Pitch in to document Gresham's bird lifeSurvey points throughout Gresham's natural and urban areas. No experience necessary. Training in survey protocol and bird identification is available. |
This is a great opportunity for residents to learn about birds right in their neighborhood while contributing to citizen science and helping Gresham be a better steward of bird habitat.
Volunteers survey weekly in natural areas and urban sites; surveys take an average of 2 hours. Minimum commitment of 3 surveys is requested.
Bird survey data helps the City of Gresham be a better steward of natural areas and understand the role of urban habitats.
More info?
Contact Ivy Watson, Restoration and Outreach Steward, City of Gresham Natural Resources Program, Northwest Youth Corps AmeriCorps Member at 503-618-2383 or ivy.watson@greshamoregon.com.