing the city what can be accomplished with a shoestring budget," said Anthony Bradley, executive director of Play Grow Learn.

Seeking support

Play Grow Learn youths are filling in the gaps at Nadaka Nature Park. Click to enlarge.
PMG PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER KEIZUR - Play Grow Learn youths are filling in the gaps at Nadaka Nature Park.

Play Grow Learn is thriving at Nadaka thanks to a coalition of partners all coming together.

Friends of Nadaka lends guidance and has continued its ambassador program.

Vanessa Chambers and Rhonda Combs continuing oversight at the park, tidying the playground and ensuring the space remains safe and welcome to the many families who visit.

City staff and Friends of Trees visit to provide expertise; Adam Kohl and Outgrowing Hunger operate the community garden and assist in securing grants; East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District provides funding; and Metro Regional Government and East County Rising both have backed the nonprofit organization.

The latest partnership is with PGE Project Zero, which will send two interns this summer to help Play Grow Learn at Nadaka.

"The program connects young folks with meaningful employment," Taaj Armstrong, cohort dean for Project Zero's green jobs internship program. "We are so excited to partner with Play Grow Learn."

But everything Play Grow Learn is accomplishing remains on unstable ground.

"This all could be gone tomorrow," Flentroy said. "We are surviving on short-term grants and solutions."

Play Grow Learn requires more support to keep going, and they hope the visit from Mayor Stovall might signal future backing from the city of Gresham. The nonprofit organization needs more stable funding and in-kind support to continue teaching youths skills and keeping them out of dangerous situations.

"I believe the support is out there," Bradley said.

If they can secure it, Play Grow Learn has a bright vision for Gresham. They want similar programs in every East Multnomah County park, with teams of teens caring for greenspaces, learning valuable skills, and finding future employment opportunities.

"We all have to do our part to represent and teach kids of color," Flentroy said.

Support Play Grow Learn
To volunteer or provide donations to Play Grow Learn to back its efforts to teach youths valuable skills, email Anthony Bradley anthonybradleypgl@gmail.com or Germaine Flentroy gflentroypgl@gmail.com.

This story first appeared in The Outlook. Support community newspapers. Subscribe at http://savinglocalnews.com

City of Gresham Bird Survey Training: Thu, Jan 07, 2021 via Zoom

01/07/2021 - 10:00am
01/07/2021 - 10:59am
City of Gresham Bird Survey Training: Thu, Jan 07, 2021 via Zoom. 2PM-3:30PM & 6PM-7:30PM. Seeking Volunteers. Info here!

Seeking Volunteers

When: Thu, Jan 07, 2021 via Zoom
Time: 2:00PM-3:30PM & 6:00PM-7:30PM
Where: Via Zoom

Gresham residents may participate in our COVID-safe bird survey this winter to help the City collect information about local bird populations and habitat needs. The City is offering free online training to all interested volunteers. Experience is not required, and training is open to all ages. Families are encouraged to join in.

The bird survey training will include:

  • How to identify birds.
  • How to use a bird survey application that will allow you to upload your findings to an international bird database.

A smartphone or computer is required. All other materials will be provided.

Two trainings are available via Zoom:

  • Thursday Jan. 7, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm
  • Thursday Jan. 7, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm

RSVP to receive the training invitation.

For more information, contact Marissa.Eckman@GreshamOregon.gov

Learn more about the City's bird surveys.

Senior Healthy Hikers - Oaks Bottom Nature Trail Hike: Thu, Dec 03, 2020 10AM-2PM

12/03/2020 - 10:00am
12/03/2020 - 2:00pm
Senior Healthy Hikers - Oaks Bottom Nature Trail Hike: Thu, Dec 03, 2020 10AM-2PM. Let's Go Walking! Info here!

Let's Go Walking!

When: Thu, Dec 03, 2020 10AM-2PM
Where: Meet at trailhead
(Call or email for directions)

Hiking during COVID-19 pandemic

  • All participants must wear facial masks and practice social distancing during Senior Healthy Hikers group events.
  • We will no longer carpool to the trailhead. Participants are responsible for their own transportation.
  • Driving directions (with the beginning point at Gresham City Hall) will be distributed at least three days prior to the event.

