3.1 Magnitude Earthquake rattles North Portland early Monday morning Nov 19, 2012

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Did You Feel It??

Do You Have A Plan For a Cascadia Subduction Event?

Nov 19, 2012 Portland, OR
Monday morning at 6:15AM PST a 3.1 magnitude earthquake rattled the North Portland area beneath Kelly Point Park where the Willamette River joins the Columbia River. The quake occured at a depth of 11.8 miles. No reports of damage. If you felt the quake you are encourage to report it to http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/.

Last Friday morning at 5:19AM PST another quake occured in the same area beneath the Columbia Slough.

Scientist say these type of earthquakes are the best type of quake to have -- small and frequent; allowing local faults to gently release pent-up energy.

Visit http://www.pnsn.org/earthquakes/recent to view an interactive map of these and other recent Pacific Northwest earthquake locations. (Scroll mouse forward to zoom map. Left-click and hold to move map.).

Do you have a plan?
Oregon Emergency Management recommends that you store enough food and water for each family member to survive on your own for a minimum of seven days.

Create kits for home, work and especially your car. There's a 50-50 chance you'll be away from home when the Cascadia earthquake strikes. Car kits should include: 3-days of water and energy bars, flashlight, reflective blanket, disposable hand warmers, rain poncho, first-aid kit, comfort kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, tissue, etc).

Play it safe, be prepared.

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