When: Tue, Oct 20, 2020 11:30AM-12:30PM Where: Online meeting via Zoom
Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as advisory committee reports, bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, project updates and policy matters.
COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings are held online via Zoom, typically on the third Tuesday of the month 30 minutes following adjournment of the 10:00 am Gresham City Council, with some exceptions to that schedule.
How to attend and access agenda materials
For Zoom meeting log-in/call-in information, please see the meeting agenda on the Council Meeting Agendas and Videos page under Upcoming Events or the Gresham Redevelopment Commission page. Agenda materials are posted to those locations approximately one week before the meeting.
If you are unable to access the meeting via Zoom, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, by calling 503-618-2545 no later than 24 hours before to the meeting start time so the City can provide alternate arrangements.
How to provide testimony
Residents wishing to provide oral testimony must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
Residents wishing to provide written testimony must submit their written testimony no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov so the testimony can be provided to the GRDC before the meeting.
When: Wed, Oct 21, 2020 7PM-9PM Where: Online meeting via Zoom
The Finance Committee advises Council on City financial matters. Finance Committee meetings take place on the third Wednesday of the month from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Gresham City Hall or via Zoom.
How to participate:
In conformance with the governor.s limitations on public gatherings, the meeting will be conducted electronically using Zoom, an online meeting platform. The meeting structure is consistent with the governor.s Executive Order No. 20-16.
Please note: Instructions for citizens wishing to testify during this Finance Committee meeting are as follows:
Written testimony: Please send your written testimony to Budget and Finance Director, Sharron Monohon at Sharron.Monohon@GreshamOregon.gov no later than 24 hours before the meeting to allow the testimony to be forwarded to the Finance Committee.
Oral testimony: Please register your name, email address, phone number and subject matter to Budget and Finance Director, Sharron Monohon at Sharron.Monohon@GreshamOregon.gov no later than 24 hours before the meeting.
Persons who are unable to access the meeting via Zoom are encouraged to notify the City by calling 503-618-2890, 24 hours in advance of the meeting so that the City can provide alternate arrangements.
How to access the meeting
Meeting log-in or call-in information to access the meeting:
iPhone one-tap : US: +12532158782,,93180955212#,,,,,,0#,,955340# or +13462487799,,93180955212#,,,,,,0#,,955340#
Telephone: US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923
Webinar ID: 931 8095 5212
Passcode: 955340
For more information about the Finance Committee or about this meeting, contact Sharron Monohon, Budget and Financial Planning Director, at 503-618-2890 or Sharron.Monohon@GreshamOregon.gov.
When: Wed, Oct 21, 2020 6:30PM-8:30PM Where: Online meeting via Zoom
The Design Commission is the primary advising subcommittee to the City Council on design excellence for the built environment of the city. The Commission assists in the development and application of design standards and guidelines, and will conduct hearings as necessary to ensure that proposed public and private projects achieve these standards.
For more information about this event, contact Jamie Thomes, Planning Technician at 503-618-2842 or Jamie.Thomes@GreshamOregon.gov.
When: Sat, Oct 24, 2020 8:30AM-2PM Where: Arts Plaza
NE 3rd Street and NE Hood Avenue Get Map!
Oregon's Stay Home, Save Lives order allows farmers markets to operate. The Gresham Farmers' Market will open for the season with a limited number of vendors and strict COVID-19 physical distancing and safety measures in place.
At the market safety measures
Do not visit the market if you you are feeling unwell.
Only one person per household should visit the market.
Wear a mask.
Bring a shopping list.
Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone not in your household.
GRDC meetings allow necessary Urban Renewal business to be dealt with, such as advisory committee reports, bid and grant awards, budget adoption, public hearings, resolutions, project updates and policy matters.
COVID-19 emergency order meeting procedure
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings are held online via Zoom 30 minutes following adjournment of the 10:00 am Gresham City Council meetings on the third Tuesdays. See below for meeting start time, how to attend via Zoom and access agenda materials, and how to provide testimony.
Sept. 22 meeting
The meeting will be held at 1:00 pm. This is the rescheduled date and time. The meeting was originally scheduled for Sept. 15, 30 minutes after the 10:00 am City Council meeting.
