Residential Districts Review - Innovative Housing Workshop: Jan 14, 2009
Your input is needed!
When: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:30PM
Where: Rooms 2A and 2B, 2nd Floor
Gresham City Hall
1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Share Your Thoughts With Us
Your input is needed on efforts to allow innovative housing in Gresham.
Property owners, business owners, residents and other interested parties are invited for a workshop at 6:30PM Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009 at City Hall. The meeting will be in Rooms 2A and 2B on the second floor of City Hall
Examples of innovative housing include:
- Cottages (often facing courtyards)
- Neighborhoods with a mix of housing types, such as single-family homes, duplexes, and tri-plexes
- Cluster developments that group housing onto one part of a site to preserve open space or natural features on the rest of the site
The City is considering changing its Development Code to allow innovative housing types or configurations. Some of the changes may be to existing land-use districts. Also under consideration is a demonstration projects code that would set up a separate process by which applicants could propose innovative housing developments.
Project information is available at the following Web address (click on Project Documents and Meeting Materials for the latest):
A draft demonstration projects code is scheduled to be available on the Web page on Thursday.
For questions or more information please contact Brian Martin, Associate Comprehensive Planner, City of Gresham at (503) 618-2266, or email