WENA Quarterly Meeting at St Aidan's: Mar 22, 2010 7PM

Click here to learn about the history of the Christmas tree and how it became a holiday tradition

03/22/2010 - 7:00pm
Wilkes East Neighborhood, Gresham Oregon. Diversity, Harmony, Community - Together we can make a difference!

  • Neighborhood news
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements along Halsey (162nd-181st)
  • PDX Airport North Runway Construction May-Oct 2010

Come to the Neighborhood Meeting

When: Monday, Mar 22, 2010 7:00PM
Where: St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church
17405 NE Glisan St
Get map!

Save the date!

Be sure to save Monday, Mar 22nd at 7:00 PM to attend the next Wilkes East Neighborhood Meeting. Learn what's going-on in your neighborhood. Discuss issues important to our community. (See full story for Agenda below).

Join Your Neighbors. Get involved. Make a difference.

Who should attend?

This meeting is open to all residents and businesses in the Wilkes East Neighborhood! Be a part of your community, plan to attend.

The Wilkes East Neighborhood is located in the Northwest corner of the City of Gresham, Oregon, and is one of Gresham's sixteen neighborhoods. Wilkes East Neighborhood borders are roughly NE Sandy Blvd to the north, NE 181st Ave to the east, NE Glisan St to the south, and NE 162nd Ave to the west.

Click here to view neighborhood map!.


  • Neighborhood news
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements along Halsey (162nd-181st)
    Jonathan David
    Gresham Transportation Dept
  • PDX Airport North Runway Construction Update
    Brooke Berglund
    Community Affairs Tour and Outreach Manager
    Port of Portland

Watch for the Signs

Wilkes East Neighborhood Meeting Signs. Info here!

Please watch for these Meeting Signs the week before our meeting. They are white with red printing and will be posted at intersections. We were able purchase these signs with assistance of the City of Gresham Neighborhood Grant Program, and volunteer hours to set them out and retrieve them. SIGNS NOW also made a generous contribution to this project.

Questions or comments?

Please email your comments or questions to info@wilkeseastna.org

Wilkes East Neighborhood Association
PO Box 536
Fairview, OR 97024