Stay Calm, It's Only A Test. First Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System: Nov 9, 2011 -11AM PST

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11/09/2011 - 11:00am
Stay Calm, It's Only A Test. First Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System: Nov 9, 2011 11:00AM (PT). Details here!


When: Wed Nov 9, 2011 11AM
Where: All Broadcast Media

A nationwide live test of the emergency alert system is planned for 11:00AM Pacific Standard Time (2:00PM EST) on Wednesday, Nov 9th.

The three-minute test will go out on radios and TVs, briefly interrupting normal programming.

The test is different than other tests in that it will present itself as an actual emergency announcement, not a test. Doing so allows the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Emergency Management Agency to test reliability of different parts of the emergency notification system chain.

Officials stress that though it will appear there is a real emergency, it is only a test.

For more information, go to: