Build a Rain Garden by May 31 and Receive up to $100 from the City

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Build a Rain Garden by May 31 and Receive up to $100 from the City. Info here!
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Install a rain garden into your landscape and you could be eligible for up to $100 rebate

Build a Rain Garden

A rain garden is landscaping that absorbs water from your roof or driveway.

Homeowners are catching on to rain gardens, a shallow depression in a yard that collects rainwater and sports a variety of flowers, shrubs and grasses.

$100 rain garden grants available

Planning to landscape this spring? By installing a rain garden into your landscape to manage stormwater from your home, you could be eligible for up to $100 from the City and East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Ten rain garden grants ($100 maximum per garden) are available to Gresham residents.

Rain Garden Grant Application and Details

Getting started

Rain Garden Guidelines
Downspout Disconnection Information
Rain Garden Plant List (Sun and Shade)
Rain Garden Sunny Plant Palette
Rain Garden Shady Plant Palette
Native Plant Suppliers
Commonly Asked Questions
Visit Gresham Rain Gardens

Rain Garden and Downspout Disconnection Suitability Zones - This map shows the probability that a rain garden, downspout disconnection, or other stormwater management technique can be safely implemented on your property. It does not guarantee the safety of stormwater management on any property. Call Jamie Stamberger, 503-618-2793, if you would like assistance determining rain garden and downspout suitability on your property.

Free rain garden assistance

Gresham residents are eligible for free rain garden site visits from City staff. At these home visits, we offer free advice on how to build rain gardens, where a rain garden is suitable in the landscape and information on planting with native plants. Contact Jamie Stamberger at 503-618-2793 or

Lewis and Clark Discovery Rain Garden
More Gardening Tips