Christmas Tree Recycing: Jan 5th & 6th
By admin - Posted on December 23rd, 2007
01/05/2008 - 9:00am
01/05/2008 - 4:00pm
Final Weekend...
Recycle Your Tree, Help Boy Scouts Troup 820 Too!
WHEN: 9:00AM - 4:00PM!
- Dec 29-30, 2007 Sat/Sun
- Jan 01, 2008 Tues
- Jan 05-06, 2008 Sat/Sun
WHERE: Two convenient locations!
- K/P Automative
162nd & NE Halsey St - Rite Aid Store
181st & NE Glisan St
COST: Donations
Deliver your tree to one of the above locations.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a pick-up contact Jim at 503-669-0726
Don't forget Boy Scouts Troop 820 collects pop cans for activities all year long!!
"We are your pop can recycler of choice."