Hike details

  • Distance: 3.8 miles
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Elevation gain: 125 feet
  • Trail conditions: Rocky in places
  • Round-trip travel: Approximately 40 miles

The Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge is a complex of wetlands, meadows, and forest, mainly fed by springs, at the base of the Willamette River bluff in Sellwood. Waterfowl can be seen at any time of the year, and beaver and nutria are active in the backwaters. We will hike the Bluff Trail, which can be muddy in spots, but includes railed boardwalks and viewing platforms. The wooded trail goes through cottonwoods, Oregon ash, and cedars, and skirts algae-covered ponds. Above the trail is a large wildlife mural on the walls of the Portland Memorial Mausoleum. At over 40,000 square feet, it is the largest hand-painted mural in the country.

We will walk for a short distance on the Springwater Trail, which gets lots of bike traffic, so we will need to go single-file and stay to the far right side of the trail to avoid bikers.

Plan to bring water and snacks. No group lunch is planned for this hike, but there are a variety of small restaurants on 13th Avenue, if anyone is interested in having lunch before returning to Gresham. Wear good hiking shoes and dress for the weather. Hiking poles are optional. Restrooms are available at the trailhead.

For more information about this hike please contact Mary Ann Buck at 971-344-1946 or buckbanter@gmail.com.

Senior Healthy Hikers asks that participants be 50 or older. A couple wishing to hike is welcome if one member of the couple is 50 or better.

Pets are not permitted on our hikes or walks.

Senior Healthy Hikers member guidelines

Senior Healthy Hikers - Orchard Park to Orenco Woods Nature Park: Wed, Dec 16, 2020 10AM-2PM

12/16/2020 - 10:00am
12/16/2020 - 2:00pm
Senior Healthy Hikers - Orchard Park to Orenco Woods Nature Park: Wed, Dec 16, 2020 10AM-2PM. Let's Go Walking!. Info here!

Let's Go Walking!

When: Wed, Dec 16, 2020 10AM-2PM
Where: Meet at trailhead
(Call or email for directions)

Hiking during COVID-19 pandemic

  • All participants must wear facial masks and practice social distancing during Senior Healthy Hikers group events.
  • We will no longer carpool to the trailhead. Participants are responsible for their own transportation.
  • Driving directions (with the beginning point at Gresham City Hall) will be distributed at least three days prior to the event.

Hike details

  • Distance: 3.8 miles
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Elevation gain: 50 feet
  • Trail conditions: Paved pathway, boardwalk, and some bark dust trail
  • Round-trip travel: Approximately 62 miles

This out-and-back trek will take us along a mostly paved pathway that follows the Rock Creek Trail from Orchard Park to Orenco Woods Nature Park. At Orenco, we will explore some of the local history, as well as the stickwork sculptures created by artist Patrick Dougherty. There are seven of these 18-foot-tall sculptures . each with its own personality. After our hike we will have lunch on our own. There are several restaurants in the area, a list of which will be added to the driving directions.

Bring water and snacks for the trail. Comfortable shoes are recommended.

Doug and Dana Duval at 907-230-6543 or danakol24@aol.com.

Senior Healthy Hikers asks that participants be 50 or older. A couple wishing to hike is welcome if one member of the couple is 50 or better.

Pets are not permitted on our hikes or walks.

Senior Healthy Hikers member guidelines

Senior Healthy Hikers - Cazadero Trail Hike, Boring: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 10AM-2PM

12/29/2020 - 10:00am
12/29/2020 - 2:00pm
Senior Healthy Hikers - Cazadero Trail Hike, Boring: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 10AM-2PM. Let's Go Walking! Info here!

Let's Go Walking!

When: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 10AM-2PM
Where: Meet at trailhead
Get Map!

Hiking during COVID-19 pandemic

  • All participants must wear facial masks and practice social distancing during Senior Healthy Hikers group events.
  • We will no longer carpool to the trailhead. Participants are responsible for their own transportation.
  • Driving directions (with the beginning point at Gresham City Hall) will be distributed at least three days prior to the event.

Hike details

  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Elevation gain: Minimal
  • Trail conditions: Packed dirt through forest, some gravel
  • Round-trip travel: Approximately 16 miles

Since weather at the end of December is unpredictable and possibly icy, this out-and-back hike is appropriate because it.s level, but is still a nice walk through a forest on both sides of the trail. If the weather cooperates, we can take a side trail that has some ups and downs. As always, keep the weather in mind and bring poles, as needed. Sturdy hiking boots and, of course, appropriate clothing are also highly recommended. You will probably want to bring water and snacks.

Unfortunately, there are no restroom facilities at the trailhead and since Boring is a very small town, there are no fast food restaurants or supermarkets, so please take appropriate measures prior to your arrival.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, lunch will have to be decided closer to the hike date. We.ll get something out with the driving directions a few days prior to the hike. A local restaurant in Boring called Red Apple serves American and Chinese food. They have booths for four, and as of mid-October, every other one is closed off for safety. They open at 11:00 for lunch, so those who want to go will be the first ones in and can choose appropriate seating. Those not wanting to eat indoors can choose to have a brown-bag tailgate at the trail.

