North Gresham Neighborhood Association meeting, Public invited: Feb 13, 2012 7-9PM

"Change your Clock - Change Your Battery"
Check Your Smoke Detectors too

02/13/2012 - 7:00pm
02/13/2012 - 9:00pm
North Gresham Neighborhood Association meeting, Public invited: Feb 13, 2012 7-9PM.  Info Here!

North Gresham
Neighborhood Meeting

When: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7-9PM
Where: Hartley Elementary School
701 NE 185th
Gresham OR
Get Map!

Everyone's Invited
Join us for North Gresham Neighborhood Association's (NGNA) public meeting, Monday February 13th 7PM, at Hartley Elementary School, 701 NE 185th (1 block north of Glisan).

Jamie Stamberger from the Healthy Streams program will give a presentation on FREE resources for residents. This includes free native plants, trees, compost bin and bee blocks. This program will end on March 31st, so this is a limited opportunity. Additional programs she will cover are rain garden grants, downspout disconnect and discounted lawn tools. Here is a link for more info:

We'll also discuss plans for our 2nd annual neighborhood clean-up.

Let your neighbors know about this very informational meeting and we'll see you there!

Contact Kati Arzeta, President NGNA, by email at, Gresham neighrohoods map, NGNA website