Nadaka Park Winter Cleanup #2 Sunday Jan 4, 2009

Click here to learn about the history of the Christmas tree and how it became a holiday tradition

01/04/2009 - 9:00am
01/04/2009 - 3:00pm
Nadaka Park Winter Cleanup #2: Sunday Jan 4, 2009

Let's Celebrate New Year Outdoors!

Bring your clippers and gloves to Nadaka Park, Sunday Jan 4th!

When: Sunday Jan 4, 2009 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Where: Nadaka Park
NE 176th Ave and NE Pacific St
(Click here for a map)
Gresham, OR

Nadaka Winter Cleanup #2

On Sunday, January 4th from 9:00AM to 3:00PM the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association will be holding the second of three Winter cleanup's at Nadaka Park. Come on by and give us a hand! Dress warmly. Bring your gloves, clippers, and yard tools.

If you haven't stopped by Nadaka Park lately you owe it to yourself to see the many improvements made over the past several months!

One More Nadaka Cleanup Date

  • Sunday, Feb 01, 2009 9;00AM-3:00PM

SOLV Nadaka Park Cleanup: Earth Day, April 18, 2008

A big Nadaka Park cleanup event is being planned with SOLV in celebration of Earth Day on Saturday, April 18, 2009. Don't miss this opportunity to help improve our park --- and improve our planet too!

For more information about Nadaka Park cleanups or to get involved with Friends of Nadaka contact Lee Dayfield by phone (503) 998-1044, or email