For more information about this hike please contact Steve and Micky Solcz at 503-367-8483 or steve.solcz@gmail.com.

Senior Healthy Hikers asks that participants be 50 or older. A couple wishing to hike is welcome if one member of the couple is 50 or better.

Pets are not permitted on our hikes or walks.

Senior Healthy Hikers member guidelines

Portland’s Annual Tree Lighting Lighting Sing-Along is virtual this year on KGW 8: Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:30PM-7:30PM

11/27/2020 - 6:30pm
11/27/2020 - 7:30pm
Portland’s Annual Tree Lighting Lighting Sing-Along is virtual this year on KGW 8: Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:30PM-7:30PM

Tune into the Fun!

When: Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:30-7:30PM
Where: "In your own Living Room!"

Virtual Sign Along!
Portland’s Annual Tree Lighting Sing-Along will safely unite Portlanders this year in a special televised broadcast on KGW 8 the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 27th, at 6:30 PM. This hour-long special program hosted by KGW’s Nina Mehlhaf and Portland’s own Thomas Lauderdale, will feature Pink Martini, and leading Portlanders in a joyful caroling sing-along.

The celebration, which will replace the traditional in-person event held in Portland’s Living Room, will include onscreen lyrics and downloadable songbooks for families to celebrate the kick-off of the holiday season in their own Living Rooms!

Gresham Farmers Market 2020: Sat, Oct 03, 2020 8:30AM-2PM

10/03/2020 - 8:30am
10/03/2020 - 2:00pm
Gresham Farmers' Market 2020: Sat, Oct 03, 2020 8:30AM-2PM. Saturday's thru October. Info here!

Saturday's thru October

When: Sat, Oct 03, 2020 8:30AM-2PM
Where: Arts Plaza
NE 3rd Street and NE Hood Avenue
Get Map!

Oregon's Stay Home, Save Lives order allows farmers markets to operate. The Gresham Farmers' Market will open for the season with a limited number of vendors and strict COVID-19 physical distancing and safety measures in place.

At the market safety measures

  • Do not visit the market if you you are feeling unwell.
  • Only one person per household should visit the market.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Bring a shopping list.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone not in your household.
  • No socializing in the market for now.
  • Do not touch items before buying.
  • Shop quickly.
  • No dogs; service animals only.

Visit the Gresham Farmers' Market website for more information.

Gresham Farmers Market 2020: Sat, Oct 10, 2020 8:30AM-2PM

10/10/2020 - 8:30am
10/10/2020 - 2:00pm
Gresham Farmers' Market 2020: Sat, Oct 03, 2020 8:30AM-2PM. Saturday's thru October. Info here!

Saturday's thru October

When: Sat, Oct 10, 2020 8:30AM-2PM
Where: Arts Plaza
NE 3rd Street and NE Hood Avenue
Get Map!

Oregon's Stay Home, Save Lives order allows farmers markets to operate. The Gresham Farmers' Market will open for the season with a limited number of vendors and strict COVID-19 physical distancing and safety measures in place.

At the market safety measures

  • Do not visit the market if you you are feeling unwell.
  • Only one person per household should visit the market.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Bring a shopping list.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone not in your household.
  • No socializing in the market for now.
  • Do not touch items before buying.
  • Shop quickly.
  • No dogs; service animals only.

Visit the Gresham Farmers' Market website for more information.

Gresham Farmers Market 2020: Sat, Oct 17, 2020 8:30AM-2PM

10/17/2020 - 8:30am
10/17/2020 - 2:00pm
Gresham Farmers' Market 2020: Sat, Oct 03, 2020 8:30AM-2PM. Saturday's thru October. Info here!

Saturday's thru October

When: Sat, Oct 17, 2020 8:30AM-2PM
Where: Arts Plaza
NE 3rd Street and NE Hood Avenue
Get Map!

Oregon's Stay Home, Save Lives order allows farmers markets to operate. The Gresham Farmers' Market will open for the season with a limited number of vendors and strict COVID-19 physical distancing and safety measures in place.

At the market safety measures

  • Do not visit the market if you you are feeling unwell.
  • Only one person per household should visit the market.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Bring a shopping list.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone not in your household.
  • No socializing in the market for now.
  • Do not touch items before buying.
  • Shop quickly.
  • No dogs; service animals only.

Visit the Gresham Farmers' Market website for more information.

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