SUN Green House and Garden Party at H.B. Lee Middel School, Everyone's Invited: Sep 21, 2011 2PM-5:30PM
Bring your shovel and gloves!
When: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 2PM-5:30PM |
Let's get dirty
Join us as we prepare the garden for fall. Bring your shovel and gloves and help us assemble our new greeehouse, raised bed kits, and do some basic garden maintenance such as pruning, weeding, watering --- and maybe even a bit of harvesting.
H.B. Lee Middle School’s SUN Community School is celebrating the addition of its new greenhouse by hosting an Autumn Greenhouse and Garden Event in the school garden September 21st.
Snacks will be provided, so grab your favorite shovel and come down!
Healthy learning
By adding this greenhouse to the garden SUN will be able to teach students gardening throughout school year and be able to implement its new “Garden Cooks” class. Monday's after school the students will work in the garden learning to raise crops. Then on Tuesday's the students will learn how to prepare the produce they've grown.
The goal is to teach students to make wholesome foods from scratch, discover basic food science, and understand the role healthy food has in our lives.
A BIG thank you
The new greenhouse and greenhouse equipment was graciously provided by a grant from Deseret Industries. Generous ongoing contributions and support will be provided by Portland Nursery. And, Guilds Lake Inn has been kind enough to donate the dry goods needed to make this class a reality.
More info?
Contact Cally Wolfer, Community Involvement Specialist with SUN Community School at H.B. Lee Middle School by phone at 503-706-2834 or email Metropolitan Family Service, 503-255-5686 ex.8048