Group to plan community events at Rockwood's Plaza del Sol. First meeting: Feb 10, 2010 5:30PM
Rockwood's Plaza del Sol, 187th & Stark.Click to enlarge |
Seeking creative people
When: Wednesday February 10, 2010 5:30PM
Where: El Compadre Loco (formerly Original Taco House)
18935 E Burnside
Gresham Oregon
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Meeting Notice
Members of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee are forming a work group to plan and promote community events to be held on the newly painted Plaza del Sol (formerly the Rockwood Fred Meyer site). Possible ideas are a Cinco de mayo and/or a multicultural Christmas event.
The first meeting will be held at 5:30PM on February 10, 2010 at El Comparde Loco on 189th & Burnside. If you would like to join our work group and help us plan and promote community events on Plaza del Sol plan to attend this meeting. (RSVP below).
RSVP Please
Contact Lori Stegmann, Vice Chair, Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee at 503-667-7971, or e-mail