Avoid Credit Card Fraud

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Simple steps to protecting yourself

The technology of 'plastic money' has many advantages. But, there are dangers too. Here are a few important tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of credit card fraud.

Sign your Card
Sign your credit card as soon as you receive it. Whenever you use plastic money, keep your eyes on it. Don't allow your credit card out of your vision, if it's possible. Be sure that you are giving your card to the right person. You should verify his/her identity prior to handing over your card.

Be Careful Giving your Account Number
Someday you may receive a phone call enquiring about your account number. You should never give your account number to a stranger unless you initiated the call, and only after you verify the credibility of the person to whom you are speaking.

Never reply to emails that ask you for your credit card details. If the email instructs you to visit a certain website to verify your personal information related to your credit card- DO NOT trust them! Always check the credibility of a website before you pass on any information. Most card issuers will never ask you to verify your account information online.

Don't write your PIN on your Card
Never write your PIN on your credit card. You must shield your confidential details so as to prevent its accessibility to anybody. You need to tear up (or better, shred) all credit card correspondence you receive. Even if you think they're useless. You must keep every detail of your bank account in a safe place.

Don't Carry Cards that are Not Needed
Carry only those credit cards which you use frequently. You are not required to carry all your credit cards every time you are out shopping. Always review your credit card bills promptly. If you find anything wrong, enquire about it, or inform your credit card company immediately.

Destroy your Incorrect Receipts
Personally destroy all incorrect receipts. Never sign a blank receipt after using a credit card. If the receipt uses a carbon paper, destroy it immediately after use. It is always preferable to carry your credit cards in some small secure pouch to prevent pick-pockets for taking them.

Don't let others use your Card
Don't lend your credit card to anyone. Whenever you move, you are required to notify your credit card issuers in advance of your new address. It is possible even after taking precautions that your credit card is lost or stolen. In either case, you need to contact the issuer immediately. Most organizations have 'round the clock representatives available to assist with these sorts of emergencies.