2015 Reynolds School Bond Seeks Voter Support on May 19


2015 Reynolds School Bond Seeks Voter Support on May 19 ballot. $125M bond will improve district wide security, replace three schools, upgrade high school. Info here!
Reynolds School District seeks $125M bond for improved security, school replacements, upgrades

By Valerie Tewksbury
Citizens for Safe Reynolds Schools

Measure 26-143 asks Reynolds School District voters to approve a capital bond authorizing $125 million in construction on the May 19, 2015 ballot. This bond is projected to cost $1.56 per $1000, the same tax rate as our patrons’ 2014 Property Tax Bill.

The completion of these projects would improve the learning environment for thousands of our students. Modern spaces cost less to operate and the savings can be used to make additional improvements throughout the district. The Bond Projects include:

Safety & Security Upgrades at All Schools
All buildings will have improvements to safety and security, including secure controlled access entrances that require visitors to go through the office to enter the building, automatic door locks on exterior doors, and improved lighting and cameras.

Replace Troutdale, Fairview, and Wilkes Elementary Schools
This bond will include the replacement of three elementary schools, Troutdale, Fairview (each is 88 years old), and Wilkes (101 years old). Recommendations to replace these schools were based on safety and security concerns, including collapse in a seismic event, as well as other needed capital repairs, such as windows, roofs, HVAC, electrical and plumbing. Replacing these schools will also increase capacity for future growth.

Wilkes Elementary has experienced water leaks, plumbing backups inside the school, and depressions on the property. Safety and security concerns include: collapse in seismic event; evacuation plan for one classroom from windows and over window wells in the basement (fall hazard). Go to http://vimeo.com/channels/rsdfacilities for videos on conditions at all three schools.

Replacing these schools will assure that 100% of the investment will be returned and will reset the life of the school to another 75-100 years and assure that heating, plumbing, roofing and play areas are modern, fully functioning and safe. Current construction techniques and school design will lead to lower operating costs and higher educational outcomes.

View slideshow The Oregonian, Mar 03, 2015

Renovate Reynolds High School
Enrollment at RHS is 750 students greater than the building’s capacity, making it the most over-crowded facility in the district. Bond projects would add 18 classrooms, new, modern science labs, and enlarge the commons area to accommodate the number of students. Security would be improved by connecting all buildings with hallways so students will not be leaving the main building during passing times, and installing a secure controlled access entryway so visitors are required to go through the office before entering the building.

How You Can Help
Please vote YES on your May ballot on Measure 26-143. Donations and volunteers are also needed to reach voters through mail and in person. Please contact Valerie Tewksbury, chair of Citizens for Safe Reynolds Schools at valerie@reynoldsbond.org or (503) 804-7010, and like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/safereynolds.