Let's Go Walking!When: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:30AM-5PM |
This approximately 3.5-mile hike starts at Steigerwald Refuge, which is at the west end of the Columbia River Gorge near Washougal, Wash. We will hike one spur of the refuge trail, then go east along the dike, and return to our vehicles via the other section of the refuge trail. After our hike we will travel back down Highway 14 a couple of miles for lunch at the Captain William Clark Park, where there are picnic facilities. Bring water and snacks for the along trail and a sack lunch to eat at the park. Wear comfortable walking shoes.
- Round-trip travel: 55 miles
- Suggested donation per rider: $7
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation gain: Minimal
More info
Contact Sandy Anderson at 503-761-1375 or sandya14@msn.com.
Pets are not permitted on our hikes or walks.