UPDATE: Friends of Trees to add new trees at Columbia View park: Jan 9, 2010 10AM

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01/09/2010 - 10:00am
Friends of Trees, Wilkes East<br />
tree plantings: Jan 9, 2010. Info here!

Growing Healthy Communities.

Friends of Trees planting event
at Columbia View park.

Saturday Jan 9, 2010 10AM

Growing Communities

Friends of Trees has been planting trees in communities for 20 years, helping to reduce air pollution and stormwater runoff, as well as beautifying our neighborhoods.

New Trees for Our Neighborhood

This winter, Friends of Trees is coming to Gresham and conducting a tree planting in the Wilkes East and Kelly Creek neighborhoods. Get neighborhoods map!

In the Wilkes East Neighborhood 3 new Scarlet Oak trees will be planted at the south end of Columbia View Park. These trees were purchased by the City of Gresham thru Friends of Trees who will be assisting with the planting. Volunteers will be needed at Columbia View Park for the planting. Note: time change

UPDATE: The Nadaka Nature Park tree planting event is cancelled. It is rescheduled for March 27, 2010. Watch website for details.

  • Columbia View Park
    NE 169th & NE Pacific Dr
    Get Map!

Volunteer Opportunity

To get a planting in your neighborhood and/or volunteer to plant with us, just go to www.FriendsofTrees.org, or contact Kate by phone 503-282-8846 or email KateF@FriendsofTrees.org. For information about Nadaka Nature Park or Columbia View Park contact Lee Dayfield by email at leedayfield@wilkeseastna.org

About Columbia View Park

Columbia View Park is a 7.48 acre undeveloped park located at 1050 NE 169th Ave. This park may not have the amenities that other parks have, but it is definitely a beautiful park! The park is perfect for spending time with nature. Located in the Wilkes East neighborhood, it provides access for many people. Get Map!


Nadaka Nature Park is supported in part through the generous efforts of these organizations:

Audubon Society of Portland. Building a region where people and wildlife flourish together.  Info here!
Audubon Society
of Portland
The Trust for Public Land conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens, and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come.
Conserving Land
for People
East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District: We help people care for their land

East Multnomah
Soil & Water
Conservation District
Your elected regional government, Metro is helping to make the Portland metropolitan area an extraordinary place to live, work and play.
Oregon Metro
St Aidan's Episcopal Church, Gresham Oregon. Spread the Promise of Jesus Christ in and beyond our community through worship, education, fellowship, and outreach.
St Aidan's
Episcopal Church
Wilkes East Neighborhood, PO Box 536, Fairview OR 97024. Diversity, Harmony, Community -- Together we can make a difference
Columbia Slough Watershed Council, Portland OR. To foster action to protect, enhance, restore and revitalize the Slough and its watershed