Update: What's happening with the Gresham Overlay Project?
We are reaching out to let you know about the City’s “Environmental Overlay Code and Map Update” project, which will update Gresham’s environmental protection regulations. The update is designed to continue allowing development while streamlining the process and minimizing negative impacts to our natural resources, property, public health, and public safety for the Gresham community.
Why are we reaching out to you now?
- To let you know we are changing the code and where we are in the process.
- To give you a heads-up that we will have more information and opportunity for you to give us feedback and ask questions soon (September 9th).
What does this mean for you?
- You can learn why Gresham’s natural resource areas are important.
- You can find out if your property is located in an environmental overlay area and what this means.
- You can learn about the proposed updated code and to use it to protect the community’s valuable natural resources.
How can you get involved?
- Aug 2020- Staff review of draft code
- Sep 09, 2020- Draaft code ad maps available for public reiew
- Sep 17, 2020- Public work sessions
- Oct 2020- Incorporate comments and writing reports
- Nov 23, 2020- Planning Commission
- Dec 15, 2020- City Council Hearing
Draft Code sections plus updated maps for Hillside and Natural Resource overlay areas within the City will be available for public review throughout September. In addition to public Zoom sessions, staff will be available to receive your feedback, answer questions, or provide clarifications about this project through the end of September via email at: Overlays@GreshamOregon.gov.
Property owners who fall within the environmental overlay areas will be notified of the proposed code and map changes and meeting dates by mail in September and again in late October. At that time interested parties will have the opportunity to submit formal comments until the December 15th Council Hearing.
Information about the project, including project timeline and links for engagement activities in September, can be found on the project website. Sign up to receive project updates at https://t.e2ma.net/click/8mffbc/ghow07/smg30k.