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Volunteers Needed
When: Saturday July 26, 2008 9AM - 12PM
Where: Nadaka Park
NE 176th Ave and NE Pacific St
(Click here for a map)
Gresham, OR
Join your neighbors at Nadaka Park to clear invasive species and beautify the north facing entrance. This project will not only encourage native growth within the natural area, but increase security by opening the view into the park and help support future funding for park improvements.
Bring gloves and clippers if you have them! Come anytime during these hours & help as long as you can.
For question or information contact Rachel Zarfas (503) 618-2789 Rachel.Zarfas@ci.gresham.or.us, or Lee Dayfield (503) 998-1044 leedayfield@wilkeseastna.org.