If you are unable to access the meeting via Zoom, contact Cecille Turley, Program Technician, by calling 503-618-2545 no later than 24 hours before to the meeting start time so the City can provide alternate arrangements.
How to provide testimony
Residents wishing to provide oral testimony must register their name, e-mail address, phone number, and subject matter no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician, at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov.
Residents wishing to provide written testimony must submit their written testimony no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time via email to Cecille Turley, Program Technician at Cecille.Turley@GreshamOregon.gov so the testimony can be provided to the GRDC before the meeting.
Join us for a virtual open house, to be held with two separate one-hour Zoom sessions that fit your schedule.
We'll review:
Community feedback on six park concept plan designs
Concept plan report outlining potential enhancements for Gresham's six undeveloped parks, which aim to reflect the needs of each neighborhood and the overall Gresham community while also protecting access to nature
A vital part of the City's planning process is hearing from the community, to ensure all voices are heard. Since early 2019, Gresham residents have provided input through online surveys as well as on-site and virtual events. The concepts aim to meet the current and future demands of Gresham's growing population. They also outline financial needs for developing the parks in the future if funding is identified.
A Zoom link to register for this event will be posted soon.
For questions about this event, contact Tina Osterink, Natural Resource Planner at Tina.Osterink@GreshamOregon.gov or 503-618-2392.
Rescheduled When: Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:30PM-7:30PM
Online meeting via Zoom Contact for details.
Board meetings are now scheduled for the 2nd Monday each month 6:30PM
For more information please contact: info@wilkeseastna.org
Upcoming Meetings
Oct 12, 2020
Nov 09, 2020 *
Dec 14, 2020
Jan 11, 2021
Feb 08, 2021
Mar 08, 2021 *
* Public Meeting
Are you motivated, passionate, creative? Join the Board!
Help shape our neighborhood. Become a Member-at-Large at anytime. No experience required -- just the desire to make our neighborhood a better place. Click here for details!"Together WE can make a difference!"
Wilkes East Neighborhood
17104 NE Oregon St
Portland OR 97230
When: Sun, Aug 09, 2020 1PM-5PM Where: Coho Picnic Shelter
Main City Park
219 South Main Ave. Get Map!
The non-profit organization Bikes for Humanity is offering free basic bike repairs. Outdoor, socially-distanced repairs will happen near the Coho picnic shelter.
You can also donate old bikes to be fixed up for those in need.
For more information about this event, contact Andrew at Bikes for Humanity at 503-496-9641.
Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference!
Save the date
Be sure to save Monday, Aug 10th at 7PM for the Wilkes East Neighborhood 2020 Summer Meeting. The meeting will be held online via Zoom meeting.
Gresham Police NET Team update
Columbia View Park Concept Plan
Recent Changes at City Hall
Gresham Parks Looming Budget Crisis
Neighborhood news and more
Seeking Board Members. Are you motivated, passionate, creative?
Did you know you can become a Member-at-Large at any time? Being a Board Member is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor, whether you’ve been on a board before or you're considering the idea for the first time. No experience required. Nominate yourself. Info here! or contact any board member. Get involved! Make a difference!
Who should attend?
Participation is open to all residents who live, own property or a business, organization, church or government agency within our boundaries
Be Part Of Your Community. Plan To Attend.
The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west. Get map!.
Watch for these red & white Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. The signs were purchased with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and with volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. Signs Now NW also made a generous contribution to this project.
Mark your calendar. See you there!
Questions or comments?
Contact Wilkes East Neighborhood by email at info@wilkeseastna.org, or by postal mail to: Wilkes East Neighborhood, 17104 NE Oregon St, Portland Oregon 97230
Thank You!
Wilkes East Neighborhood would like express our gratitude to the following for their generous contributions & continued support:
• Jazzy Bagels, Main St & Powell
• Parkrose Hardware, 106th & Sandy
• Growers Outlet, 162nd & Glisan
• SOLV, Bringing Oregon together
• Albertsons, 181st & Glisan
• And, all the many volunteers!